The USN was out in force west of the island. Fights were plentiful, from the deck on up to about 8K (high as I climbed).
Saw mostly F4F's, F6F's, and a gaggle or two of F4U's. Even saw a PT boat down there, ready to bail out any USN pilot who got in trouble and had to dive for the deck and the nearby fleet acks.
Between the fleet acks and the PT boat (PE6Hawk, was it?), the fights were interesting to say the least.
Ya knew ya had to make your shots count, cause once your opponent lost any edge, he was outta there, headed for the fleet and it's protective ack umbrella.
THAT is one thing that I hope HT someday changes: Fleet ack should be dangerous to enemy and friendly planes alike.
Arlo, before you come back with any remark about me being an Axis lover, consider that the only reason I keep flying Axis is to balance the sides. I would MUCH rather have been in a Jug, mixing it up on the deck with Ki-61's and N1K2's. See, I am one of those nutty Jug drivers who does the TnB thing too......not very good at it, but ask najdorf. I actually won one against his N1K2 in the last Slot setup, on the deck, less than 30 seconds after I took off from Henderson Field. After that I locked horns with some Zeroes, again, on the deck and in a turnfight........ended up with 6 kills, but the runway bug at Henderson ate them and I got credited with a ditch.