No worries Wiz. That didn't offend me in the least. It's actually quite nice to finally hear from you. And I appreciate both your candor as well as the difficulty you faced at the FFA field.
As far as shooting you down on the runway, even the one time, it's not even a question of jogging my memory to come up with the name of the person I did this to. ie. "Let's see, was it Wiz I shot down on the runway?". I just have never done this... it's so not my style. But I realize that names, events can be confusing in an FFA environment when you're just getting your bearings.
Oops hang on - I just reread your post. You say you can't remember if the time I shot you was when you were taking off, just clearing the runway, or comming in for a landing. In that case - it's *possible* I might have shot ya when you were on final. Sometimes the fur moves perty close to the field, and though it is easy to tell who is rollin' down the runway taking off, it's a bit trickier when someone's already airborne and coming in for a landing.
But what you have described is far far diffirent than WW's *constant* mutterings about me shooting you down "multiple times on the runway". You paint quite a different picture, and I've come to expect this sort of distortion from him.
As far as shooting you multiple times while you were minding my own business - I'm no doubt guilty as charged. You've got to understand, Wiz, that when planes are everywhere, firing this way and that way, it becomes difficult, nay, next to *impossible* to distinguish between an 'observer' and a threat.
I really hate to be the source of trouble for anyone, especially someone new to AH or flight sims in general. Please accept my apology, and I will at least *try* to avoid you if you say you don't want to be fired at.
But that's no guarantee you will be left alone to watch the fights in peace. I guess one suggestion is for you to get a bit of altitude. The fights wind down to ground level very quickly. If you stay high and keep a bit of distance, you will probably be safe.
Also, don't be afraid to dive into the fight! It's a blast Wiz! Just jump in with both feet and start trying out different styles of fighting. Death aint a big deal like it is in the MA. Ya just up again, and the fights only 2 minutes away.
Anyways, I hope your experience in the TA wasn't bad enough to the extent that you have misgivings about returning to it (you arent one of the guys who closed their account with WW are ya?). I'd love to see ya back there, and if there's anything I or any of the trainers (or heck - *anyone* - the guys in the TA are top notch) can do to help ya, just holler.