Author Topic: I hope the first perk plane gets here soon (populations skewed wrong)  (Read 3977 times)

Offline Westy

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I hope the first perk plane gets here soon (populations skewed wrong)
« Reply #90 on: January 13, 2001, 08:54:00 AM »
 Sciflyer and Hajo, it's obvious you have no idea how the perk system is planned to work.

 It's NEW planes. And the system WILL end up working because people will want to fly the Macchi 202, the !09F, the Zeke and the other "less desirable" planes. "Less desirable" because they're not as fast, don't hit as hard and don't withstand damage as well as other aircraft.

 The reason it's starting to feel like AW here is because of the mindless uninformed posts being splattered all over - just like AW's Gamestorm boards.

 And it's a sad spectacle too. Not because AH is becoming that way, but because the same people with the same "MO" are coming HERE.


Offline Hajo

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I hope the first perk plane gets here soon (populations skewed wrong)
« Reply #91 on: January 13, 2001, 10:09:00 AM »
Westy!  who appointed you the think tank manager of Aces High?  You are going to be selective when using a perk system period!  It will not be even, and yes most of us will not fly the perk plane I hope anyway.  "perk"  what does it mean?  Look it up, something added as a gratuity, something superior.  something that will not be available to all.  That unevens the playing field, regulates the choices that one has, and makes it more difficult for the player that is trying the game for the first time even more so.  "Perk"  means we are giving an added advantage to the already experienced player.  Can't be translated any other way.
- The Flying Circus -

Offline Tyro48

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I hope the first perk plane gets here soon (populations skewed wrong)
« Reply #92 on: January 13, 2001, 10:22:00 AM »
Pyro has stated he intends to balance the arena, plain and  simple, if this is the intent of HTC then a far superoir set up would be to make a two country or four country MA, perking planes isn't going to get the balancing job done, with human dynamics in play balance cannot be acheived with a three country set up, throw in the international aspect and it gets muddy real quick, perk sys, bah, bad bad idea.

Offline Westy

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I hope the first perk plane gets here soon (populations skewed wrong)
« Reply #93 on: January 13, 2001, 12:45:00 PM »
 What do you mean Hajo? "HTC's think manager"? If you post here you willingly open up anything you say for open discussion. I have an opposite view of the perk system than you and your shadow Tyro here.  I've read just about everything Pyro and HiTech have written about the perk system in here.  It's obvious that you, Tyro and several others haven't read much at all about it because of what you and they write in your posts - mainly by way of the erronious and wild speculation.
 HiTech and Pyro have had at least 5 years running an online business. First with WB's and now here. They had five years experience prior as community leaders in AW. WB's is very successful as an online flight sim and so is AH. AH is the place most people want to be.

 How much do you and Tyro have? Why is it people think that HTC does not know what the hell they are doing or that they have not thought this through a hell-of-alot more than they have?


[This message has been edited by Westy (edited 01-13-2001).]

Offline Hajo

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I hope the first perk plane gets here soon (populations skewed wrong)
« Reply #94 on: January 13, 2001, 02:42:00 PM »
westy  in direct response in your earlier post, in regards to former aW participants I do know who you meant.  Perking in my opinion will not solve anything as far as balance. secondly, in my opinion it will not encourage new users to stay simply for the fact that they will not be able to acquire whatever is perked until they also accumulate the points.  This will be very hard for them to do, to get the skills needed in two weeks during their trial period.  tilts the playing field against the new users even more so.  so if and when the time comes up to decide should I or shouldn't I pay the 30 dollars, if they're not having fun....the answer will be no.  also, I've been managing an operation that requires a fairly good  number of people to run on a 24 hour basis daily 365 days a year <G>  so I do have some knowledge about operating, what people think, and I've been doing it for 30 years, so I do have some expertise in that area.  I'm just pointing out that there are other points of view on the subject, and how someone new to the on-line flight sim community might view this.

[This message has been edited by Hajo (edited 01-13-2001).]
- The Flying Circus -

Offline Kirin

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I hope the first perk plane gets here soon (populations skewed wrong)
« Reply #95 on: January 13, 2001, 03:29:00 PM »
So Hajo, you think a potential customer is more attracted to an arena where Chogs dominate the skies with their wonder-guns? A newbie won't stay any chance against a half-decent pilot in a Chog.

Jet-day like in AW... hmm... I was flying AW for 1.5 years and always seemed to miss excactly that day. Very frustrating. The only day I was attending when they let the WW1 planes into the arena!  

