Author Topic: HTC: NOE Dar Bar  (Read 3577 times)

Offline GunnerCAF

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HTC: NOE Dar Bar
« Reply #45 on: May 29, 2001, 07:11:00 PM »
I did a NOE flight last night.  I took a B26 at night through 5 sectors.  3 sectors had enemy in.  The base was being used and there was a small furball near the base.  At one time I had radar contacts north and south of me.  I lined up with both bomber hangers and I was undetected until the ack started firing.  Being a dweeb   , I didn't have my bay doors open for the first hanger, but I destroyed the second hanger.  BTW, this was a lot of fun  

I don't see any problem with the existing conditions, it's simple and it works. Turning off darbar will just encourage nightly 10 sector undetected NOE sneak attacks on HQ.

Gunner <CAF>
Cactus Air Force

Offline Nethawk

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HTC: NOE Dar Bar
« Reply #46 on: May 30, 2001, 06:24:00 AM »
originally posted by hazed...
agree about under 500ft no radar bar, but remember most of the terrain is above 500ft (so you are totally safe from NOE at say a26 in uterus map

I think this shows the importance of short-range (more powerful within the radius of its reach) radar.  The closer a low-alt target gets to base it will be picked up by radar unless it is very low.  It is not easy to approach high-alt fields at 100ft or less and expect to live through the barrage of AAA.

I think DAR should be changed, but I think we should have to learn the priviledge.  Keep overall DAR as is, and give us a series of short and long range towers around airfields that can be temporarily limited (maybe 15 min for short and 30 min for long) for strategic NOE attacks.

As for the issue of ground vehicles, currently their spawn point is close enough to airfields that they can be visibly spotted by personnel, and therefore there must be a notification system for their proximity.  It would be nice to see a second color (make strength bars half their width) for GV.

Great stuff here - all the ideas are good.  Agreed, it would be great to hear from HiTech & company about the possibilities.

Offline hazed-

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HTC: NOE Dar Bar
« Reply #47 on: May 30, 2001, 09:36:00 AM »
I know its unlikely but if you was a true vehicle loon?, what if you drove all the way from one base to another and after hours of driving you get within 5 miles of your target and bam, the alarm warns the base.A single il2 takes off and in 2 minutes kills you.JUST BEFORE you are close enough to fire with any accuraccy at your target, you will be killed.
Would you ever drive one again alone? I doubt it.I know this is an exageration of the drive time but it is still a long drive to bases.I think if there was a 'base under fire' warning then maybe thats ok but still i have my concerns for vehicle enjoyment.
As it is, I find the panzer HE shells can barely kill 2 hangers.I dont think ive ever managed 2 hangers with 1 loadout though, with 10+ used to find range usually even a full load of HE ammo im hard pressed to hit 2 hangers.and a full load of he means death by any gv that spawns.
In the ostwind it is far less accurate for hanger shooting than it was and its not the same threat it was in 1.06 until its closer.If you ask me we should have AT guns stationed in a wide parimeter around a base, say 1 at each corner a mile or so out and no warnings but maybe a dar bar when the GV's get within shooting range of the AT gun.I could accept this because lets face it an airbase would have ground defences for miles around.
The AT guns should maybe not cover all approaches so if you 'take time' to skirt around a base from the spawn you can sneak into firing range of a base and slip past AT guns.If you drive straight for a base you are spotted.This rewards the thinking mans tanker whilst letting us know about the ones who just rush in.
theres so many ways to make this sort of thing fairer.We should all think it out a little, im sure HT can pick and choose ideas he likes and adapt them to how he wants


[This message has been edited by hazed- (edited 05-30-2001).]