Author Topic: Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy  (Read 5773 times)


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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #195 on: April 13, 2003, 09:45:44 AM »
Originally posted by Zembla
I'm not anti-American, I'm anti-Bush

Oh I see, so by you being "anti-Bush" anything that he does no matter what you will stil be opposed to it because you are "anti-Bush."

And it isn't it hillarious how somebody who states he is no matter what completly against one person (anti-Bush) brags about being "nuanced."

So whoever you are I think you are being a short sighted, ignorant and hateful hypocrite.

"" ya fool...


Offline Sox62

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #196 on: April 13, 2003, 10:05:06 AM »
Originally posted by Zembla
Saddam Hussein is a media-horny man, he loves to stand in the spot lights, his little torn up army posed no threat to surrounding nations, but YET you invade Iraq.

Huh?His army posed no threat to surrounding nations?

Ok,let's refresh your memory.

In 1980,Hussein's army invaded Iraq after he regarded the 1975 treaty as a "truce",and not a definitive settlemant.

In 1991,Hussein's army invaded Kuwait.

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #197 on: April 13, 2003, 10:08:14 AM »
Do these people who say "I am not against the american people, I am against the american government.", realize that in america the people ARE the government ?

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #198 on: April 13, 2003, 08:12:56 PM »
Originally posted by Captain Virgil Hilts
Try telling the average Iraqi citizen that removing Saddam had little or no benefit. If Bush holds true to his word (no reason to think he won't), the U.S. will be out of there as soon as it is stable and they can elect their own government. That will do more than anything to convince the Arab world that we don't WANT to conquer them or colonize them.  

If Bush holds true to his word?  There has been alot of ifs and buts recently in the media about the USs position with regards to the future of Iraq.  Who will rule it, coaltions or muslims?  Muslims?  Will it be shia or sunni?  Shia is the majority, so what faction of the Shia do you choose?  Is it the faction of the guy who was just murdered by other Shias days after returning to Iraq from London?  Or what about the warlords in the township next to him?

Or else maybe the threat that if you install the only regime possible which is Iraqi and fair (Shia) is also the religion of its neighbour, Iran?  These people dont give a f*ck about borders, religion is their only vice and if 2 countries bordering each other have the same religious tendencies, there will be a common bond.

Remember, Iran is also part of the 'Axis of evil'.  So what then?

I really fear this is questions which, i will give Bush/Blair the benefit of the doubt they have considered, but I doubt very much they have found a solution.  Cos there is none.
Originally posted by Captain Virgil Hilts

You should really study Israel a LOT more closely. It isn't ignorance that drives the "Palestinians". It's fear. Arafat is Saddam on a smaller scale, and backed by more small parties (read: Hamas, Hezbolla, Islamic Jihad, PLO, PLA, and others). The average "Palestinian" doesn't have much choice, Arafat and the rest keep them in their current condition for the express purpose of creating the "cause" against Israel. And Arafat is a freakin EGYPTIAN for crying out loud and NOT a "Palestinian". They manufacture those homicide bombers. They ARE educated, just not with the truth. If you think the Israel-"Palestine" problem can be solved without crushing Arafat and the rest I listed on an order of magnitude about ten times that of what was done to Saddam, you are in for a rude surprise.

What makes you believe that the Palestinians are simply sheep that will follow Arafat and dont actually believe it is their will and right to have their own homeland?  Daily, the Israelis claim more and more of Palestinian land for their own 'settlements' and the people of Palestine are subjected to daily attacks on their life.

Im not condoning the actions of terrorists, but you simply dismiss them offhand as if they have no cause and are just simply stupid and brainwashed.  What proof do you have of that exactly?

How does the US intend to solve the problem of Palestine?  Or what now of Syria?  I could be misinformed, but I heard today from a guy in Finland (neutral?) that GWB was on the news saying that Israel has WMDs and has been helping Iraq.  Does he mean they are next?  Are you going alone?  What is the purpose now?  Where does it end?

Originally posted by Captain Virgil Hilts

You've got a lot to learn if you think the UN can re educate those people peacefully and we'll all sing Kumbaya and live happily ever after. Fanatical terrorism responds to one thing and one thing only. Overwhelming force. The people responsible for the terrorism are not "average Palestinians", they are fanatical terrorists who hate western democracy and everything it espouses.

