One thing that is inherently false about your sig line Beet1e is it doesnt tell the whole story. While your gun related murders have stayed relatively the same for decades, your overall crimerate is going up including murder.
When States like Florida pass thier concealed carry laws it doesnt necessarily mean that overall gun ownership goes up, but overall crimerates go down. Some people who get concealed carry laws purchase a firearm, many others already had one.
Criminals can be compared to predators like wolves, or lions. Predators dont generally kill the healthy prey animals, they go after the sick, the old and the weak. Criminals essentially do the same. Criminals tend to (at least in America) prey on those they believe to be helpless. Concealed carry laws tend to reduce the number of *helpless victims* Many times here in America crimes are thwarted by the mere prescence of a firearm.
What works for us here in America may or may not work elsewhere. For us, statistics prove that when more gun control laws are passed that crime goes up. When gun control laws are relaxed, crime goes down.
The thing that confuses me the most is people who only care about *gun related murders*. Who really cares what method someone is murdered by? Dead is dead, doesnt really matter if you were shot with a pistol, stabbed with a knife, cut into pieces with a chainsaw etc.....dead is still dead and murder is still wrong no matter what method is used. Crime as a whole is what needs to be targetted, not just *gun crime*.