To me the term political correctness sounds like it doesn't leave much room for mistakes. Why do I need to be politically correct? Because I'm in business, and have to watch out every step of the way. Reputation is all I have. I'm a bohemian artist. Bohemian artist's have to be cool and hip, it goes with the territory. This is a constant struggle for me.
Though I have to tell ya. In my opinion, PC is most prevalent on college campuses. It's not the real world.
Nowadays, if you use a racial epithet of any kind to someone you don't know, you stand a good chance of getting in serious trouble. In more ways than one. Of course, if you use it in a bad way to a complete stranger face to face, stand by to be beat up or worse. That's the problem with written text, is you can't see the other person's face, and see how they react.
I'll tell ya a story about a Japanese guy who couldn't speak English. He was over here for about 2 or 3 months, and was a black belt in Judo and some other strange martial art I'd never seen before... He trained with our Karate club for several weeks.
Couple other guys brought him over to my house, and we were preparing to go to Pensacola to the beach and to see the Naval Aviation Museum. Anyway, I have two model B-29 models hanging from my ceiling, one has a little boy bomb hanging from a wire, positioned over my computer.
I couldn't believe it when my friends pointed that out to Koshi, because not only was Koshi Japanese and also my guest, he became very upset. I didn't blame him, and after consoling him, suggested he and I teach my friends a lesson, (cause Koshi coulda killed 'em), and then everyone laughed and Koshi wasn't upset anymore. We went on and had a great time and got along great.
But that one time I saw how it did hit to the heart. It's a form of belittlement imo. I think those guys did that without thinking and were probably drinking or something.