Ya know what.....
I might be an arse for opening this can of worms... And it really is petty. And my suspicions are usually wrong... but it could make for some BBS fun, no matter what the outcome.
When someone (Rip) says he "earned everything he has, and wouldn't accept charity in any form"... then makes these kinds of posts, I get curious. Because most people I know don't show off their stuff. They take pains to hide it, in fact.
In the course of two years, Rip has posted pictures of his fairly large house, his new camper, his new boat, his new BMW in a carpeted garage, his two or three kids and his wife. And now, a post about 44 grand spent on toys this year, with 66 grand more to be spent by April of next.
That's alotta schwag. A hundred and ten thousand dollars on toys in basically a year and few months.
Now, I have a buddy from Ontario that went down to work at Boeing. He was making sick money. But it wasn't 110 grand on toys in a year sick money. And he didn't have a house or a family.
So.... If anyone feels like playing detective, I think we have all the clues we really need. Or a good launching point at least.
We know where Rip lives and have seen his house. Not too much work to get a reasonable estimation of its value.
We know where he works and what he does. Within some range, a salary could be figured out.
Same goes for a nurse in his town. To be conservative - use the top nurses salary.
Deduct the obvious; taxes... cost of rasing a few kids 5, 7 , 10 or close...
And what are we left with?
A one hundred thousand dollar a year toy budget, or a handout/charity/spoon, or a reasonable amount to spend on toys given all the above?
Like I said... it might be fun. Or not. I kinda saw the same type of thing done on AGW and that sure was fun. Maybe because through all Rip's attempts to get noticed this way, it's about time he got noticed.