Author Topic: Burn Your Draft Card To Protest Pricing  (Read 737 times)

Offline Beegerite

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Burn Your Draft Card To Protest Pricing
« Reply #30 on: October 29, 2000, 07:33:00 AM »
Thanks DISCOD but to paraphrase our friend from the Viet-Nam era, I will not run and I will not accept your nomination for president.  
On the subject of Mr. Wabbit having intended a joke, I just re-read his original post and there is some possibility that this was his intention.  If so, I offer an apology for having made more of it than it was.

Originally posted by discod:
I say Beeger for president!      As for AKWabbit...After reading your original post several times I have come to think that you may have been trying to get a rise and a laugh from readers with the FA thing rather than a personal attack on Beeger and it seems to have backfired.

Just be a little more careful how you word it next time.  

If my assumtion is wrong and in fact you were making a personal attack on Beeger then I would say to you, "What's up with that?! Bad form."

But for now I'll assume that it was just a joke gone south.

Offline CavemanJ

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Burn Your Draft Card To Protest Pricing
« Reply #31 on: October 29, 2000, 09:30:00 AM »
I've kept out of these discussions since they started.
But I must say that I think the idea of a 24hr sit out is pretty rediculous.
I've been here since early in beta tour 1, and I'll be here for as long as I can.

This whole thing about crying over the market research thing is tantamount to making a mountain out of a mole hill.

I've got 1-1/2 month old twin sons (pics in the O-club) which we really weren't prepared for.  Right now ANY drop in price would be a God send.  You wouldna believe how expensive twins are until you (or someone in your family) have a set.  And even then you might not believe it.

I'm not going to sit here and cry that I should get $9.95/mo just because a few people in a test group got that rate for as long as they want it.  That'll just irritate the devil out of HTC.  I'll sit back and wait for them to finish thier survey and lower everyone's price.

I think what most people are overlooking here is this:  The reduced rate for these few people is payment for providing information to HTC.  Companies buy info every day.  BFHD

CO, The Wrecking Crew

"Airpower is a thunderbolt launched from an egg shell invisibly tethered to a base."
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To close with and destroy the enemy by use of fire, manuever, and shock effect

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[This message has been edited by CavemanJ (edited 10-29-2000).]

Offline Beegerite

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Burn Your Draft Card To Protest Pricing
« Reply #32 on: November 01, 2000, 01:10:00 AM »
Well, here I am with my draftcard burning my fingers.  Unfortunately for me I fell asleep and woke up at 1:00 well into my period of self imposed exile so I get two days off instead of one.  Let's see, what do I know about addiction and how to triumph over it?
One day at a time!

Offline Midnight

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Burn Your Draft Card To Protest Pricing
« Reply #33 on: November 01, 2000, 01:45:00 AM »
First, why do so many think that if the game is $10/month that all the dweebs will show up? Dweebs come in all income ranges. The fact of the matter is, there is no Relaxed Realism arena, so the real dweebs will never come.

I believe if AH was $10-15/month, a lot more players would come. Most of them from AWIII FR, where I am coming from. I really like this game, but I can't afford the $30/month, $10 I can handle.

Second, if you want to not play, then don't. If you already paid and you don't play, you are wasting your money. I know what point you are trying to make, so cancel your account the day before billing. Then HT might feel your point. After that, re-establish your account.

Oops... You would still have to pay $30, and still have missed a day.

Look, I hope that everyone gets the cheaper pricing, but if HT can't do it then what can be done? Maybe HT could stop putting development efforts into the game so we can all pay less. Of course the game will end up like AWIII shortly after that... outdated and useless.


Offline Westy

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Burn Your Draft Card To Protest Pricing
« Reply #34 on: November 01, 2000, 07:45:00 AM »
 Midnight, in my opinion even more than we see now would come if it was $10/mo if only for the free two week trial.  I think alot of younger people and the very immature don't give AH a second look because of the price, and somewhat in conjunction with the flight model.
 Just like you don't see too many kids run to the Red Lobster instead of the local What-A-Burger drive thru when they don't eat in the school cafeteria.

  I offer up AW3 on Gamestorm and FA-II on The Zone for living proof of what $10/mo creates..


[This message has been edited by Westy (edited 11-01-2000).]


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Burn Your Draft Card To Protest Pricing
« Reply #35 on: November 01, 2000, 08:33:00 AM »
Im going to wait and see what happens, but I sure hope the "window of smooth game play" hasnt slammed shut on some of us.  Ive been experiencing an increase in game lag for the last month and a half or more.

I've gladly paid the 30 dollars a month because it has filtered out, for the most part, the jerks that some of the reduced rate sims bring in.  AH is not an arcade sim and thats why I like it so much.  The pilots are the best, especially the WarBird veterans, and for the most part everyone is friendly and we have alot of fun.

As for throwing derogatory names around on a BB, well thats going to happen.  The CB radio and computer communication has made more "men" than the USMC.  Its been my observation that rude comments leveled through such media usually originate from a low self-esteem and the inabiltiy to articulate valid and sensible information on a personal level.


