Author Topic: OH yeah Lets Help IRAQ  (Read 3620 times)

Offline Saintaw

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mrblack dude
« Reply #45 on: November 25, 2003, 07:20:20 AM »
See the difference between your drivel/ posts and the one from VOR who is actually there instead of typing/spewing from a madhouse like you are.

grow up, Imbecile... i think you'll find the translation easily.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2003, 07:22:54 AM by Saintaw »
Dirty, nasty furriner.

Offline Dowding

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OH yeah Lets Help IRAQ
« Reply #46 on: November 25, 2003, 07:39:32 AM »
mrblack is a 46 year old l33t sn1P3r dood apparently.

To me he comes across as a 13 year old without an ounce of maturity, reason or intelligence. But maybe I'm being too harsh...

... there are plenty of 13 year olds out there who are able to string a coherent argument together.
War! Never been so much fun. War! Never been so much fun! Go to your brother, Kill him with your gun, Leave him lying in his uniform, Dying in the sun.

Offline Nilsen

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OH yeah Lets Help IRAQ
« Reply #47 on: November 25, 2003, 08:24:14 AM »
The Iraqi's are doing the same thing that Norway, France, Belgium etc...etc did when they got invaded by the germans many years ago.... Making their stay an unplesant one and giving the message that they are not welcome. Its as easy as that, and if anyone had guessed that they would be welcomed with open arms by everyone then to bad.

Those that sympathised with the germans in Norway during the war or helped them got jailed or shot after the war. Those that opposed the germans are now heroes.

I bet that if the US was invaded by anyone, you would do ANYTHING to get rid of them and you would also use "unsivilised" means of getting rid of them to.

Oh, and using words like "raghead" etc is just childish.  

(oh and before you blow your top, im NOT saying that the US or British are nazis in any way so cool down ):)

Offline Cerceuilvolant

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OH yeah Lets Help IRAQ
« Reply #48 on: November 25, 2003, 10:02:02 AM »
Originally posted by Frogm4n

Untill their religion is brought into the 21st century those people will never want to be free or have a democracy. It just dosnt work in some cultures.


Actually, they're in the XIVth islamic century :D

Offline type_char

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OH yeah Lets Help IRAQ
« Reply #49 on: November 25, 2003, 03:49:08 PM »
How about we leave Iraq then reinvade them. Iraq III

Offline mrblack

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Re: mrblack dude
« Reply #50 on: November 25, 2003, 04:05:26 PM »
Originally posted by Saintaw
See the difference between your drivel/ posts and the one from VOR who is actually there instead of typing/spewing from a madhouse like you are.

grow up, Imbecile... i think you'll find the translation easily.

Does you'r mommy know you'r playing grown up?

Offline mrblack

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OH yeah Lets Help IRAQ
« Reply #51 on: November 25, 2003, 04:06:47 PM »
Originally posted by Dowding
mrblack is a 46 year old l33t sn1P3r dood apparently.

To me he comes across as a 13 year old without an ounce of maturity, reason or intelligence. But maybe I'm being too harsh...

... there are plenty of 13 year olds out there who are able to string a coherent argument together.

And you'r opnion matters how?

Offline Duedel

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OH yeah Lets Help IRAQ
« Reply #52 on: November 25, 2003, 04:30:15 PM »
U cant compare Norwegian resistance with Iraqi resistance. Norway consisted of ONE folk. In Iraq there are many clans, different religions, different cultures. If the US troops would leave now there would only be chaos, anarchy, death read civil war. I'm sorry for the dead of many troops and i can understand the anger MrBlack feels !!! also I have to say u cant move ur troops back home now cause then the entier world would make the USA responsible for the death of milliions.

Offline Nilsen

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« Reply #53 on: November 25, 2003, 05:15:02 PM »
Im comparing it  because the Iraqis attacking US and other coalition troops are doing it to get them out of their land and sovreign territory. Basicly its no different to the resistance of Norway or any other nation trying to get rid of an invader.

