Curly ... basically, wouldn't we be trading where I would be on a map to where I would be in the furball area ... wouldn't it basically remain equal ?
Not really.
Lets take an extremely simple example.
Say you have 3 guys in an arena. Say they are all in completely different sectors. They might not need to send any updates at all to each other or very low bandwidth information. Maybe they only need to report their dar position and maybe only every minute or so.
Now, take those same 3 players and put them in close,visual proximity to each other. Now the frequency and bandwidth of the updates are much greater. X,Y,Z position. Roll,yaw,pitch velocity. Roll,yaw,pitch acceleration. Smoke, gun firing, ordinence data. etc etc. Not only is the amout of data much larger but its needs to be updated with much greater frequency. (once every ~0.25 sec).
If I remember correctly, one of the intended purposes of the larger terrains was to spread out the density abit to avoid localized saturation. That way a given server hardware can support a larger number of simultaneous players. By distributing the load.
9 guys spread out in 3 separate fights of 3 each is much less stress (and less warpage) than 9 guys in one cluster fudge.