Author Topic: Who said it was a good idea to make peace with al-Sadr  (Read 2322 times)

Offline xrtoronto

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Who said it was a good idea to make peace with al-Sadr
« Reply #45 on: July 05, 2004, 06:04:34 PM »
Originally posted by Crumpp

Did you read my post on the United Nations?


no crumpp I haven't ... could you post a link so i can find it plz?

(btw: i'm not entirely convinced the UN is worth its weight either, but need to research the topic more before deciding for myself.)

I enjoy reading what you post, and respect your opinion, even if it differs from my own. I would appreciate the info on UN. thx in advance

Offline flyingaround

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Who said it was a good idea to make peace with al-Sadr
« Reply #46 on: July 05, 2004, 06:12:00 PM »
It's only a seperate issue if I let you make it one. You said you went after Iraq because if UN violations...i stated that israel has more UN violations than evey other country in history. (87) That's why I called you a hyprocrite.

The U.N. violations referred to in my post were specific to the topic at hand.  We CAN discuss ALL the nations that have U.N. sanctions against them at another time if you wish.  Pretty lengthy list though. ALSO off topic.  As I thought, you can't back up a single thing you say.  Don't know why I tried to hold an intellectual debate with you.  So far this discussion has been similar to picking a fight with a quadriplegic. The "uhh.. I can't follow up anything I say with reason, or logic, so I better try and change the subject or throw out personal insults because i'm a moron" tactic looks good on you.  Fits well.  Go with it.

you now ask me to 'defend' an 'undefendable' position? btw: the correct word is indefensible.

Learned that one at the much vaulted acadamy of higher learning you attended eh?  ROFL your language skills are roughly on par with your debating skills.  BTW you never did mention where YOU attended college.  Please do so I can make sure my kids avoid it.  

have you been stalking me? how much do you know about me to make that assertion?

Next time I decide to stalk a "special" person I  will give you a ring.  I just have lived quite a life.  "Don't dream it, be it" (for you Rocky Horror fans) would typify my early life.  I'm sure you'll read all about it some day. (in the works. can't really discuss that quite yet)

I will do neither. I don't concede; I will not defend my position to YOU.

What I expected.  So far your retorts have amounted to what I expect from my 6yr old (except for the Jew hating part of course).  The above statment is the equivalent of "Whaaaa!! I'm not going to play because it's obvious I will lose" (lost actually, as is apparent to all) and is a common ploy for the mentally challenged.  

Thanks for PROVING your level of ignorance to me.

If you don't play you lose.  
Woot! I won!  Go me!

III/JG26 9th ST WidowMakers

Offline xrtoronto

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Who said it was a good idea to make peace with al-Sadr
« Reply #47 on: July 05, 2004, 06:14:22 PM »
Originally posted by storch
I'm still awaiting your reply gradeschooler.

if i wanted to talk to you or nuke i would drive down to your trailer park...but, don't hold your breath dude;)

Q: have you and/or nuke been on Jerry Springer?:rofl

Offline Crumpp

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Who said it was a good idea to make peace with al-Sadr
« Reply #48 on: July 05, 2004, 06:53:48 PM »

Thanks, I respect your opinion as well.  It's wouldn't be a free country without dissention.  However, dissention for it's own sake is not necessarily a good thing.  Just as the "nothing is worth war" crowd would quickly find their freedoms taken away.    

Before you start spouting the "Greatness" of the UN, you need to examine its record and get the ground truth from the people it's attempted to help.

The UN is great in concept but falls extremely short in action. Just ask the survivors of Bosnia about the effectiveness of the UN?

Only when the United States began pushing and pushing the hand wringing European Powers did the bombs start falling on those responsible.

Or talk to the Survivors of Sierra Leone about the greatness of the UN effort.

Talk to the Italians, who compromised their friends for their own personal safety in Somalia. Yes after the Pakistani's were ambushed the Commander of the Italian Army contingent cut a deal with Mohammed Farid Adid. In exchange for a guarantee of safety for Italian troops he reported to Adid every move TF Ranger made.

I could go on and on....

What you fail to understand is that the UN pays around 750 US dollars to each soldier on a UN mission every month. The United State turns this money back to the UN but most nations keep it. It does not go to the soldier but rather falls into the Host Nation Government coffers in most cases. Most of these countries have little real interest in these UN missions and their soldiers certainly do not see the point in dying for them. It's a chance to increase your budget for the year and to posture on the Worlds Stage that your country is actually contributing something. Big Political gains which end up meaning nothing or making things worse for those the UN was supposed to help.

The UN is great in theory but for the most part Bankrupt in practice. Unfortunately it's the best thing the world has going for it IF we ever truly do hope to become a world community. Don't be surprised if the United States acts as a sovereign nation when tough decisions the UN is incapable of making or effecting come along. Maybe one day the UN will not be so bankrupt. We are doing everything to see that happens. Maybe Iraq will be the catalyst that wakes the UN up to reform.  


Offline SLO

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Who said it was a good idea to make peace with al-Sadr
« Reply #49 on: July 05, 2004, 07:14:43 PM »

are the Jews aloud to have nuke's?