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Burn Your Draft Card To Protest Pricing
« Reply #36 on: November 01, 2000, 09:46:00 AM »
I am not taking sides either way with this dispute you and Wabbit have goin.All I ask is that you keep the "squads" out of it.It's between you two please keep it that way.Thankyou <S>

If someone acts with such childish behavoir and is in your squad it reflects on and says something about the squad as a whole. This name calling and personal attacks are totally uncalled for. Beeg was posting his opinion, just as everyone else has the right to on this BB. Your opinions are also welcome, the name calling is not.

Offline Skuzzy

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Burn Your Draft Card To Protest Pricing
« Reply #37 on: November 01, 2000, 10:51:00 AM »
Originally posted by Afrika9:
Im going to wait and see what happens, but I sure hope the "window of smooth game play" hasnt slammed shut on some of us.  Ive been experiencing an increase in game lag for the last month and a half or more.

Afrika9, if you are experiencing connection problems, please post a traceroute to the Internet Forum.  I will be happy to take a look and see if I can figure out why.  The connections here have been doing really well.

Roy "Skuzzy" Neese
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Offline Fury

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Burn Your Draft Card To Protest Pricing
« Reply #38 on: November 01, 2000, 11:31:00 AM »
Instead of burning my draft card, I'm thinking about burning my bra.

Ooops, did I just say that out loud?!


p.s. I'm from FA and I don't care one bit about the pricing issue.  Does that make me a freak?


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Burn Your Draft Card To Protest Pricing
« Reply #39 on: November 01, 2000, 12:00:00 PM »
Originally posted by Strega_Mskt:
If someone acts with such childish behavoir and is in your squad it reflects on and says something about the squad as a whole. This name calling and personal attacks are totally uncalled for. Beeg was posting his opinion, just as everyone else has the right to on this BB. Your opinions are also welcome, the name calling is not.

This thread serves no purpose other than to get people riled up. So, Beeg accomplishes what he wants and gets 30 people to delete their accounts. He's satisfied.... oops! HTC doesn't get enuff money.. AH is gone. WTFG!!!! You not only met your goal but your "protest" served only one purpose.. to kill the very game that you want equal prices in. Didn't think about that one, didja?

Strega, I once met a man from Kentucky. He was a drunk amazinhunk that liked to pick fights. His mouth was stronger than his puny arms. I guess that reflects on everyone from Kentucky, eh?


Offline Cobra

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Burn Your Draft Card To Protest Pricing
« Reply #40 on: November 01, 2000, 12:17:00 PM »
This isn't healthy for both squads.  

And your analogy is seriously flawed SW.

Squads are normally a close tight-knit group not at all like the population of an entire state, so yes an individual of a single squad is vastly more representative of that particular squad then an individual from an entire state.

And in case you all missed it, Beeg never advocated for anyone to cancel their accounts.  He only voiced his opinion that we reflect how we feel about this whole thing for a single day.  That's it.  No long term cancel.  Just that.  So I don't know how you can stretch that into Beeg wanting 30 people to quit (now who is engaging in hyperbole?)  

He stated more than once how he really loves this sim.  He is passionate about it, and that same passion transfers into his reactions to this latest development. No biggie.  But he never once said, I quit and everyone else should as well.  He simply said, this is how I feel, and if HTC wants feedback, here is one way of showing that feedback.  But it was only a 1 day deal.  Don't blow it up to more than that, jeez.  

I, for one, have a different opinion on the pricing than my squadmate, but I do not resort to childish name-calling or read more into his post than a simple sit-out for a 24 hour period.

Talk about hysteria on both sides.  It is an emotionally charged issue (money usually is, ask my wife..hehe), so tempers will flare on both sides, but lets keep it civil if possible.


[This message has been edited by Cobra (edited 11-01-2000).]


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Burn Your Draft Card To Protest Pricing
« Reply #41 on: November 01, 2000, 12:38:00 PM »
Well see there you have it! A generalization on your part about people from Ky. when that had nothing to do with this thread at all. And the rest of your statement? Well I am from Ohio, but I guess you would have something along those same lines to say about people from there too!! You also couldn't be further from the truth with your assumption. And you are from??????

Offline DR00

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Burn Your Draft Card To Protest Pricing
« Reply #42 on: November 01, 2000, 12:38:00 PM »
Since when are the actions of a private company(HTC) anybody else's business?
We are customers, not shareholders. If you like the product, and the price, we purchase the product. If we don't like the product, or the price we go elsewhere.
If someone from HTC wants MY opinion on their product/pricing THEY can ask me.
This board is for important AH subjects- like what a closet case Rip is  


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Burn Your Draft Card To Protest Pricing
« Reply #43 on: November 01, 2000, 01:17:00 PM »
Will do Skuzzy, thanks.  SirG has been suggesting that very thing to us on our squad board.

Offline Ripsnort

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Burn Your Draft Card To Protest Pricing
« Reply #44 on: November 01, 2000, 02:44:00 PM »
Well, Ram, Beegerite, the rest...are you going to respond to Pyro's synopsis post or not?