Author Topic: "You might be a leftist if..."  (Read 1506 times)

Offline AVRO1

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"You might be a leftist if..."
« Reply #60 on: October 13, 2003, 05:18:37 PM »
Man, I cant believe some people still think like that.

lazs2, I have never read anything so close minded in my life.

You trully are a dinosaur. :rofl

You are entitled to your opinions though.

Offline Shuckins

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"You might be a leftist if..."
« Reply #61 on: October 13, 2003, 07:58:12 PM »
In reference to the statement about politicians lieing I would like to point out that they can't help it.   It's in their contracts or something...


Offline lazs2

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"You might be a leftist if..."
« Reply #62 on: October 14, 2003, 07:49:45 AM »
yes avro... yes I am.   Perhaps the pendulum will swing back my way before the comet hits... perhaps not.   In the mean time... I will live my life the way I like to and not the way that makes me look good in your's, or anyone elses eyes.  

Offline miko2d

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"You might be a leftist if..."
« Reply #63 on: October 14, 2003, 10:06:50 AM »
Allowing women to vote contributed considerably to the deterioration of our society. One must remember though that it was not caused by an inherent flaw in women but by the system of modern western democracy where people can vote on issues concerning otehr people that should be none of voters' business.

 Previously. What was legally man-only vote was actuall a family vote, where men and women resolved their inherent differences through a compromise and came up with a unified family policy, expressed at the ballot box. Also, the range of issues subject to vote and handled by the state was much narrower. People did not use the power of the state to push other people around to the same extent they do now.

 Several development happend. The women got vote. The propaganda appeared that targeted women and presented them as a party in conflict with men rather than partners. Family structure broke down making more women live separately from men and not work out compromise family policy. Women live longer and go to jail less - which raises the number of women voting compared to men.
 The character of media changed over time with TV rather than printed media becoming prevalent. Emotional issues and good looks affect women more than men.
 Most importantly the state is now engaged in full-blown social engineering which finds more sympathy among women.

 All together we've got one more conflict in our society where it was not before.

kesolei: most women who do have an abortion are haunted by that for the rest of their lives

 That's BS. It may be what the US media reports. The women in US are first inculcated with guilt and then encouraged into the victim mentality so they can come out and say how they suffer. they mey even believe themselves but there is nothing natural or general about that.

 Women in Soviet Union and eastern-european states have abortion by the dozen. Abortion was the onlymethod of birth-control there because even condoms were not available. They do not give a second thought about abortion except rare cases where it might have caused infertility. So it's cultural and saying "most women..." is just incorrect.
 If a woman planned to have two children and has two children, why would she be hauned and wondering what the children woudl have been? They would not have been. A women does not generally worry what could have been of two dozen or so children she could have given birth in her lifetime.

 The statistics that we have 40 million fewer people due to abortion is a lie. When a woman has 3 abortions in a year, does that mean she would have had 3 children in a year? If a woman has seven abortion before age 20 and then has a family and produces 3 kids, does that mean she would have had ten children otherwise? No, she would still have three! A child conseived at a wrong time could seriously disrupt a woman's life and cause her to have fewer children total, not more.

 Not that I support the concept of an abortion. I just believe that the state should not be involved with it. Charity, education, private initiatives.


Offline lazs2

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"You might be a leftist if..."
« Reply #64 on: October 14, 2003, 10:58:07 AM »
miko.... it's chicken or egg..  who cares if it is that we allow women to vote or if we simply don't put womanly things up for the vote?  

point is... any chance women have to interfere in your life they will take it.   Ending womens sufferage would reverse the trend .....while ending "progressive"libereralism would also help to solve the problem.... It is much too late.   The few men that are liberals would simply be laughed at and ignored if women couldn't vote.

Offline AVRO1

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"You might be a leftist if..."
« Reply #65 on: October 14, 2003, 11:19:07 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
yes avro... yes I am.   Perhaps the pendulum will swing back my way before the comet hits... perhaps not.   In the mean time... I will live my life the way I like to and not the way that makes me look good in your's, or anyone elses eyes.  

I never said you should do anything.

Offline kesolei

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"You might be a leftist if..."
« Reply #66 on: October 14, 2003, 01:12:25 PM »
Originally posted by miko2d
That's BS. It may be what the US media reports.

One of my good friends isn't the US media? Other women I've spoken too aren't the US media? Heck, my friend was born and raised in the Middle East until just a few years ago. You get a woman pregnant, and whether she wanted that child or not; she's going to feel a connection to it. She has a connection to it. When you lose that child its like losing a small part of yourself.

Guys can brush it off a lot easier, and I'm not going to argue this point with you.. because you /won't/ understand unles somehow you magically grow a uterus, get pregnant and then have an abortion. It just isn't going to happen.

I may have been wrong in using the word 'most', because culturally it may be more acceptable in other countries... but that doesn't mean those women still don't wonder. Basic human nature doesn't really change geographically.