If that has not been touched up, you can make some logical deductions about the film.
The stars are showing in the background. If the film was a low speed film, this would not be possible, due to the bright flashes of the gun fire.
This is true as the F-stop for a low speed film would have to be opened up a bit, which would have caused the gun flashes to be much more pronounced than they are.
Also note, there is an external light source aimed at the fuselage. A low speed film would not have been able to show the background stars along with the other light sources.
I suggest this film was a high speed film, using a fairly open aperature. It nearly got washed out, as you can see from the amount of light on the fuselage from the gun fire.
This also suggests the gun flashes were actually smaller than they appear in this situation, and were exaggerated by the sensitivity of the film.