For those who gave me .move instructions, you may want to read some of the later posts.
As for the definition of harrasment. Yeah Hmble, that is A definition of harrasement. But your definition allows 2 or more pilots to kill a person again and again without being asked to stop. In fact it allows the whole arena to do this to ine person.
My definition is a little broader. If a person can't have any peice even after having asked for it (remember some are just learing how to fly), that constitutes harrasement.
You indicated you had the same problems with airwarrior III and you seemed quite unhappy about the events you experienced. Well, firstly, You CAN'T get shot down in any of the AWIII training arena's. All you that happens is you see a message saying you got shot down in the buffer, and you ammo is completely replenished. Thats it, no real death. So your experience must have happened a long time ago. Secondly, if your getting harrassed, a report to the AWTC can get the offending individual barred from the training arena all together. What this all means is that I can take off regardless of vulchers. I can fly around and just ignore them cause they're not effecting me. eventually they got bored and go away. However, back to your unhappy experience in AWIII. Although that can't happen now as you described, welcome to the world that ALL newbies experience here at AH!
Now Hmble, about my sense of humour. Think about it. This is the first time you've told me it was a joke. THE FIRST TIME. Up till last night, to attack you meant to be killed by a third party. Make believe for just a second that your on the outside of that joke. How does it look? I understand NOW that it was a joke and wasn't intended, but it is still representative of the kinds of things I have been experiencing since the beginning, regardless of that particular situation being an accident, joke, whatever.
As for emailing films. I'm not in the habbit of complaining publicly. I did try mailing my complaint to 2 of the 3 HTC mailing addresses available on the site. I got the messages back as delivery failures with "Access Denied" as the reason. So much for sending anything to HTC.
Besides, the idea isn't to get people in S**T. It's really about ENFORCING some kind of etiquette. I don't want to get anyone booted, I just want a little sanity. Imagine if the police stopped enforcing laws in your area. Chances are you would start having problems and chances are it wouldn't be from the same person all the time. So your not being harrassed, right? Laws are great as are rules. But niether is of much use if their not enforced and enforcement builds an attitude in peoples minds that they behave or else, which means, less people intentionally break the rules.
I've Seen Kieren in the arena and I always notice Kieren asking people to behave (politely). This is how I knew Kieren was a trainer. until VERY recently, I have not been able to tell who is and who is not a trainer in the same way. I have to check the Roster. I think it's all Kierens fault for setting a standard that protects Newbies from what I define as Harrasement.

(Kieren, perhaps you can save yourself some work and call a all to swarm the offenders in the training arena. "OK Trainees.. Attack ID and keep him down till I say otherwise"

.Not really, but it's fun to think about.
Kieren was the first trainer I encountered and I expected all to be like that. I think Kieren has a good point with the self kill thing although I would add to it. In the non trainging arena's in AWIII, if you want to duel a contryman, you can type "/duel id" If they accept, you can kill each other without penelty. If they decline and you kill them anyway, You can loose your ammo for 24 hours. I think the /duel thing might add the control you need. it enforces the "ask before you attack" idea and allows people to fly together without being interfered with.
Now, AWIII has been around for a very long time, but things are well controled there and perhaps there are some helpful lessons to be learned. AW Trainers DO have the power to boot someone. But not only can users lodge a complaint, there are menu options RIGHT IN THE GAME for doing just that. Additionally, I just went through the extensive application to become an AWIII trainer. It took weeks as they checked AW records for the existance of any complaints or repremands. This speaks of an extensive effort on their part to insure people can enjoy their time in AWIII and play together nicely. This also insures that Newbies have a chance to get used to things. My first days where in a newbie free for all arena where after 10,000 points, you lost all ammo. I still went back to that arena later, but just to fly with the newbies.. I couldn't shoot them down. AH is a great game with tons of possibilities over and above what AWIII has. Newbies don't get the chance to enjoy ANY of them and I'm willing to bet that AH has already lost a fair number of customers (players) as a result. I know my friend is about ready to quit.
Remember, it's not all about one trainer or one incident. This thread is the resulting erruption from a buildup of problems. Kieren saw a smaller erruption in the training arena a couple days ago. Now we're on to the big one. Like I said earlier, some confront the issue and some just quit. Quiting would be my next logical step but I'm also fighting for the rest of the poor sobs who are just getted torn to sheds in there. It's simply isn't right.
Now later, after my first post last night, I went up in the TA again (When I got shot down in the hanger by Ace02) I did take off from A1 with film rolling (No attack!) Hmble asked someone to leave A1 alone. I circled to land at A1 (No Attack!) I took off again (No Attack!) I circled and landed again (No Attack!) and their where dots all around. This was a first for me and even though I did get nailed later in a hanger, I was VERY VERY surprised. In the extreme. WTG hmble.
[This message has been edited by WW (edited 04-22-2000).]
[This message has been edited by WW (edited 04-22-2000).]