Author Topic: RICO Act filed against Bush  (Read 6208 times)

Offline 10Bears

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RICO Act filed against Bush
« Reply #60 on: February 12, 2004, 02:40:00 PM »
Man I get so sick of all the Clinton bashing, wish you guys would actually look into what really was happening in the background in the lead up to the impeachment. Conservatives wanted to get rid of Clinton any means necessary so they bring up these old Paula Jones allegations. Jones vs Clinton goes to court but the court threw it out on merit.. That means the judge threw it out because there wasn’t even enough evidence to bring minimal charges. We all thought that was that but the Conservatives, undeterred, had folks like Ken Starr write friends of the court briefs to the Supreme court arguing that a sitting President can be sued by a private party. BTW that was a “Bill of Attainder” which is unconstantutal. You can’t make a law against one person. Meanwhile Linda Tripp was secretly taping private conversations with a young intern which indeed the President was having an affair with.

25 minutes into the Paula Jones testimony, was the first question regarding the Paula Jones case. The President was broadsided with questions about Miss Lewinsky. Keep in mind this testimony occurred 3 days after over 60 FBI agents interviewed Miss Lewinsky for over 8 hours at a shopping mall in Virginia. Yes the President lied, he lied to protect the dignity and honor of his wife and family. Another good reason: A Southern gentleman will rarely if ever answer questions on matters sexual. In fact anyone with the lowclass crass trimity to ask such questions would be met with a broken nose some cracked ribs. You southern guys know this to be true don’t try and spin it, the culture down South it’s the guy screaming mistress that’s the scumbag.

Clinton lied that’s true but he asked for forgiveness for his vernal sin. Many millions of real American Christians granted him that.

Moral failings? The former president’s weaknesses aside, lets look at President Clintons policies. Putting 100,000 cops on the street lowered the crime rate to the lowest point in thirty years. That was the right thing to do. Better sex education lowered the rate of STD and abortion to the lowest rate in a generation. Best economy in the history of the world. More new home buyers since world war two. The income tax credit allowed many millions of lower income American’s to get extra tutoring and health care for their kids. Balancing the budget for the first time since 1969, and -- believe it or not-- we were actually on the road to paying down the national debt.

To me, this is where the tires meet the road on what the meaning of “morals” are. Pitching for the American people. Doing right by them. I suppose it depends on what your definition of morals are.

Like I said above,  Bill Clinton lied in a court of law, but he asked for forgiveness. As a Christian I felt obliged to give it to him. What’s your excuse?

Don’t start with the “Rule of Law” line, otherwise we will have a discussion on the current administration’s views of rules of law.  For example, Condi Rice is most happy to testify in front of the Senate committee investigating 911 intelligent failures -- as long as she doesn’t have to do it under oath... Heh. What’s that about?.. Does the girl not know any time you testify in front of the Senate your under oath? Apparently not, like she didn’t know people would try and crash airplanes into buildings even though it had been discussed for the last ten years.

Offline Kieran

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RICO Act filed against Bush
« Reply #61 on: February 12, 2004, 02:48:46 PM »
Originally posted by Dowding
Why is Clinton brought into every discussion that involves Bush and any question regarding his honesty? Answer me that, my easily wound up half-kraut-half-Swede type person.

lol straffo, now I understand!

That door was opened by the man who said "Clinton committed his crime and paid his price", or something to that effect. No way that line goes unchallenged.

Offline mietla

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RICO Act filed against Bush
« Reply #62 on: February 12, 2004, 02:50:10 PM »
Originally posted by 10Bears
Yes the President lied, he lied to protect the dignity and honor of his wife and family.

What a guy. If only all of us could be that chivalrous..

Offline Kieran

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RICO Act filed against Bush
« Reply #63 on: February 12, 2004, 02:53:04 PM »
Originally posted by Dowding
And you seem to not understand the definition of a lie. How can you lie without intent? Understand that I'm talking based on the assumption that Bush did lie, which hasn't been proven yet.