Did the IRA respond only to overwhelming force?  They are the most recent terrorist organisation that has been subdued and so are a worthy example.  Living in Scotland, I am only too aware of the problems that are caused by the conflict in NI.  The religious hatred has scarred my country and even more, my home city Glasgow.

For nigh on a century the IRA fought the UK Govt.  Well, they fought the Govt for the largest part.  Then recently (in last 20-30 years) they became desperate and started attacking civilian targets.

So how did we get through this terrorism on our doorstep?  We spoke to them, we looked at the problems they had in general and had with us specifically.  And through dialogue we, to a great extent, solved them.

Trust me when i say the situations are the same.  The only difference is the magnitude.  And the solution is, imo, definitely the same.

Some will not listen to reason no matter the circumstances, hence why the current war was necessary imo.  The next logical step however is a peaceful resolution to the Palestinian problem, not to mention prolonged and sustained aid.  Im starting to have doubts, given the noises coming out of Washington, that this is everyone's priority.

Originally posted by Captain Virgil Hilts

You couldn't be more wrong. Study history. They (the "Palestinians") were abandoned by their Arab brethren after they tried to destroy Israel, which is a sovereign nation recognized by every major nation in the world EXCEPT the Arab nations that tried to destroy it. The "Palestinians" were refused entry or were driven out of Jordan and other countries by their own Arab brethren (see Black September), because the Arabs did not WANT them. King Hussien of Jordan FORCED them out of Jordan. If you believe that homicide bombers are just everyday people who are opressed and despondent you couldn't be more wrong. They are EDUCATED to believe that all that is not Islam is their enemy, and that they will be rewarded with paradise for killing themselves. That is as far from average and ordinary as you can get. If it were average and ordinary there would be tens of thousands of them and there are not.

Be truthful.  Israel was a country created by us (the West) after the end of WWII when the Jews needed a homeland.  We had the Middle East by the balls and told them, effectively, we were taking the land we now call Israel.  They got a few concessions (keep schtum and we wont stop the aid) and the Israelis had their land.  But they werent happy with this.  In the name of 'protecting' themselves, they have dug deeper and deeper in to Palestinian terrority and violated the basic human rights of the people living there.

They have also broken numerous UN resolutions with regards to the welfare of the Palestinian people, not to mention many indiscriminate rocket attacks on suspected terrorists in urban streets, with absolute and complete disregard for the innocent civilians.

Do you really believe the Palestinians feel free and able to speak as they please, walk where they please, get the education they deserve, get the jobs that gives them a chance of a decent way of life?

They have none of those rights, the Israelis with our help removed every one of them years ago.  Sad when you think about it, aint it?  :(


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You "COULD" be misinformed?
« Reply #199 on: April 13, 2003, 09:02:16 PM »
Glas, I'll only spend time on one thing here, since it is Sunday night and I've other things to do.

Did you READ what you typed"  

You typed "I heard from a guy in Finland who said "Bush said Israel has WMD and has been helping Iraq".

I'll ask you again, DID YOU READ THAT?

Israel has WMD. No toejam !!!!! Israel has nukes, and has had for years.

Israel has been helping IRAQ??????? You ARE kidding aren't you? Did you MISS the last Gulf War???????? You know, where Saddam was lobbing SCUDs at Israel???? Did you miss the Israeli attack on Saddam's nuclear reactor that the French gave him??????

Check your sources bud and get better educated. The IRA is a LOT different than radical Islam, you have a great deal of experience with that situation, but it simply does not apply to the middle east and especially Israel and "Palestine".

I may spend more time on the rest of your issues later, but right now I've got this really cute woman over here that wants my undivided attention. I'm done for the night.
"I haven't seen Berlin yet, from the ground or the air, and I plan on doing both, BEFORE the war is over."


Offline Martlet

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #200 on: April 13, 2003, 10:02:51 PM »
Originally posted by Zembla

Don't you think it is funny to see that nobody really replies to your statements directly any longer? Go build a sand castle or something kiddo...

Only those of you I've proven wrong so many times they save themselves the embarrassment.

Congratulations, you've made that ranking.

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Re: You "COULD" be misinformed?
« Reply #201 on: April 14, 2003, 11:48:40 AM »
Originally posted by Captain Virgil Hilts
Glas, I'll only spend time on one thing here, since it is Sunday night and I've other things to do.

