Author Topic: How to get a high rank  (Read 27060 times)

Offline Dead Man Flying

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How to get a high rank
« Reply #75 on: January 01, 2004, 10:07:18 PM »
Originally posted by VAQ
The rank/scoring system is a joke, yet it is what most of us peons are measured against by the same illuminati who insist that rank has no meaning.

Your basic premise is flawed.  Most players surely "rank" other players in their minds.  I know I have a short list of those whom I consider consistently excellent opponents.  This list, however, has nothing to do with fighter or any other rank within Aces High.  Fighter rank may or may not indicate skill.

This is what the players here are trying to tell you, that the Aces High fighter rank does not provide an accurate metric for gauging skill.  They are not telling you to stop "ranking" other players relative to yourself, only that you should eschew inaccurate measures when doing so.  The fact that a vast majority of players in Aces High use the in-game ranking system to measure skill does not free that system from fault nor validate their claims.

-- Todd/Leviathn

Offline Zanth

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How to get a high rank
« Reply #76 on: January 01, 2004, 11:16:24 PM »
Stuka and C47 being included in bomber score was a poor choice, but if you don't care about rank screwit - what other players do doesn't effect your game one lilttle bit IMHO.  ME I will seldom fly a stuka, I will always strafe GV's and half the time I don'tknow if I am in attck or fighter mode.  Scoring in AH looks like the end result of a committee project - no focus but touches on everything.

Offline DrDea

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How to get a high rank
« Reply #77 on: January 01, 2004, 11:33:36 PM »
The only ranking system in AH that works is the one in your own mind.You know who can beat you 1 on 1 and you know who cant.You also know who wines the most and who dies with dignity.The rest is MMOL BS.
The Flying Circus.Were just like you.Only prettier.

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Offline rod367th

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How to get a high rank
« Reply #78 on: January 02, 2004, 04:37:19 AM »
The only reason I posted is because brewhaha on channel 1.  over all rank in game is meaningless unless another tourney comes along.

 I post on boards how to cause many and I mean many asked how to lower thier scores. I have never refused to help someone. Any one taking offense to me posting how to lower rank. Takes this GAME way to serious. And needs to find a new life.

  the GAME is for all guys who want to fly fighter, those who want to bomb, those who want to GV and those who just want to lower rank.telling newbies or anyone else what or how they should play game is stupid.

   and IF anyone asked me how to do anything in this game I would help. Not 1 thing I posted is gaming game or a cheat. Just facts on how guys lower thier ranks.

Offline lazs2

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How to get a high rank
« Reply #79 on: January 02, 2004, 07:58:31 AM »
justjim... I probly haven't looked at more than a dozen AH films and none of em were mine.  

The films that I used to review over the morning coffee were dos AW films.   Those were the ones that mattered because I was so clueless back then.   No great stick now but I pretty much know what is going on without watching the films.  


Offline Toad

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How to get a high rank
« Reply #80 on: January 02, 2004, 09:59:42 AM »
Originally posted by DrDea
The only ranking system in AH that works is the one in your own mind.You know who can beat you 1 on 1 and you know who cant.You also know who wines the most and who dies with dignity.The rest is MMOL BS.

I vote this one gets the Blue Ribbon.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

Offline Sway

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How to get a high rank
« Reply #81 on: January 02, 2004, 10:06:59 AM »
If your watching film over a cup of coffee in the morning, I think there is something wrong with you.  How do you fit in porn, springer, and beer drinking? :D

Offline TweetyBird

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How to get a high rank
« Reply #82 on: January 02, 2004, 11:33:38 AM »
I think the scroring system is great if used what it was designed for, i.e., a tool to benchmark your progress in specific areas. The goal is not the score but to have that alt monkey that just tried to vulch you get on channel one and whine that you're cheating :)

Right now I'm looking at one statistic in my game - points per hour in a fighter. I figure the higher it goes, the better I'm doing as long as I'm not artificially inflating it (e.g., only vulching capped fields or shooting tailess aircraft on the way down). I was looking at my hit% but I find its direct reflection of how many bombers I've shot at (they don't wiggle and eat lots of bullets), so kinda hard to use as good judge of accuracy.

If any statistic is used for anything other than an honest benchmark, well its plain folly or delusion.

The fun is sitting back after a fire fight and thinking "I can't believe I survived that." The goal is to be able to make a film like WildThing posted in the help area last week. I'm still amazed by that :)
Artificially manipulating stats won't get me there.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2004, 11:40:17 AM by TweetyBird »

Offline Rude

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How to get a high rank
« Reply #83 on: January 02, 2004, 12:01:48 PM »
The AH scoring systems purpose is to allow new players the opportunity to succeed and avoid the "oh great....I've ranked 1872 again for the 12th consecutive month...this game sucks and I quit" end result.

Offline Murdr

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How to get a high rank
« Reply #84 on: January 02, 2004, 03:24:23 PM »
Originally posted by Dead Man Flying
This is what the players here are trying to tell you, that the Aces High fighter rank does not provide an accurate metric for gauging skill.  They are not telling you to stop "ranking" other players relative to yourself, only that you should eschew inaccurate measures when doing so.  The fact that a vast majority of players in Aces High use the in-game ranking system to measure skill does not free that system from fault nor validate their claims.

-- Todd/Leviathn

Two things.  What I was saying eariler was that because some really good sticks dont bother with other aspects of the game that contribute to the overall rank, does not make the system flawed.  The two groups that decry the system are the ones that cant achieve a good rank, and the ones who could, but dont bother.  It is set up to promote good performance in all aspects of the game, which is not a bad thing.

