Many people have held smoking guns and weren't guilty, but instead just circumstantially implicated.
Show it to HTC, if there is any truth to it and it is as bad as Nrshida says, let them resolve it. If you have already shown it and HTC says there is no violation, then refrain from publicly impugning someone, especially when they have done so much good for so many. That would be the right and proper thing to do.
You are incredibly dense. As you have already been told, likely countless times...
First, there is no violation, because as far as I know, there are no rules against the behavior that has been described with the exception of some vague rules against harassing other players.
Second, it has been reported and by all common sense judgement the behavior is WRONG!!!!!!!!!! AND YOU, you tiny little ankle humper, have even agreed that it is wrong by the mere fact that you have never disputed that the behavior itself is wrong. You have merely defended the accused to protect him from the negative public consequences of having others believe he was guilty.
Third htc doesnt care. If they did, they could easily witness and identify this shade barring the accused having access to countless false IDs and credit accounts.
And as for irrefutable proof, this shade is undeniably very good. So good, that when some of the best sticks in the game begin to rule out the few people that have that kind of skill and add to that other FACTS, little doubt is left. In a court of law, that's enough to send him up the river. Especially considering your defense.
The most laughable part of yours and others arguments is that someone's most public face is the model of a good citizen so they couldn't possibly have any immoral traits. Perhaps you haven't read too much of the criminal or political world in the last couple thousand years. You are the logically challenged one without A SINGLE logical defense for your beliefs... read "he seemed like such a nice guy your honor."
I wouldn't mind seeing his name cleared, but you don't have the capacity to do it. All you have done is dredged up the accusations again so that you could put your WEAK reputation and argument, (singular because "nice guy" is all you got) up against more respectable and longer term players.
In essence, you're just digging the hole deeper.