Did you READ what you typed"  

You typed "I heard from a guy in Finland who said "Bush said Israel has WMD and has been helping Iraq".

Sorry, must have been a beer to many when i wrote that post.  I did, of course, mean Syria.  Apologies for the confusion.


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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #202 on: April 14, 2003, 02:28:27 PM »
Originally posted by Martlet
Only those of you I've proven wrong so many times they save themselves the embarrassment.

Congratulations, you've made that ranking.

Lol, perhaps you could say it often enough so that you actually start believing it yourself...

I'm no longer going to waste my time replying to somebody like you that doesn't even WANTS to understand  :rolleyes:

BTW add someone to the list of "being ignored by:"

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #203 on: April 14, 2003, 03:10:38 PM »
Originally posted by Zembla
Lol, perhaps you could say it often enough so that you actually start believing it yourself...

I'm no longer going to waste my time replying to somebody like you that doesn't even WANTS to understand  :rolleyes:

BTW add someone to the list of "being ignored by:"

Excellent.  I've noticed all those I'm ignored by are the propaganda spewers, with no argument.

Offline Malin

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #204 on: May 02, 2003, 07:42:00 AM »
Apologies for the delay I've been busy.

You should really study Israel a LOT more closely. It isn't ignorance that drives the "Palestinians". It's fear. Arafat is Saddam on a smaller scale, and backed by more small parties (read: Hamas, Hezbolla, Islamic Jihad, PLO, PLA, and others). The average "Palestinian" doesn't have much choice, Arafat and the rest keep them in their current condition for the express purpose of creating the "cause" against Israel. And Arafat is a freakin EGYPTIAN for crying out loud and NOT a "Palestinian". They manufacture those homicide bombers. They ARE educated, just not with the truth. If you think the Israel-"Palestine" problem can be solved without crushing Arafat and the rest I listed on an order of magnitude about ten times that of what was done to Saddam, you are in for a rude surprise.

I have studied it closely alot more than you seem to think. It's not fear it's despair. We are the ones creating the terrorists by allowing the situation to remain, Israel is not far from Nazism in what they are doing, persecution, unjustified murder. By Israel continually persecuting innocent civilians and by us allowing them to do so creates a situation not only in Palestine but in other nations where normal people want to get a message across that it's wrong. This is where groups like Hezbolla come in by taking these people and convincing them that the only worthwhile statement you can make that will make a difference is by blowing yourself up and taking a whole load of innocent poeple with you.

If "WE" the West stopped this (Which I'm glad to see they are intending to do with the 5 year plan) then groups like Hezbolla and others will find it alot harder to find recruits.

You've got a lot to learn if you think the UN can re educate those people peacefully and we'll all sing Kumbaya and live happily ever after. Fanatical terrorism responds to one thing and one thing only. Overwhelming force. The people responsible for the terrorism are not "average Palestinians", they are fanatical terrorists who hate western democracy and everything it espouses.

Only by education can you remove ignorance. And education from an early enough stage along with things like tolerance and understanding will go alot further than anything else to resolving problems. In regards to your comment on "Overwhelming force" if that did work then why the hell did Osama Bin Laden attack the United States knowing that they had "Overwhelming force" (more to the point how could he succeed when the US of A has such a "large" military).

Overwhelming force is outdated and from experience gained by figthing the IRA, Red Brigade and other terrorrists (Most of which were funded by the good old US of A) is not the correct way to remove the problem. Until you realise this you're doomed to wasting billions of $ every year in defense spending instead of improving your way of life and that of others around you. Instead of posturing and pissing everyone off why not look at what happened in Europe in the 80's with terrorism and how we resolved it before making silly statements about "Overwhelming force".

I'll leave you for the moment with a question. Whats the link between "Overwhelming Force" and "Gun Crime".

« Last Edit: May 02, 2003, 07:51:50 AM by Malin »

Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #205 on: May 02, 2003, 09:56:19 AM »
Originally posted by Malin
Apologies for the delay I've been busy.


I have studied it closely alot more than you seem to think. It's not fear it's despair. We are the ones creating the terrorists by allowing the situation to remain, Israel is not far from Nazism in what they are doing, persecution, unjustified murder. By Israel continually persecuting innocent civilians and by us allowing them to do so creates a situation not only in Palestine but in other nations where normal people want to get a message across that it's wrong. This is where groups like Hezbolla come in by taking these people and convincing them that the only worthwhile statement you can make that will make a difference is by blowing yourself up and taking a whole load of innocent poeple with you.