The PerkSystem does bring along a motivation, a reward to fly the underdog-planes. It does therefore emphasize on the variaty of the planeset and makes it possible to introduce planes that otherwise would be unbalancing (e.g. CHog) and that mostly every avation fan would like to try out. HT said that it would take the average pilot to fly 3 weeks to buy such a plane - so don't be afraid of ME262s swarming the skies... hey, one lucky hit and it's gone - dunno yet, what happens with damaged or ditched Perks. Sure, there will be some die-hard Perk-flyers, but they will have to fly the really slow and underarmed planes to get their points quickly. I doubt you will be able to get enough perkies in a perk plane itself to keep a steady flow up (unless you fly like Fishu).

I don't know what you guys are afraid off? Don't you like to see new planes? PerkSystem also allows the introduction of early war planes with a very high ENY value. Finally you get rewarded for not flying the popular quakebird - hey that's something. That will keep some arcade-minded guys out but AH ment to be a hardcore simulation.

Unless we get a historical arena (pretty pleaaaase) the perk system is the only thing from keeping MA to become Quake High.
Real men fly Radial!

Offline Tyro48

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I hope the first perk plane gets here soon (populations skewed wrong)
« Reply #96 on: January 13, 2001, 04:43:00 PM »
Westy! Sweet jesus, your asleep at the wheel,
if you truely have read everything posted by Hi-Tech and Pyro you could easily admit that Pyro has stated over and over for yor benefit no doubt that he intends to "balance" the arena, and as I have posted in many areas I firmly beleive that the perk sys will not balance anything, perking is a reward sys not a balancing sys get it straight and call it what it is and quit dancing around, you want a reward then say so, you want balance in the arena the devise a sys that will funnel players to the country that is presently under manned. Then when numbers are closely matched you have acheived your "balance". I f you have acheived your point quota and get to fly your uber plane then you have been rewared.
Can you possibly come to grips with this?

Offline Hajo

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I hope the first perk plane gets here soon (populations skewed wrong)
« Reply #97 on: January 13, 2001, 04:47:00 PM »
Kirin!  You've brought forth some very good points...well stated.  c-Hogs, well I'll tolerate them, although they are very very lethal.  the first time I tried one I was very suprised how effortless it was to get a kill.  800 out, pull the trigger "WHAM" enemy down.  I am going to for sure see how the perk system works out.  I am just inherantly against giving someone an intentional advantage.  Maybe I had a shielded childhood <G> I feel the advantage should be gained using ACM while in the air in a furball, not in the hangar after several missions.  But that's my opinion and the last I'll say on the matter <G>  I just want everyone to experience the challenge, and fun that Aces High can give you, and the feeling of greater reward when in an inferior craft, you outsmart the enemy, and down him!  That's what the game is about <G>

- The Flying Circus -

Offline Jekyll

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I hope the first perk plane gets here soon (populations skewed wrong)
« Reply #98 on: January 13, 2001, 05:02:00 PM »
I'm in favour of anything which provides better balance in the arena, but a couple of recent posts has me thinking.

It's three months from now.  The Tempest, P51-H, P-47M and Spit XIV are available as perk planes.  Since the 'long-time' flyers have been saving their perk points, and flying their perk rides carefully, the perk planes are not at all uncommon in the arena.

Enter John Doe.  He's just heard about AH from a gaming magazine.  He likes flight sims and decides to see how his free two weeks will turn out.  Logs into the arena, looks out of the tower and sees a Tempest roll past.

"Cool" he thinks.  Goes to the Hanger screen but cannot find the big British beast.  Checks out why on common channel.  "Oh, you've gotta earn 50 perk points to fly the Tempest", a helpful pilot replies.

Hmmm, OK.  He selects a P51 and takes off, only to die in a hail of bullets from an unseen attacker only minutes later.

'Perk Points = 0'

He flies for a while, getting the occasional assist or rare fill, and watches his perk points soar up to 5 or so.

He does the math in his head, figures 'Screw this' and goes back to CFS2.

Perk planes might be a good idea from our POV, but how will the new guys regard it?

I'm not flying much in the MA anymore, but I've noticed that most of the names in their now are guys I've never seen before - no doubt on their two week freebie.  Once lost, it'll be much harder to get them back again.

=357th Pony Express=
Aces High Training Corps

Offline sciflyer

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I hope the first perk plane gets here soon (populations skewed wrong)
« Reply #99 on: January 14, 2001, 12:08:00 AM »
whats wrong with just limiting the numbers of each plane on a per-country basis? Say at any given time there could only be (x)ME-262s, (y)CHogs, (z)Yaks, etc in the air, that way everyone has an equal chance of flying each plane and its the luck of the draw whether the 262 is in the hangar when u pick your ride...

