If Israel is blameless then how do you explain these:
Bombing of a refugee camp by an F16.
This is terrorism, plain and simple.
A 200,000 people town with 150 Jewish colons.
Dumb people no doubt, would you settle in a town populated by Al-Quaeda supporters? I wouldnt.
Then when those colonists get attacked they send in the tanks to protect those "illegal" colonies.
Yeah, Israel is blameless
You seem to forget that most Palestinians live in poverty.
They have no hope for a better future, which makes it easy to convince them to blow themselves up since they have nothing to live for. The only way this conflict can be settled is for the Palestinians to start believing in a better future. For that they need jobs and security just like the Israelis.
The Palestinians fanatical leaders are brainwashing people. Those are the ones that must be elimated.
Problem is, people are very sentimental about religion.
Religion is not based on logic.
Maybe they need to get rid of religion
That would solve the problem instantly
There as been more violence during Sharon's time as PM then any other PM.
Killing innocents just reinforces the terrorist leaders' claims that Israel as to be destroyed.
If you lost your girlfriend to Israel you would probably hate them. Which would make you more vulnerable to brainwashing.
Innocents dying only helps the violence continue.
Its a vicious circle, someone as to change their ways.
Otherwise it will never end.
There is no balck or white, its all in shades of grey.