Only difference is that those opposing the coalition in Iraq are called terrorists because that is a word that causes outrage by the public opinon and gives Bush and his buddies good PR and justification for what they are doing.

Offline Duedel

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« Reply #54 on: November 25, 2003, 05:32:40 PM »
Hmmm i wouldnt say that they want the Allies to get out of their land cause I think one cant lump together fanatic muslims, Saddam supporters and followers. Its a whole different story and therefore much more complicated.
I would say there are many reasons why these guys (p.e. terrorists from other countries) are fighting the US:

1. Cause the USA stands for the prime enemy, the total foe image of fanatic muslims and they use the situation to combat their prime enemy outside the USA cause its so easy right now. These would be terrorists from all over the world.
2. Cause they dont want (in their eyes) heathenish capitalistic invadors occupying their land. These would be Iraqies.
3. Cause they love Saddam and want him back.  These would be Iraqies.
4. Cause they are plain dumb (dont have to be their fault to be dumb. Its often a matter of education i.e. IMO a terrorist is not born as one he's consulted to be one).

Offline Zapata

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OH yeah Lets Help IRAQ
« Reply #55 on: November 25, 2003, 09:09:05 PM »
If a draft is institued, I know that Canada will receive another influx of young people. I know that I for one wouldn't go if I were drafted. It's not because I don't have a sense of patriotism, or a sense of duty. It's because I refuse to go fight for oil and someone's political agenda in a country that neither wanted our help nor wants us invading their country. If I were drafted to join a team to search for OBL, would I? In a second, but he's not a priority any longer

You have no sense of patriotism.

You have no sense of duty.

Ever wonder why it's called "serving in the military" instead of "working for the military"?  I doubt it.  The military is not IBM or Burger King - you don't get it your way.  Glad to see you're ready to fight the good fight if your kind of mission comes along though, tough guy.  You'd volunteer to crawl through caves, knife clenched between your teeth to kill Osama, but serve in Iraq?  Heavens no, what WOULD the gang at the coffee shop have to say about that?  I'm not upset with you for having a different opinion than me, but to say you'd dodge a future draft and still claim to have a sense of patriotism and duty - it's just too much, man.  If you do end up getting drafted in the future I'm sure you'll make a hell of a gym monitor until your Delta Force application is approved.  If you're the type of kid we're losing to Canada if the call should come, I think we'll somehow manage without you.

Anonymous Military Member
« Last Edit: November 25, 2003, 09:16:29 PM by Zapata »

Offline Ossie

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OH yeah Lets Help IRAQ
« Reply #56 on: November 25, 2003, 10:45:23 PM »
And this Is starting to smell like the same chit.
I HATE Muslims and I don't care if you don't like it.
I am a 46 Yo jewish man and I have my reasons.
And this crap just ads fuel to the fire.

My first job, when I was 16, was working at Swenson's. I vividly remember one day when a man and his two kids (one I recognized as a sophmore at my school, and understood him to be jewish) came in for some ice cream. At the time, they were the only customers in the store. Just as I began to take their orders, the father noticed my boss sitting in one of the booths tending to paperwork. My boss was a middle aged, muslim man of Pakistani decent, and really a decent guy. I heard the father proclaim to his kids, under his breath, that there was "a muslim!" (he played the odds, and he was right). From that point, the father became very ancy, as if the building had just caught fire, or as if he had to pee really bad, and apparently I couldn't scoop the ice cream fast enough (admittedly I wasn't the best ice cream scooper in the business, only mediocre at best, although I had only been on the job for a few weeks). Ironically, they waited around, albeit very impatiently, until they got their ice cream, paid, and left.

I was kind of confused with the whole situation, and wasn't quite sure how to react when it became obvious what the trouble was. I figured it was best to just complete the job and let it all slide, as it didn't appear that my boss had noticed what was happening. Having grown up in the North Bay, it wasn't all that common to hear people remark on the physical or religious backgrounds of others, unless you were an adolescent and just messing around with friends, as me and some of my asian friends would harp on each other regularly, and even today, almost ten years later, we still throw in the occasional inappropriate comment for the sake of comedy. For some reason, none of us could seem to legitimize a burning hatred for one another.

