Author Topic: how iraq was, is, and shall continue to be a total f - up  (Read 8706 times)

Offline Airhead

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Re: Not limited to Iraq
« Reply #15 on: January 14, 2005, 10:01:59 AM »
Originally posted by TalonX

Who said, "When you see a snake poised to strike, you don't wait until he does, to kill it?"  (forgive the paraphrase, I didn't have time to look it up for accuracy).

I think that's wise.

Kennedy said that on the morning of Bay of Pigs.

Offline Masherbrum

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how iraq was, is, and shall continue to be a total mess
« Reply #16 on: January 14, 2005, 10:04:58 AM »
Originally posted by lada
The only one reason, why US do not pull out from Iraq is fact, that if they do it now (or if they did it in the past) most of the people in the world will consider them to be "Loosers"

Because after 2 years its more that clear, that Us army cant and dont know how to secure Iraq. And in the end, the will just leave it in chaos, like they did in Afghanistan.... just my trough... we will see

Same problem like Russian had in Afghanistan.

Hey genius, the UN had 11 years to do something.  They chose the "humanitarian" way like useless "resolutions", the Oil for Food program, allowed France, Russia, etc to be allowed to profit for arms sales.  Sent many INCOMPETENT "Weapons Inspectors".   The UN is to blame.   Bash the US all you want.

You have a large trough of bull$***.  That's about it.

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Offline Fishu

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how iraq was, is, and shall continue to be a total mess
« Reply #17 on: January 14, 2005, 10:10:12 AM »
Originally posted by Masherbrum
Sent many INCOMPETENT "Weapons Inspectors".

Then I guess CIA is totally unfit to their role, since they couldn't come up with anything else, but lots of talk about WMD.

Offline Saintaw

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how iraq was, is, and shall continue to be a total mess
« Reply #18 on: January 14, 2005, 10:11:44 AM »
Originally posted by Masherbrum


Again, Where?
Dirty, nasty furriner.

Offline Masherbrum

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how iraq was, is, and shall continue to be a total mess
« Reply #19 on: January 14, 2005, 10:12:54 AM »
Originally posted by Fishu
Then I guess CIA is totally unfit to their role, since they couldn't come up with anything else, but lots of talk about WMD.

So now Hans Blix is CIA?  You fell on your sword.  Now bleed.

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Offline Mighty1

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how iraq was, is, and shall continue to be a total mess
« Reply #20 on: January 14, 2005, 10:16:14 AM »
Originally posted by Fishu
Then I guess CIA is totally unfit to their role, since they couldn't come up with anything else, but lots of talk about WMD.

When the man was proven to have WMD and continued to make it look like he had them even after they were removed then whose fault was it when he was taken out ?
I have been reborn a new man!

Notice I never said a better man.

Offline Masherbrum

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how iraq was, is, and shall continue to be a total mess
« Reply #21 on: January 14, 2005, 10:18:48 AM »
Originally posted by Mighty1
When the man was proven to have WMD and continued to make it look like he had them even after they were removed then whose fault was it when he was taken out ?


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Offline Crumpp

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how iraq was, is, and shall continue to be a total mess
« Reply #22 on: January 14, 2005, 10:30:44 AM »
I praise Bush for not running even in the face of 1300 American military deaths. We can't turn tail. The loses are horrible, but far below anything seen in the past. I am not mimizing the loss. The families don't care if there were only a single loss, it would be so sad as to seem too much to bear.

Absolutely.  Winning an insurgency that is in Level III (guerilla war) is a very time consuming process.

It takes years and sometimes decades to do.  

Unfortunately the American public just does not have the intestinal fortitude or the focus to do it.  That is why every successful counter-insurgency the US has fought since Vietnam has been conducted covertly out of the public spotlight.  It took almost 20 years to win El Salvador and almost 30 years to bring Abu Sayaf from a popular movement to a handful of dissidents.  

What we see in Iraq is the remnants of Saddam's regime fighting the coalition.  These are the guys who basically have no place in a free and democratic Iraq for a number of reasons.  Mostly because they will have to answer eventually for crimes they committed against the population under Saddam.  They are also the minority who believe that they will not get fair representation under a majority rule democracy.

There are so many good things going on in Iraq everyday.  It is a shame the press paints such a lopsided picture.  I encourage anyone to read the BBC's web log from average Iraqi's.  Unfortunately you will have to search their site, as they no longer host it.  

It was creating a 180 degree picture from the one mainstream liberal reporters want to show.

To even think of giving in to these terrorist is unthinkable.  The problem will not go away and I for one would rather fight them in the Middle East than the streets of New York.  It winnable without a doubt.  Unfortunately it won't be quick or easy.

