Originally posted by Martlet
I'm saying that if you obey the law, you have nothing to worry about.
That assumption is wrong.
These 23 people obeyed the law that they were accused of breaking. But they were convicted and put to death in the US:
James Adams, FL
William Henry Anderson, FL
Everett Applegate, NY
Thomas Bambrick, NY
Charles Becker, NY
Frank Cirofici, NY
Roosevelt Collins, AL
Sie Dawson, FL
Vance Garner, AL
Stephan Grezchowiak, NY
Max Rybarczyk, NY
Bruno Richard Hauptmann, NJ
Joe Hill, UT
Harold Lamble, NJ
Maurice F. Mays, TN
Willie McGee, MS
Nicola Sacco, MA
Bartolomeo Vanzetti, MA
Albert Sanders, AL
Charles Sberna, NY
Mead Shumway, NB
Charles Louis Tucker, MA
George Chew Wing, NY
Many others have wrongly lost years of their lives dispite the more strigent safegaurds that our Constitution provides sans the Patriot Act.
All in the US have lost rights with the Patriot Act. We all used to have strengent safegaurds against unreasonable search and seizure. Those safeguards have been taken, therefore rights have been lost.
Dogspit, you are correct that you and I may never feel the direct effects of those lost rights. But we have lost them just the same. Just as the the person who does not own guns would lose rights should the 2nd Amendment be weakened.
Further, it is the case that under the Patriot Act a secret court hands down warrants that are sealed to the public and the suspect. Even third parties are enjoined from notifying the suspect that their personal records (including medical records) have been seized. So it is possible that eventhough a person's rights have been violated, they may not know. But what is worse is that if the suspect is formally accused, the defendant has no due process to challenge the validity of that search warrant.