Author Topic: Training Arena etiqette  (Read 11285 times)

Offline humble

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« Reply #15 on: April 22, 2000, 11:07:00 AM »

I don't think WW's post is/was "wrong" with regard to details however I do disagree with the perspective entirely. To me these were relatively isolated events, not a pattern of activity.

Personally I'm thrilled that some of the best sticks in the game can be found in the TA from time to time. Since they will almost universally crtique/comment on action this is a boon to any newbie. This is an combat sim, without someone to fight you cant learn. I'd hate to see the day when you had no one to practice against who would offer constructive advice.

Now, on the other hand harassment DOES happen and it does need to be delt with. Someone vulching (really vulching) or repeatedly stalking an unwilling foe can't be tolerated. I think I've seen two real incidents and intervened in both.

As a final thought ammo, last night after you called out your duel and it was interrupted...who did you bounce  ...would you call it 'harassment' I wouldn't. It was no big deal at all.

WW, sorry you don't like my sense of humor. As I stated earlier I do my best to maintain reasonable order while attempting to help those who are struggling with the learning curve in AH.

I believe that the TA is integral to the future of this sim. We are accumulating a force of experienced sticks beyond either AW or WB (IMO). Combine this with the sophistication of the FM and the barrier of entry is awful high. So far I think the TA is a great place for inexperienced..or experienced fliers to learn.

"The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it."-Pres. Thomas Jefferson

Offline Kieren

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« Reply #16 on: April 22, 2000, 11:12:00 AM »
That's the trouble, Ammo. How can we change it? Or more directly, how can anyone here change it?

It comes to this; you behave in the way you want others to model, whether they choose to follow or not. You try to exercise societal control by verbally asking for the behavior to stop. If it works, great. If not, there isn't much anyone can do but tape and send it in. If you have an arena full of people that are in the mindset "anything goes", that is what will happen.

Offline humble

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« Reply #17 on: April 22, 2000, 11:30:00 AM »

>>allowing your buddie to do a newbie like that for an inside joke says something about how the newbies are viewed.<<

For the record, you weren't "set-up" by av8r and I. He and a few others "stalk" me all the time...and I'll look for them also. He bounced you, I let him know in a very polite way he was interfering (by accident) in a training session.

I would hate for av8r or any of the other regular's who help out in the TA to view there presence as being unwelcome.

As for how I view newbie's...I've carried my cpid since I picked it after a day of being hosed in the AW "newbie" arena by all the vets who got there rocks off stalking us "deer in the headlight's" types.

"The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it."-Pres. Thomas Jefferson

Offline -ammo-

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« Reply #18 on: April 22, 2000, 12:40:00 PM »
Good thoughts. I did however bounce humble as he said. i didnt stop there either  I shot at all those that shot at me

Dont know fellas. I hate to point this out. The TA in WBs--the trainers have control in there. However they have tools to enforce it too But a true training atmosphere is fostered there. you guys have all the talent you need here. and there are soem really good sticks that come in the TA too!

Commanding Officer, 56 Fighter Group
Retired USAF - 1988 - 2011

Offline WW

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« Reply #19 on: April 22, 2000, 12:43:00 PM »
For those who gave me .move instructions, you may want to read some of the later posts.

As for the definition of harrasment. Yeah Hmble, that is A definition of harrasement. But your definition allows 2 or more pilots to kill a person again and again without being asked to stop. In fact it allows the whole arena to do this to ine person.
My definition is a little broader. If a person can't have any peice even after having asked for it (remember some are just learing how to fly), that constitutes harrasement.

You indicated you had the same problems with airwarrior III and you seemed quite unhappy about the events you experienced. Well, firstly, You CAN'T get shot down in any of the AWIII training arena's. All you that happens is you see a message saying you got shot down in the buffer, and you ammo is completely replenished. Thats it, no real death. So your experience must have happened a long time ago. Secondly, if your getting harrassed, a report to the AWTC can get the offending individual barred from the training arena all together. What this all means is that I can take off regardless of vulchers. I can fly around and just ignore them cause they're not effecting me. eventually they got bored and go away. However, back to your unhappy experience in AWIII. Although that can't happen now as you described, welcome to the world that ALL newbies experience here at AH!

Now Hmble, about my sense of humour. Think about it. This is the first time you've told me it was a joke. THE FIRST TIME. Up till last night, to attack you meant to be killed by a third party. Make believe for just a second that your on the outside of that joke. How does it look? I understand NOW that it was a joke and wasn't intended, but it is still representative of the kinds of things I have been experiencing since the beginning, regardless of that particular situation being an accident, joke, whatever.