See, there's the prob. While I don't like what happened, I am not 100% sure Bush lied. You appear to be, and without evidence. Kaye even suggested in his report everyone straight down the line thought Iraq had WMD- so if Bush thought so and was a liar, doesn't that make every single person who believed Iraq had WMD  a liar? Wanna go back and play quotes from the past?

Offline mietla

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RICO Act filed against Bush
« Reply #64 on: February 12, 2004, 02:53:16 PM »
Originally posted by 10Bears
Better sex education lowered the rate of STD and abortion to the lowest rate in a generation.

Not to mention that his popularization of oral sex reduced teenage pregnancies.

Offline Munkii

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RICO Act filed against Bush
« Reply #65 on: February 12, 2004, 02:59:20 PM »
Originally posted by mietla
Not to mention that his popularization of oral sex reduced teenage pregnancies.

Explain how that is bad.

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RICO Act filed against Bush
« Reply #66 on: February 12, 2004, 03:00:47 PM »
Originally posted by 10Bears
Like I said above,  Bill Clinton lied in a court of law, but he asked for forgiveness. As a Christian I felt obliged to give it to him. What’s your excuse?

How is this?

He is a unrepentant bucket of scum, who never admitted to lying. Hadn't Monica listen to Trip and saved the dress with a "proof", she'd be squashed as a lying wannabe bimbo.

Offline mietla

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RICO Act filed against Bush
« Reply #67 on: February 12, 2004, 03:01:56 PM »
Originally posted by Munkii
Explain how that is bad.

I'm no saying it's bad. I'm just listing one of his accomplishments.

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RICO Act filed against Bush
« Reply #68 on: February 12, 2004, 03:04:33 PM »
Originally posted by mietla
I'm no saying it's bad. I'm just listing one of his accomplishments.

Scum sucking liberal.

Offline kappa

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RICO Act filed against Bush
« Reply #69 on: February 12, 2004, 03:23:01 PM »
Excellent post 10Bears.. Certainly there are some that hear what your saying.. Its better to remember that fact than consider the rampant deaf and blindness..


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RICO Act filed against Bush
« Reply #70 on: February 12, 2004, 03:27:33 PM »
Kappa - this story is a little too far out there for even me to believe.

There's no conspiracy... Let's face it Bush is just too stupid to dream of 1/2 of what this woman is claiming.

Years of coke abuse fried the man's brain.. now he mumbles and stammers and drools like a vilage idiot.

Offline 10Bears

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RICO Act filed against Bush
« Reply #71 on: February 12, 2004, 04:50:07 PM »
Steve, I’ve got to ask, are you all secretly members of the Unification Church?.. I mean you have to get this stuff from the Washington Times of the Limbaugh letter which is it?


9-11 was one of the most devastating intelligence faliurs yet. For some reason (ie. cutbacks during Clinton) the armed forces and the intelligence agencies failed to prevent a horrible attack on US soil. There are many reasons for this. Some that can be made public and some that cannot be made public. An example of a source that cannot be made public would be
"Why did our phone tap on OBL fail to pick up this key conversation on 5-14 2001?" or
"Why did our human intel in Pakistan fail to report this meeting between Atta and OBL on 11-11 2000?"

You guys always try to blur blur everything what’s your agenda?.. Please lets have a little context here. Shortly after Gulf war1 it was the defense department that requested a scaling back of the military. They were looking for a leaner meaner fighting machine. Gone are the super expensive  heavy tanks and mobile artillery. In are Blackhawk and apache helicopters and highly trained Rangers that can rope in and win any battle within 15 minutes. Also a new emphasis on air power and cruise missiles. This policy was carried over to the new Clinton administration with the new Defense secretary William Cohen agreeing with this policy and with new base closings.

It should be noted that during our engagement with F.R.Y., NOT ONE not one American life was lost.......

With your comment (and other criticisms I’ve heard regarding Clinton dismissing intelligence assets) I should point out a conspiracy, not a theory, an actual conspiracy, that happened back in the ‘80s. Seems these less than squared away individuals “contracted” with the CIA to fly arm shipments down to Reagan’s contra war in central America. They had only one cravat, they didn’t want to deadhead back.. In 1987 the price of cocaine went from $100 a gram to $35 overnight. The DEA and CIA looked the other way when these planes flew back in filled to the rafters with friggin’ coke!.