Surely someone must've thought of this before now?

Offline handy

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I hope the first perk plane gets here soon (populations skewed wrong)
« Reply #100 on: January 14, 2001, 12:31:00 PM »
  I think it is all about having fun?
I didn't know that AH was in trouble?
I guess so if what there doing isn't
working and it needs to be changed?
Go for it HT you are the guy who is taking
all the risks. I can't think of anyone more qualified to make these decisions.
I have had fun since the 4th day of the beta
keep up the good work.

Offline hazed-

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I hope the first perk plane gets here soon (populations skewed wrong)
« Reply #101 on: January 14, 2001, 01:35:00 PM »
Jekyll how about this?

John doe decides to try out this flight sim because he likes planes:
As there is no limitation on planes he presses the spawn button and BOOM! killed by 14 vulching expert me262 fliers backed up by 10 b29's who proceed to level everything on the base including each and every blade of grass  

John thinks mmm since i was a kid i always wanted to fly(insert YOUR favourite here) and if i fly it here i cant kill anything..this is too hard
Alternately John being a quake head thinks Great!! me262 wars, blasts into the sky firing madly boom! tries again does better boom! this is fun!......2 weeks later your free time is up....Hmm was good for two weeks but $30 for this? naaa ill go AW its cheaper.
AH for me personally appeals because of its attempt to model flight dynamics etc properly with all the models of aircraft for us to fly with in missions and sometimes historical scenarios set over months.We all want something different and if you claim gamers will pay this subscription i think you are wrong.before i joined ah i played quake,counterstrike,myth2,roguespear and many others and i never payed for any of them.It was only the fact that i have discovered what it really means to fly and fight..e retention,knowing your enemies planes,positioning,strategy and what weapons work for what targets etc that made me part with my cash.
turn this game into a sort of shootemup and ill go elsewhere.Ive considered this on several occations and i only stay because there is nothing else that comes close to this level of realism so ill pay what 'I' consider to be an expensive price to gain my enjoyment.(oh and i LOVE the game!!or at least what it promisses)

its up to HTC to decide but i know who i think will keep paying and who i think will just try it out and leave.I was one of the 'try it till something new comes along' web gamers.It was HTC's uniqueness that parted me with my money.


Offline Lizard3

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I hope the first perk plane gets here soon (populations skewed wrong)
« Reply #102 on: February 04, 2001, 11:27:00 PM »
It has been posed that newbies will not stay since they wont have any perk points to fly the perky rides. Anyone ever play monopoly? Nobody starts out poor, everyone has some money. If the new people get to ride a tempest or a 262 and loose it, at least they will have flown it, and endevore to improve there skills so they can fly it again. A repeat customer who has "bought" into the system. Maybe that is an option being planned.


Offline J_A_B

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« Reply #103 on: February 05, 2001, 12:37:00 AM »
Don't trash the people who like to fly one plane.  Not everybody has the same opinion of "fun".

Some people don't mind flying a different plane every flight--to which I say "Good"

But I don't.  I fly the SAME plane 99% of the time regardless of what sim I am playing.  It is just NOT FUN for me to be flying something else.  I am willing to fly online a total of 3 WW2-era airplanes--the P-51, F6F, and the FW-190.  I simply will not fly anything else, except for a novelty now and then.  I have subscribed to AirWarrior for over 4 years now, and there are a number of airplanes I have never flown online ONCE.  I have not tried all the planes in AH, either, and probably never will.  I have no interest in them.

That is why I would never play WarBirds (RPS wouldn't allow me to fly favorite plane), and that is why I sympathize for people who like the F4U-1C.

Those who truly like the F4U-1C are understandably upset.  I can't blame them for complaining on these BB's--I would too in the same situation.  Look at it from their perspective:

They pay $$$ for a product they like.  Suddely, the product is changed to something they DON'T like.  Being a customer, it is whithin their right to complain--even though they cannot necessarily chance the outcome.

A place to post complaints is among the purposes of this Messageboard.

Please respect that not everyone has the same idea of "fun".


Offline M.C.202

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I hope the first perk plane gets here soon (populations skewed wrong)
« Reply #104 on: February 05, 2001, 01:50:00 AM »
loser111 said:

> Eventually channel 1 will be full of people whining about how unfair and plentiful the da
> vinci glider is.

Na, the perk will be the ornathoptor (sp?), it has POWERED wing flapping!!!

Dino in Reno