As for emailing films. I'm not in the habbit of complaining publicly. I did try mailing my complaint to 2 of the 3 HTC mailing addresses available on the site. I got the messages back as delivery failures with "Access Denied" as the reason. So much for sending anything to HTC.

Besides, the idea isn't to get people in S**T. It's really about ENFORCING some kind of etiquette. I don't want to get anyone booted, I just want a little sanity. Imagine if the police stopped enforcing laws in your area. Chances are you would start having problems and chances are it wouldn't be from the same person all the time. So your not being harrassed, right? Laws are great as are rules. But niether is of much use if their not enforced and enforcement builds an attitude in peoples minds that they behave or else, which means, less people intentionally break the rules.

I've Seen Kieren in the arena and I always notice Kieren asking people to behave (politely). This is how I knew Kieren was a trainer. until VERY recently, I have not been able to tell who is and who is not a trainer in the same way. I have to check the Roster. I think it's all Kierens fault for setting a standard that protects Newbies from what I define as Harrasement.      

(Kieren, perhaps you can save yourself some work and call a all to swarm the offenders in the training arena. "OK Trainees.. Attack ID and keep him down till I say otherwise"   .Not really, but it's fun to think about.

Kieren was the first trainer I encountered and I expected all to be like that. I think Kieren has a good point with the self kill thing although I would add to it. In the non trainging arena's in AWIII, if you want to duel a contryman, you can type "/duel id" If they accept, you can kill each other without penelty. If they decline and you kill them anyway, You can loose your ammo for 24 hours. I think the /duel thing might add the control you need. it enforces the "ask before you attack" idea and allows people to fly together without being interfered with.

Now, AWIII has been around for a very long time, but things are well controled there and perhaps there are some helpful lessons to be learned. AW Trainers DO have the power to boot someone. But not only can users lodge a complaint, there are menu options RIGHT IN THE GAME for doing just that. Additionally, I just went through the extensive application to become an AWIII trainer. It took weeks as they checked AW records for the existance of any complaints or repremands. This speaks of an extensive effort on their part to insure people can enjoy their time in AWIII and play together nicely. This also insures that Newbies have a chance to get used to things. My first days where in a newbie free for all arena where after 10,000 points, you lost all ammo. I still went back to that arena later, but just to fly with the newbies.. I couldn't shoot them down. AH is a great game with tons of possibilities over and above what AWIII has. Newbies don't get the chance to enjoy ANY of them and I'm willing to bet that AH has already lost a fair number of customers (players) as a result. I know my friend is about ready to quit.

Remember, it's not all about one trainer or one incident. This thread is the resulting erruption from a buildup of problems. Kieren saw a smaller erruption in the training arena a couple days ago. Now we're on to the big one. Like I said earlier, some confront the issue and some just quit. Quiting would be my next logical step but I'm also fighting for the rest of the poor sobs who are just getted torn to sheds in there. It's simply isn't right.

Now later, after my first post last night, I went up in the TA again (When I got shot down in the hanger by Ace02) I did take off from A1 with film rolling (No attack!) Hmble asked someone to leave A1 alone. I circled to land at A1 (No Attack!) I took off again (No Attack!) I circled and landed again (No Attack!) and their where dots all around. This was a first for me and even though I did get nailed later in a hanger, I was VERY VERY surprised. In the extreme. WTG hmble.

[This message has been edited by WW (edited 04-22-2000).]

[This message has been edited by WW (edited 04-22-2000).]

Offline Baddawg

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« Reply #20 on: April 22, 2000, 01:14:00 PM »
Well i think the training arena has and is a full flegded blast.
Some of the FFAs are just  pure bliss.

But i think experienced players should set up  a specific field  thats not  a default field, to FFA.

 Some times newbies come in and make faux pas ,or they are so desperate to see something blow up rather than themselves  they vultch or  shoot on takeoffs from behind you or mI6 the field.

 With some of the killers ffa 'ing in the last week  it could be easy to see how a newbie  jumping into the fray would feel 'picked on".

Experienced players  who Free For All should police themselves. Help others when they ask.

99% of my experience in  the Training arena has been positive. 1% Stunk because some  fool was acting like one .

