"The Tony we have does not climb all that well."
No it suck's, thats why I was kinda hoping to see a Ki-61-Ib varient, the Tony we have is the worst climber of them all, I did not list it's climb to 5K Meaters in like 7 min, but it is hard to tell what model we actualy have because of the name snafu with it.
"Also were did you get the quote about a P-51 out manuevering a KI-44? "
Sry the above Quotes are from Ki-44 Shoki by Buschell, he states that when the P51B came to China to face off aganst the Ki-44 it could easly turn inside it, and the P51's preformance vs the ki-44 tiped the scales back in favore of the Allies in that theater.
"Also do you have the report or the KI-44, BF109E, Ki-61 test? '
Buschell sights this report and quotes excerpts from it, no hard figurs just the above summery I quoted are given.
"I have the TAIC book. I need to check the wing loading but I don't think a P-51 should be able to out maneuver it. "
Well acording to the anadotail evidance offerd in my books on and covering the Ki-44 handeling was not it's fortie, and as listed above the P51 could take it.
"Also 4 .50 cal is not that bad in the MA. "
Well these are not 50 cal rounds like what your thinking, see above pick.
"That Japanese 12.7mil is huge. That didn't have good hitting power"
Hear Check out this chart on the gun's, it gives a good indacation:
http://www.quarry.nildram.co.uk/WW2guneffect.htm The Ho-103 is realy an excelent weapon, basicaly they took the 50cal and made it more efficient, it's lighter has a higher rof and the ammo is lighter and the whole system is optimised for effective firing at around 400 yards, but in AH the 50 cal is king, so you cant realy compare the two and come up even. the 50 cal hits harder has alomst twice the effective range and the US planes have a ton of ammo for them, they are also generaly much more reselent to fire than their Japanese counterpart's, even if they were the same gun the Japanese would still be at a disavantage do to their generaly weaker airfrmae's. I gues a good idea of the effectivenness of the Ho-103 can be gleaned from tryig to kill stuff with the the Tony's 12.7mm's alone.