Fighter rank, (which you specifically mentioned) I would argue is an accurate metric for guaging skill.  It is just that the scope of the skills measured goes beyond the basic skills involved in a duel.  The reason I have thoughts on this is because Steve and I had a BB debate a few years ago regarding furballing skills vs. BnZ/E skills (or knife fighting vs. what he called arena skills).  To succeed in the MA both skills need to be mastered.  One can succeed solely on knife fighting ACM, or on E managment, tactical SA*, and stretigic SA*.  However, if you examine the 5 stats for fighter, working hard on both is rewarded.  Again, some people prefer one style over the other, and then claim that because 'PilotA' cant beat them in a duel, but has a higher fighter rank that the ranking is flawed.  Saying that fighter rank should equate with one on one coE skill is not a valid premiss because Main Arena is neither 1v1 or coE.[/i]

In both instances the ranking is grading on the total package.  (Todd disregard next sentence, its not directed toward you)  If you dont wish to participate within the scope the total package, then dont whine that the ranking system doesnt accurately reflect skills.  It is after all your choice not to participate.

*Tactical SA is the ability to tulips your local situation.
**Stretigic SA is planning ahead, resulting in being at the right place at the right time for the welfare of you and your countires war effort
« Last Edit: January 02, 2004, 03:31:38 PM by Murdr »

Offline Murdr

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How to get a high rank
« Reply #85 on: January 02, 2004, 03:28:36 PM »
Originally posted by VAQ
A post

*  Percentage based upon 37 of 5200
**Percentage based upon the averaged overall and fighter ranking (Tour 47) of the 37 players who participated in this thread

You actually retrieved all this data, and computed the findings?:)

Offline Steve

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How to get a high rank
« Reply #86 on: January 02, 2004, 04:33:03 PM »
Murdr, I pretty much agree w/ you.  I feel that DA skills and MA skills CAN be two very diiferent things...rank aside.  Let's take Shane as an example. He is a very skilled 1V1 pilot, and I can tell you from experience that this  goes beyond his MA ride of choice, the LA7. His numbers in the MA aren't particularly remarkable.  This COULD be that he has limited SA in what you call Tactical and Strategic areas. Just about every time Shane dies, he tosses out some taunt or other.. Gang dweebs, Ho Tards, runner ack dweebs etc.. oh and don't forget his old standby "Slobber donkeys".    This COULD be to cover his own shortcomings in the heretofore mentioned areas of SA. Shane may lose in the MA to a guy or 3 because of his poor SA, but get them in the DA and he would school them until they cried for mommy.  OTOH it is equally probable that Shane just doesn't much care about his numbers in the MA and loves to knife fight on the deck against all comers.This isn't an altogether bad situation to be in, when he wins against bad odds he can bask  in his own success, when he loses he can toss out one of his taunts.
I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum, my MA numbers are  higher but I have spent time in the DA w/ Shane and WT(thanks guys) and they beat me pretty regularly. So we know that 1v1 they are better pilots than me, at the very least they have mastered some very effective merges which just about determines(merge does) who wins a duel.
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Offline TweetyBird

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How to get a high rank
« Reply #87 on: January 02, 2004, 09:35:48 PM »
I agree with your post but would go on to say the MA and the DA are completely different. In the DA, if the pilot knows to be as fast as possible at the designated alt, the fight starts at the merge. In the MA it starts in the tower (e.g., how much fuel, what area, how high, whats probably going on there etc.).

I think both compliment each other, but I can't ever seem to find anyone open in the DA. I could really use some 1 vs 1 right now.
In AW we used to duel where the loser of the last duel would get 1k alt advantage. It helped both pilots get better.

Offline Icer

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How to get a high rank
« Reply #88 on: January 02, 2004, 10:20:49 PM »
Lets not forget to be sure to fly in and pork the fuel, sink the CVs when a good air battle is in progress, and last but not least always fly at 20K+...
Win11 Pro 23H2/ Asus Z790-PLUS D4, / i9-13900KF @5.8Gz, 64GB DDR4 @3192mhz / 2TB M.2 NvMe Boot Drive, Zotac Gaming GeForce 4090 - 546.33 drivers/ 3 Samsung 32" 7680x1440 at 144Hz  / TIR 5/ TM Warthog HOTAS w/VirPil stick base/ MFG V3 Pedals/ TM MFDs on 8" Lilliputs/ Simgears ICP/ Varjo Aero VR

Offline Dead Man Flying

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How to get a high rank
« Reply #89 on: January 02, 2004, 11:07:31 PM »
Originally posted by Murdr
It is set up to promote good performance in all aspects of the game, which is not a bad thing.

It's important to remember that total rank is set up to promote those activities conducive to achieving high rank.  That does not necessarily mean good performance (as Rod aptly demonstrates), but rather knowledge of how the rank system functions and playing to maximize it.  As always, a high rank in fighters or in anything may or may not indicate skill, and that is why it's a flawed measure.  We can tell little without context.

Saying that fighter rank should equate with one on one coE skill is not a valid premiss because Main Arena is neither 1v1 or coE.

I'm not suggesting that 1v1 skills alone dictate skill.  Context often drives fighter rank: how do high ranking pilots fly, and what do they fly?  Do they only engage with alt or numbers?  Do they pick and choose situations guaranteed to maximize their fighter stats, or do they fly in a manner inconsistent with maximizing them?  For instance, vulching sends all fighter rank categories through the roof, especially if someone does it from a carrier parked just offshore from a field.  If a player wise to this fact wishes to achieve a phenomenal fighter rank, he'll only ever fly fighter missions where vulching or complete air superiority appear likely.  

Other players don't care.  They killshooter on purpose, auger when bored, fly into poor odds, or whatever.  This makes them no less skilled at flying fighters in any situation than the more rank-minded player mentioned above, but their rank appears substantially lower.  Again, fighter rank may or may not indicate skill, but without more information we can't possibly tell for sure.

-- Todd/Leviathn