Aces High Correspondent for    

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Offline WW

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« Reply #21 on: April 22, 2000, 02:14:00 PM »
Hey Hmble,
Heres a quote from Robert in the other etiquete discission. (I shoulda included this thread in there but I dont use these and didn't know how to respond to it at the time Doh)

" sure way to get pounced by everyone is to vulch or start whining over the radio. you will surely get bombarded by everyone wanting a piece of your panzy oscar........... "

This quote should provide you with some idea why you dont hear about the problems.
It is respesitative of some of the attitudes in there. I have gotten verbally dumpped on for asking people to stop.

Offline humble

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« Reply #22 on: April 22, 2000, 02:51:00 PM »

The "newbie" arena is what I was referring to. back in the AOL days many players had multiple accounts and augered to keep points down.

Anyway I spent another 2-3 hours or so in the TA this morning, again very isolated problems.

Now your last item confused me, in the 1st i'm a problem, now I'm not. I'll always respond to requests to police the the 1st post you basically said i condoned improper behavior. The last said i intervened and it stopped.

I have no axe to grind with you or anyone else...I'm trying to respond to your critique of my actions in an open and even handed manner. Often there is only one trainer up and only so much can be expected.
My role as I see it is to help those who want to learn. I've never had a training session interrupted in a serious way. I hope i do a reasonable job as a trainer...if i'm a poor "policeman" I appologize.

"The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it."-Pres. Thomas Jefferson

Offline humble

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« Reply #23 on: April 22, 2000, 06:09:00 PM »

on a slighty different topic, I thought you did a great job with blueice today. Your filling the same roll as av8r RWY and many others are in the TA. To me it's the most important aspect of the arena..lot of us can kill the "newbie's"'s those who take a moment to try and explain what's happening (and why) that make a positive differance.

Just realize that the folks you help who paint a bullseye on you later  .

"The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it."-Pres. Thomas Jefferson

Offline Minotaur

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« Reply #24 on: April 22, 2000, 09:01:00 PM »

The Wrecking Crew

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« Reply #25 on: April 22, 2000, 10:20:00 PM »
Well Hmble,
In the first I was on the outside of your inside joke which set the stage. Built around that stage was the words, "I don't see things being that bad" and , "I'm not an enforcer" which when combined with the inside joke, suggested you may be turning a blind eye to it or allowing it.

Telling me, "I just took off and it was fine." when I reported AirRev had just egged the runway, didn't help matters either. Cause when I tried to take off, I lost tail gear and bounced all over the place until Furbalz finally shot the gear out from under me and I slid to a stop. As Furbalze blew past me he goes, "I don't see any craters" while I was surrounded by them and you directly in front of me 7.0 away. This all combined was not painting a pretty picture.

Through the discussion you have let me in on your joke. That changed things a lot. The rest of the discussion has been an effort to help you see what you don't, how bad the problem is. The last comments which confused you where an effort to show you what "Good" is, by way of real life example.

As for the AWIII newbie arena you flew in, that probably explains why they did away with it. Now all newbies end up in the AWIII training arena where you CAN'T be shot down no matter what. You have to crash to die.

As for how I was working with BlueIce and Dilbert, thanks I appreciate the comments. I don't think it's appropriate to just keep pounding some poor bugger without giving him something to help him fight back. ESPECIALLY on a 1 vs 1. But it took an hour of flying in circles watching the fight to find someone to go to another field with me. Even then, Aquadude tried to shoot me off the runway on takeoff. This illustrates the point that when you can get someone to another field, things can work out nicely but it's not always that easy.

Additionally, you would have noticed me politely telling BlueIce to be good. Tern had already complained about him killing folks on takeoff in the other discussion and he tried that with me at our own field twice in a row. Then tried to give me that febal, "I was only joking" bit. It was more like, "My gunnery needs work.".

And I have no idea what happened to Dilbert. After that last merge I was telling him what a great merge it was and he was gone. He had just up and left?!?! Perhaps he got booted.

I don't mind getting killed in a fair fight. Hell, BlueIce did me twice and I congradulated him. I mind getting killed by a third party whose interfereing in a fair fight. It disrupts the ideas/tactics I'm testing. And I Friggen HATE getting fragged either rolling down the runway or just off of it with no E. That is simply a total and complete pain in the six.

Anyway, I didn't think you where a bad guy, our lesson together was a good one which added more confusion later. The joke I wasn't privy too said, "bad guy" (I didn't know it was a joke or that you told him to stop) but the training said, "Good guy". A few other situations suggested "Bad guy" so colour me confused until you started explaining things a bit.