« Last Edit: January 14, 2005, 10:33:36 AM by Crumpp »

Offline TheDudeDVant

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Re: Not limited to Iraq
« Reply #23 on: January 14, 2005, 10:32:59 AM »
Originally posted by TalonX
I know who attacked us.  Is everyone who disagrees with you suffering from reprogramming?

Iraq supported terrorism.   The battles lines weren't drawn at the dead terrorists.....Once this effort was undertaken, and it was right to do so, we have to go all the way.

Who said, "When you see a snake poised to strike, you don't wait until he does, to kill it?"  (forgive the paraphrase, I didn't have time to look it up for accuracy).

I think that's wise.

I believe it wise as well.. But please educate me how Iraqi was poised to strke?

Also, Please educate me how Iraqi support terrorist that would attack the US.. If you intend to produce Palistine as an 'example'.. You must include Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and prolly a few other counties in the Middle East.. Do you intend to 'cleanse' them all?

Offline TheDudeDVant

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how iraq was, is, and shall continue to be a total mess
« Reply #24 on: January 14, 2005, 10:34:55 AM »
Originally posted by Masherbrum
Hey genius, the UN had 11 years to do something.  They chose the "humanitarian" way like useless "resolutions", the Oil for Food program, allowed France, Russia, etc to be allowed to profit for arms sales.  Sent many INCOMPETENT "Weapons Inspectors".   The UN is to blame.   Bash the US all you want.

You have a large trough of bull$***.  That's about it.


How were the weapon Inspectors 'incompetent'?? Where are the weapons they failed to find??

Offline TheDudeDVant

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how iraq was, is, and shall continue to be a total mess
« Reply #25 on: January 14, 2005, 10:36:56 AM »
Originally posted by Mighty1
When the man was proven to have WMD and continued to make it look like he had them even after they were removed then whose fault was it when he was taken out ?

How did he continue to look like he had them? He said he didnt have them.. He allowed inspection.. What more could he have done?

Wake up guy.. we invaded on false reasons.. the end..

Offline TheDudeDVant

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how iraq was, is, and shall continue to be a total mess
« Reply #26 on: January 14, 2005, 10:40:48 AM »
It took almost 20 years to win El Salvador

lol to win? perhaps.. America overthrew an elected government and then funded mercs that had the sole purpose of cleansing dissidents..  And why I must ask? O ya.. the domino theory..

Offline rshubert

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Re: Re: Not limited to Iraq
« Reply #27 on: January 14, 2005, 10:56:03 AM »
Originally posted by TheDudeDVant
I believe it wise as well.. But please educate me how Iraqi was poised to strke?

Also, Please educate me how Iraqi support terrorist that would attack the US.. If you intend to produce Palistine as an 'example'.. You must include Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and prolly a few other counties in the Middle East.. Do you intend to 'cleanse' them all?

The "others are doing it too" argument is getting nowhere.  Will we need to cleanse other countries?  We might, if they don't voluntarily clean up their own backyards.

Offline patrone

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how iraq was, is, and shall continue to be a total mess
« Reply #28 on: January 14, 2005, 10:59:02 AM »
Dont worry guys, The USA will be out of there before end of march, this year.

funny how things can turn out. After the unlegal invasion, Iraq people didnt salute them as "liberators".
Instead: USA more of less forced them into resistance, supporting their president Saddam, who was not very popular.

Now with nearly 1500 dead and 12,000 wounded US-soldiers (Official figures, inofficial 6000+, 50,000+), over 100,000 dead civilians: a Country in total chaos. They are trying to take their last resort before leaving: To put their puppets in power, by a "legal election" where only 15-20% of the population can be asured security, while voting.

The war in Iraq cost 1,4 billion dollars per day, money that USA dont have and really would need to give educattion, healthcare their citizens.

USA lost the Iraq, just like they did in Vietnam, now the only thing left is to find a good escause to withdraw, before they start running like rats leaving the sinking ship, just like they did in Vietnam.

The true story about what happend in Fallujha will sooner or later be known to public. Then we will see how "Good" Saddam was in compare.

"RUN Forrrrrrest,...........RUN"

Offline TheDudeDVant

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Re: Re: Re: Not limited to Iraq
« Reply #29 on: January 14, 2005, 11:00:06 AM »
Originally posted by rshubert
The "others are doing it too" argument is getting nowhere.  Will we need to cleanse other countries?  We might, if they don't voluntarily clean up their own backyards.

Wow.. How can you handle the glory of yourself looking in the mirror with such righteousness that must halo you...???