It is neither fear nor despair, it is HATRED . The groups perpetrating the terrorism don't want peace with Israel. They want to possess the land, and the more dead Jews are lying on it the better. Witness the homicide bombing that occurred immediately after the new PM of Palestine was sworn in and the "Road Map for Peace" was delivered. Never mind the fact that Hamas, Hezbollah, and Islamic Jihad have all openly and publicly stated that they WILL NOT stop committing terrorist acts, and they WILL NOT surrender their weapons and explosives to the new PM. If you think the Israelis are commiting genocide against the "Palestinians" on the level of Nazi Germany, then you are so terribly deluded I'll not bother to debate this with you. Just forget it.

Oh, and by the way, if the "Palestinians" wanted peace, why did they turn down the "Oslo Accord" which gave them nearly everything they wanted, and in which Israel, at the behest of CLINTON, conceeded things they never should have? Why have they been more violent since the CLINTON foreign policy disaster of 9/2000 than in any other time in recent history? Why? BECAUSE THEY DON'T WANT PEACE, THEY WANT DEAD ISRAELIS!!!!


If "WE" the West stopped this (Which I'm glad to see they are intending to do with the 5 year plan) then groups like Hezbolla and others will find it alot harder to find recruits.


We've been restraining Israel for decades. Who do you think stopped them in 1972? Who has stopped Israel from even going in to the "Palestenian" zone in force to take out Hamas, Hezbollah, and Islamic Jihad? Israel, at the behest of the U.S., has been exercising a lot of restraint, more than they should, and more than we should demand.



Only by education can you remove ignorance. And education from an early enough stage along with things like tolerance and understanding will go alot further than anything else to resolving problems. In regards to your comment on "Overwhelming force" if that did work then why the hell did Osama Bin Laden attack the United States knowing that they had "Overwhelming force" (more to the point how could he succeed when the US of A has such a "large" military).


What caused Bin Laden to think he could get away with 9/11/01 is CLINTON. CLINTON, who failed to take the deal when Bin Laden was offered to him on a silver platter. CLINTON, who shot a couple of cruise missiles at an aspirin factory as an answer to the embassy bombings. CLINTON, who failed to respond to the attack on the Cole. CLINTON, who sent a couple dozen Rangers and three or four Blackhawks into Somalia, when they needed armor he denied them armor, when they needed to go back to finish the job, he said no, and then the scumbag was so stupid and arrogant as to ask them why they even wanted to recover the bodies of their fallen. CLINTON's gutless craven cowardice is what made Bin Laden think he could get away with it.


Overwhelming force is outdated and from experience gained by figthing the IRA, Red Brigade and other terrorrists (Most of which were funded by the good old US of A) is not the correct way to remove the problem. Until you realise this you're doomed to wasting billions of $ every year in defense spending instead of improving your way of life and that of others around you. Instead of posturing and pissing everyone off why not look at what happened in Europe in the 80's with terrorism and how we resolved it before making silly statements about "Overwhelming force".

I'll leave you for the moment with a question. Whats the link between "Overwhelming Force" and "Gun Crime".


Here's your answer. THERE IS NONE . You know nothing of what you speak. You need only look at the number of terrorist attacks since operations in Afghanistan began. That's right, terrorist activity is at a 25 YEAR low since 1/2001. So much for your theory. Malin, we have nothing to debate, you do not understand what has happened, nor do you understand what is happening. I'll not waste further time with you.
"I haven't seen Berlin yet, from the ground or the air, and I plan on doing both, BEFORE the war is over."


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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #206 on: May 02, 2003, 02:09:10 PM »
We have nothing to debate because you believe the only answer to any problem is "over whelming force" or "over whelming abuse".

You don't have all the answers and neither do I, but where you're to busy trying to just piss everyone off by your blatant accusations and abuse I'm trying to broaden your mind into thinking theres more to the situation than you believe.

The groups perpetrating the terrorism don't want peace with Israel.

Read what I said.
This is where groups like Hezbolla come in by taking these people and convincing them that the only worthwhile statement you can make that will make a difference is by blowing yourself up and taking a whole load of innocent poeple with you.