Face it, had there been no joke, had you really had a buddy clearing your six as a trainer, that definately would have made you a bad guy. I was new and it was my first encounter with you. Perhaps it was a joke best left for someone who knew you a little better.

[This message has been edited by WW (edited 04-22-2000).]

Offline humble

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« Reply #26 on: April 22, 2000, 10:38:00 PM »

I certainly understand your perception of my comment regarding av8r's bounce...but we went on and had zero problems...had you expressed any irritation I'd of explained it better.

I didn't see any bomb damage at 1 when I took off, niether did anyone else...only thing I can think is we have 3 actives now since hangers are up. I always go N or use hanger to launch?

Your following comment sums it all up for me...I don't think it's appropriate to just keep pounding some poor bugger without giving him something to help him fight back...anyone with that attitude is one of the good guys in my book. It's why i look at all the sticks that come in and furball as a welcome addition. It's a very small percentage of players who cause problems.

As I stated earlier your comments and facts were not without foundation, but our perception obviously differs. The truth probably lies somewhere in between.

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Offline easymo

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« Reply #27 on: April 22, 2000, 11:57:00 PM »
 If i was a trainer (and dont want to be). I would set the session up on H2H. No destractions.

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« Reply #28 on: April 23, 2000, 12:42:00 AM »
Funny, I see one simple solution for this.
There is a reason Killshooter is on in the main. I think it needs to be on in the TA as well. It prevents all kinds of dweebery.

Those who want to FFA can still arange all the fights they want between 2 fields.
Trainers no longer will get interupted without notice.
Also a trainer should also be able to kick anyone out of the arena instantly, and repeat as needed. Otherwise as a policeman, he has NO authority. He should also be able to have someones acct suspended for a month on a single email or phone call. The ultimate big stick.

If all you want is a free for all go to main or H2H. Personally I tend to stay out of the TA for the exact same reasons WW explains.
If I want a fight I want it fair, 10k coalt, cold merge with no interuptions.

Maybe I'm old fashioned, & maybe I'm used to the TA in WB. That one was run with an iron hand firmly nestled into a velvet glove.

Exactly the way it should be in MY opinion.
If people must have a FFA arena, give it too em. No ack, no Killshooter, 10k bases, no rules, fly strickly at your own risk. Label it accordingly both inside with a startup banner & in the arena list.

Frankly hot sticks who stalk & vulch people
are bully's plain & simple. They have no place being in the same arena with new pilots. ANYONE who see's this kind of behavior and condones it is no better IMO.

Leave the TA for Training for pete's sake!

Maj Ghosth
XO 332nd Flying Mongrels

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Offline WW

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« Reply #29 on: April 23, 2000, 01:06:00 AM »
Again, thanks for the comments Hmble, it's appreciated. And yeah, the truth is probably somewhere in between, but keep in mind your days in AWIII newbie arena. To the newbie in AH, the truth is considerably worse. ESPECIALLY when they're comming out right in the middle of it and don't know how the map or .move command works.

As for my irritation, that was something that built up incident by incident, building on an already confused perception of your role in the whole mess. Like I said, put enough of the pieces together and it doesn't paint a pretty picture. I'm glad I posted.

To answer you question about which runway I used, the N & S runway was hit and thats what I use. You where 7.0 away. I suspect you got out just before the 17 came in cause I saw him come in and drop (Thought my ability to see the bombs fall was cool).  When I tried to take off, I lost my tail gear and bounced around. If that isn't consistant with craters let me know, but I think it is. Furbalz typed that he didn't see any craters after he shot my wheels out from under me, but I think he was just trying to be cute, they where along the entire runway. I doubt you could have seen them from 7.0 out though. I've seen a lot of this when AirRev was around before and from 4000 feet up, you can't see them.

I think Ghosth makes some useful points. As usual, its the few jerks who ruin things for everyone else. It takes an Iron hand to make sure that doesn't happen, and a velvet glove to make sure the innocent errors don't result in disgruntled people.

I still think the Killshooter with a "/duel ID" command would satisfy most needs in there. It enforces and "Ask before you attack" idea and forces people to respect other peoples wishes without a lot of policing. If you get into having to up from different fields, it might as well be MA.

If one needs a reminder how much we need to enforce "respecting others" is needed, just look at the earlier post with the comment about killing Panzy oscar..S. I think some folks forget they're supposed to play TOGETHER. Not much has changed since we where 10 has it??..  

[This message has been edited by WW (edited 04-23-2000).]

[This message has been edited by WW (edited 04-23-2000).]