What I found interesting was the disparity in how the kids reacted to the situation as opposed to their father. They were clearly more concerned with the ice cream than with the fact that a muslim was in the building. They responded to their father's agitation by becoming rather nervous themselves, in a manner that suggested a deadline for getting ice cream had appeared only seconds away. This in turn placed me under some pressure, as one who understands the value of ice cream to one's taste buds, I didn't want these kids to leave empty handed. As a result of the father's impatience, my scooping ability was being tested to the extreme, and upon reflection, the scoops they got were a little smaller than normal, but in this case, something was better than nothing at all. In any event, the moral of the story is that world conflict can be solved with sufficient quantities of ice cream.

Offline Torque

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OH yeah Lets Help IRAQ
« Reply #57 on: November 26, 2003, 01:00:07 AM »
Aye....but the key factor was the Freedom Scoops.:aok

Offline mrblack

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« Reply #58 on: November 26, 2003, 01:07:21 AM »
Originally posted by Ossie
My first job, when I was 16, was working at Swenson's. I vividly remember one day when a man and his two kids (one I recognized as a sophmore at my school, and understood him to be jewish) came in for some ice cream. At the time, they were the only customers in the store. Just as I began to take their orders, the father noticed my boss sitting in one of the booths tending to paperwork. My boss was a middle aged, muslim man of Pakistani decent, and really a decent guy. I heard the father proclaim to his kids, under his breath, that there was "a muslim!" (he played the odds, and he was right). From that point, the father became very ancy, as if the building had just caught fire, or as if he had to pee really bad, and apparently I couldn't scoop the ice cream fast enough (admittedly I wasn't the best ice cream scooper in the business, only mediocre at best, although I had only been on the job for a few weeks). Ironically, they waited around, albeit very impatiently, until they got their ice cream, paid, and left.

I was kind of confused with the whole situation, and wasn't quite sure how to react when it became obvious what the trouble was. I figured it was best to just complete the job and let it all slide, as it didn't appear that my boss had noticed what was happening. Having grown up in the North Bay, it wasn't all that common to hear people remark on the physical or religious backgrounds of others, unless you were an adolescent and just messing around with friends, as me and some of my asian friends would harp on each other regularly, and even today, almost ten years later, we still throw in the occasional inappropriate comment for the sake of comedy. For some reason, none of us could seem to legitimize a burning hatred for one another.

What I found interesting was the disparity in how the kids reacted to the situation as opposed to their father. They were clearly more concerned with the ice cream than with the fact that a muslim was in the building. They responded to their father's agitation by becoming rather nervous themselves, in a manner that suggested a deadline for getting ice cream had appeared only seconds away. This in turn placed me under some pressure, as one who understands the value of ice cream to one's taste buds, I didn't want these kids to leave empty handed. As a result of the father's impatience, my scooping ability was being tested to the extreme, and upon reflection, the scoops they got were a little smaller than normal, but in this case, something was better than nothing at all. In any event, the moral of the story is that world conflict can be solved with sufficient quantities of ice cream.

WTF was that all about?

Offline -dead-

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OH yeah Lets Help IRAQ
« Reply #59 on: November 26, 2003, 01:09:53 AM »
Originally posted by Twist
Wow...paraphrased me completely out of context and managed to change the entire meaning of my posts in which I stated what I would like to see happen followed by a reality check and what we need to be doing.

Run, don't walk to the nearest liberal media venue of your choice -dead- , there is a job opening with your name on it.

The paraphrasing you and putting it into a different context was kinda the point of the exercise. It wasn't journalism or meant to be journalism. Indeed, a cynic might say in this respect it shares more in common with Fox News than the liberal media ;). However, it's a different thing: I like to call it "satire". I believe some conservatives have heard of this concept. Look in to it sometime.
Still, nice try with the liberal media jibe. Next you'll be telling me to move to a communist country if I don't like your point of view. :D
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