What did this cost the American tax payer? Tens of billions for drug treatment and incarceration, thousands of lives lost during the cocaine wars of the late ‘80s and early 90s. Why is this not a theory? Because the CIA has quietly admitted to it.

You might recognize the names of some other less than squared away folk.. Manual Norigia for one.. He was president of Panama for Christ sake, did contract work for the CIA. Another charming fellow goes by the name of Saddam Hussane.. Oh yeah.. I almost forgot, that tall raghead that lives in a cave ol’ what’s his name.

Naw, Clinton was right to get rid of these types, bad karma. You can get the same intelligence using agencies from other countries.

You need to upgrade your knowledge on how intelligence and counterintelligence agencies work. You also need to upgrade your knowledge on why these agencies need to keep secrets from everybody. I know this can be hard and frustrating, and I know you want to know everything. But the problem is that if we force the intelligence agencies to tell us everything they know about everything, then the bad guys will know it too.

Curiously, this is the same argument used in the run-up to war with Iraq when we were trying to find out what solid evidence they had that Saddam possessed WMD.

If you want to see pictures of the hijackers, they were made public around 9/14-01 or something like that. At least they were in Sweden. We had huge newspaper articles with mugshots of all the 19 hijackers.

Kudos for them tracking down the terrorists so fast. You have any speculation as to why the FBI.  stood down the investigation of Mohammad Atta and his crew?

Offline Kieran

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RICO Act filed against Bush
« Reply #72 on: February 12, 2004, 05:31:38 PM »
Originally posted by Munkii
Explain how that is bad.

You can still get AIDS through oral sex. This comment and the one above were made in jest, but the fact is oral sex is on the rise amongst teen girls, and is considered no big deal. I don't agree with that viewpoint.

Offline Red Tail 444

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RICO Act filed against Bush
« Reply #73 on: February 12, 2004, 05:41:30 PM »
Originally posted by Nakhui
There's no conspiracy... Let's face it Bush is just too stupid to dream of 1/2 of what this woman is claiming.Years of coke abuse fried the man's brain.. now he mumbles and stammers and drools like a vilage idiot.

LOL and I was about to commend 10bears and kappa for not attacking or responding in kind to the adolescent BS being tossed around, until this reply....:lol

Most of these guys are defending their position with passion rather than with light, and it shows...Gainsie

Offline 10Bears

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RICO Act filed against Bush
« Reply #74 on: February 12, 2004, 06:18:53 PM »
Nakhui, Kappa has a strong point. I have a slightly different take on it though I am starting to believe a “possibility”  of a passive wheel and spoke conspiracy may have taken place. I have quite a bit to say about that but don’t feel like writing about it now. However you can start your research by reading Rick Skusland’s new book “The Price of Loyalty” Do a google search on Chaney’s energy task force he’s trying so hard to keep buttoned down.. Seems they pulled out a chart of Iraq with lines all over diviting up the booty.  And another thing... I can’t dismiss it, it keep popping up in my mind, on page 76 of the Project of the New American Century, one of the most shocking, chilling, goose pimple inducing sentences I have ever read.

“What we need is some type of Pearl Harbor event”

If you read the full report it dovetails nicely with what Ripsnort was saying about this being a brilliant strategy but enough of that for now, I’ve got another conspiracy theory that, not as big might be equally important.

There’s something wrong with the John Kerry nomination.  I’m a regular reader of Democratic Underground and the consensus over there for months has been a Dean/Clark front runner ship. No one can find anyone who voted for Kerry in the primaries. So my question is A) Is Kerry the candidate the Republicans always wanted to run against Bush? and B) Are we doing a test run on the Diebold voting machines?

What struck me as odd was the Kerry  bimbo eruption one day after Clark dropped out. Another thing that seems out of place is Dean’s decision to remain in the race after announcing he would drop out if he didn’t win Wisconsin.

One thing we can be sure about, if Bush get re-elected, you, me and other progressive thinking people might find ourselves behind barbed wire... much to the delight of Eagler and Steve Hortland...