Offline SLO

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« Reply #50 on: July 05, 2004, 07:15:49 PM »

are the Jews aloud to build home's on a territory that does not belong to them

Offline SLO

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Who said it was a good idea to make peace with al-Sadr
« Reply #51 on: July 05, 2004, 07:17:24 PM »

are the Jews aloud to capture fugitives in another Sovereign Country without informing the Authorities


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« Reply #52 on: July 05, 2004, 07:25:22 PM »
Could you possibly mean allowed?  Could you mean the Israelis?  Have you ever heard of the raid on Entebbe?  The Israelis can do what ever they want, they are God's chosen people on earth.  All of the land from the Euphrates on the North to Red Sea on the South is The Promised land and therefore belongs to Israelis.

Offline flyingaround

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Who said it was a good idea to make peace with al-Sadr
« Reply #53 on: July 05, 2004, 07:42:38 PM »
are the Jews aloud to have nuke's?question.....  are the Jews aloud to have nuke's?
are the Jews aloud to capture fugitives in another Sovereign Country without informing the Authorities
are the Jews aloud to build home's on a territory that does not belong to them

don't quite understand.  ALLOWED by whom?  I would like to see just who would stop them from doing pretty much what they want.  
yes they have nukes.
yes they capture fugitives.
yes they built homes on the territories they own.  Gazza, West Bank etc are THEIRS.  They captured them after they were attacked, and if I remember my international law correctly, they get to keep said territories until a peace treaty is established with the countries they were at war with.  Resonably confident THAT never happened.

What I get a kick out of, is the fact that soooo many Islamic people HATE the fact that Israel uses street fighting tactics against the chicken 'chit terrorists, and the countries that support them.  The difference being that they target strategic military targets, vs. the Islamic terrorists target civilians.  Not to say that Israel hasn't killed any innocent civilians.  That is unavoidable when the wuss Jihad types imbed themselves in the civilian population.  Don't blame the Israeli military for collateral damage.  It is the punk 'arse terrorist who are hiding behind civilians due to lack of balls.  They have no hope of beating Israel in open combat, so they cloak themselves like women behind the skirts of the population.

Man I'm on a soap box today.  Wonder what got my sheepskin thong in such a bunch.  Time for a beer run.

III/JG26 9th ST WidowMakers

Offline SLO

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Who said it was a good idea to make peace with al-Sadr
« Reply #54 on: July 05, 2004, 08:26:11 PM »

for your information it was not the Palestinians that declared WAR in '69....

yet they still hold Palestinian land.

and no the Israel's are not supposed too have nukes...yet they still do....

and they do go around the world kidnapping people....

Offline Crumpp

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Who said it was a good idea to make peace with al-Sadr
« Reply #55 on: July 05, 2004, 08:31:23 PM »
Why aren't the Palestinians pissed off at the Syrian's?  Didn't they gobble up 80 percent of what used to be Palestine?


Offline xrtoronto

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Who said it was a good idea to make peace with al-Sadr
« Reply #56 on: July 05, 2004, 08:31:41 PM »
crumpp you have given me alot to think about. Thank you!

You probably saw the comment about me hating you think it was fair?

I am critical of the Israeli military for being heavy handed and ultimately counter productive. To live under that occupation must be a horror*. It doesn't mean I hate Jews. I stand shoulder to shoulder with Jews from all around the world who feel the same way. There is a couple thousand Israelis in prison for refusing to fight in the occupied areas. Again, these are the men & women I stand shoulder to shoulder with.

I would like to "see through your eyes" by having your thoughts on Israel/Palestine conflict (in brief)

I am embarrassed for Grun that he made that comment.

*yes yes's is also a nightmare for the Israelis who have to live under constant threat from suicide bombers. It's horrible for both sides

Offline SLO

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Who said it was a good idea to make peace with al-Sadr
« Reply #57 on: July 05, 2004, 08:43:43 PM »
my point crumpp is that the Israelis are far from being innocent bystanders just defending there country....


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Who said it was a good idea to make peace with al-Sadr
« Reply #58 on: July 05, 2004, 08:44:21 PM »
And I'm embarrased for you that you say Isreal is the worlds #1 terrorist state...

The Israelis arent any sort of babies by any measure but the simple fact of it is that after the UN mandated foundation of Israel post ww2 the arabs have been constantly trying to destroy them and have resisted final peace settlements.

Take the Deal Barak offered to Arafat during the last good negotiations a few years back.  Now that deal was far from a perfect solution and Arafat had every right to refuse it and continue negotiating, but nooooo.  Thee palestenians go ahead and start another intifida with suicide bombers targeting pizza arlors and busses, another senseless orgy of violence that brings them more defeats, more death, more israeli troops in their towns, more checkpoints, more bombings and more of everything bad for them..

So before you go mounthing off how Isreal is some terrorist state, lets have some perspective...

Offline SLO

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Who said it was a good idea to make peace with al-Sadr
« Reply #59 on: July 05, 2004, 08:48:04 PM »
Originally posted by GRUNHERZ
The Israelis arent any sort of babies by any measure but the simple fact of it is that after the UN mandated foundation of Israel post ww2 the arabs have been constantly trying to destroy them and have resisted final peace settlements.


that goes back way before WW2.....

chit these 2 peoples have been fighting each other for hundreds of years