Given the choice any normal citizen of Palestine wants peace, the problem is by the persecution they are recieving from the Israeli's allows groups like Hezbolla to exist. Remove the persecution and 95% of those terrorist attacks will cease.

You say:

Oh, and by the way, if the "Palestinians" wanted peace, why did they turn down the "Oslo Accord" which gave them nearly everything they wanted,

How come everyone else says including your own press that the Oslo peace accord of September 1993 failed, because powerful Israeli interests and their U.S.-based allies caused it to fail. In an interview that September, U.S. Presidential pre-candidate Lyndon LaRouche forecast prophetically, that, unless immediate progress were made on the economic aspects of the peace agreements, "enemies of progress and enemies of the human race, such as Henry Kissinger and his friends, will be successful, through people like Ariel Sharon's buddies, in intervening to drown this agreement in chaos and blood."

That is, in short, what happened. By handing control over economic development programs appended to the Oslo treaty to the World Bank, Kissinger's friends ensured that no large-scale infrastructure would be built. Instead of enjoying a peace dividend in terms of better living conditions, the Palestinians would experience a deterioration of their already disastrous conditions. This would generate demoralization, and rage—the primary ingredients for radicalization—particularly among youth, rendering them vulnerable to recruitment into extremist organizations, such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad, which are opposed to peace.

Looks like events proved Lyndon correct.

You say:

You need only look at the number of terrorist attacks since operations in Afghanistan began. That's right, terrorist activity is at a 25 YEAR low since 1/2001.

Prove it... show me the figures and don't forget to count all the suicide bombings in Israel along with the retalitory raids made by the Israeli's which are also classified as acts of terrorism. Don't forgot the India/Pakistan problems either, oh and btw you might want to look at Malaysia.

Do you really think I'll back down just because you use overwhelming aggression in your posts. Until you start to think instead of just yelling all you do is make yourself look stupid.


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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #207 on: May 02, 2003, 02:23:14 PM »
Originally posted by Malin
We are the ones creating the terrorists by allowing the situation to remain, Israel is not far from Nazism in what they are doing, persecution, unjustified murder. By Israel continually persecuting innocent civilians and by us allowing them to do so creates a situation not only in Palestine but in other nations where normal people want to get a message across that it's wrong.  

Unadulterated rubbish ... :rolleyes:


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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #208 on: May 02, 2003, 02:39:07 PM »
Unadulterated rubbish ...

Prove it,

Prove they arn't killing women and children. Prove they arn't destroying the basic infrastructure of Palestine forcing people to live in abject poverty (no running water, no electricity, no basic services) Prove they arn't forcing the Palestines into isolation by building fences around the areas they live and not allowing them freedom of travel. Prove that the idea of suicide bombing didn't come from Baruch Goldstein, a fanatical Israeli settler of the Kach movement, who opened fire on a group of praying Muslims, killing 50, in a Hebron mosque, on Feb. 25, 1994? Prove that the World Bank which was given the task of developing Palestine under the Oslo accord didn't decide that a Casino was a high priority project and that the supply of electricity to the population was considered low priority. Prove that in 1999, only 600 Palestinians were allowed to enter and exit the West Bank and Gaza, while the remaining 2 million were confined.

Well do you want me to continue?


Offline Martlet

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Al Jeerez reporting that Saddam is in Russian Embassy
« Reply #209 on: May 02, 2003, 02:47:41 PM »
Originally posted by Malin
Prove it,

Prove they arn't killing women and children. Prove they arn't destroying the basic infrastructure of Palestine forcing people to live in abject poverty (no running water, no electricity, no basic services) Prove they arn't forcing the Palestines into isolation by building fences around the areas they live and not allowing them freedom of travel. Prove that the idea of suicide bombing didn't come from Baruch Goldstein, a fanatical Israeli settler of the Kach movement, who opened fire on a group of praying Muslims, killing 50, in a Hebron mosque, on Feb. 25, 1994? Prove that the World Bank which was given the task of developing Palestine under the Oslo accord didn't decide that a Casino was a high priority project and that the supply of electricity to the population was considered low priority. Prove that in 1999, only 600 Palestinians were allowed to enter and exit the West Bank and Gaza, while the remaining 2 million were confined.

Well do you want me to continue?


And that OKs suicide bombing how?