Author Topic: Will ToD work or will it be another CT  (Read 3489 times)

Offline Grits

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Will ToD work or will it be another CT
« Reply #60 on: March 22, 2005, 11:04:16 PM »
Originally posted by Morpheus
LOL if you call half a sector away "waiting for you to get wheels up"  then you've got much larger problems in life than people bad mouthing your CT.

Honestly, it was a long time ago, and I had only been flying AH six weeks at that time, I may not have the details completely right. It was probably the second time I upped after being shot down (very quickly too) when you asked if it was OK to come in, which I thought was rather nice on your part, you didnt have to do it. That was the point of my story, to compliment you on behavior that I would like to see more often in the CT.

Yucca and I were otd in G2's. The only reason I remember is becuase it WAS one of the few times' I've set foot in there. We turn fought until we were out of ammo and left.

I remember you guys being higher than me, and you came down and killed me both times on the very first pass. That event stuck in my mind because, (1) I rarely, even at less than two months experience, got killed on the first BnZ pass, and (2) I didnt know  who you were, I'd never seen you before and it therefore made an impression that you were pretty damn good. That was not really my point, that was just background information so that you might remember the encounter. I was trying to point out that what you did, letting me get up the second time and not just ganging me, isnt isolated to you, others who are CT "regulars" do it too. It doesnt happen enough, but those that frequent the CT are not all ganging, vulching, verbally abusive arses, just like not all MA folks are timid, ganging, shed killing, astronaut scorepotatos who only engage when they have a horde, alt, and a faster plane in their favor. I can make just as many accurate generalizations about the MA that are 100% true, yet do not describe how you play the game, just as others on the BBS make accurate criticizims of some in the CT while not describing my gameplay.


Skill? Yeah... Bring it.

I know you are better than me, but I'm always looking for ways to improve. I'll fight you or anybody else, anywhere, anytime and in any plane, I'm not afraid to get thumped. I'll surely get my arse kicked, but I dont care, thats how you learn. The quickest way to get better is fighting those better than you, not clubbing baby seals.

Offline Slash27

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Will ToD work or will it be another CT
« Reply #61 on: March 22, 2005, 11:33:00 PM »
Spinning your wheels Grits. Your dealing with an "elite". Youve some how challenged his ego. How I dont know.

  Could you have picked a worse combination of people to represent their "sides" ?

  Storch and VWE vs Widewing and Humble.

Offline Scrap

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Will ToD work or will it be another CT
« Reply #62 on: March 23, 2005, 12:00:57 AM »
I think the AI part of it suxx0rs.  BUT!  <---- and that's a big but.  I think that if TOD was an all player based arena with forced mission participation and server (not player) assigned squads.  I think it would be awesome!  Just like signing up for the service in the 30s or 40s.  Sing in, sign up, and fight.  Only problem that would face us is drawing the #s from the "Club MA" (insert funky electro-jive   :D )

All in all, I think it's allready a hit in my book.  However, the idea of fighting AI foes really turns me off.  I pay for an online MMOG WWII flightsim.  I can battle drones with any boxed sim that would cost me less than AH does in a year.

(just my humble opinion)


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Will ToD work or will it be another CT
« Reply #63 on: March 23, 2005, 12:29:57 AM »

Could you have picked a worse combination of people to represent their "sides" ?

Park it on the curb you omnipitant putz...

Offline Vudak

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Will ToD work or will it be another CT
« Reply #64 on: March 23, 2005, 12:32:18 AM »
I have to say, I'm really enjoying reading this.  There's basically two threads going on at once, and, for the most part, the people involved in one are completely ignoring the other.  Yet, for two pages, both threads continue.

That's an accomplishment fellas :aok

I feel like juggling:

As for the CT -

(From my limited experience) It's pretty much the same as the MA - But don't take that as a bad thing!

Sometimes there's good fights (kind of like how there's good fights around 4am EST in the MA usually)

Sometimes there's gang bangs.  Just like the MA.

The only difference is, with <20 people on at once, you're more likely to run into someone that will give you a great fight one on one, and in the same sense, if you're getting ganged, you're more likely to get even more ganged than the MA (you're less likely to have help).

As for TOD -

I was paying more attention to the CT thread.
352nd Fighter Group


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Will ToD work or will it be another CT
« Reply #65 on: March 23, 2005, 12:39:35 AM »
I think the CT thread is a little more spicey... so don't go throwin the train off the tracks! ;)

Offline Slash27

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Will ToD work or will it be another CT
« Reply #66 on: March 23, 2005, 01:11:26 AM »
Park it on the curb you omnipitant putz...

or what?  What else are you possibly going to do to drive people out of the CT? You have amlost reached your goal of the CT being your private little sandbox. My only question is who are you going to berate, whine about, or run off when its only your squad left in there? You going to start feeding on your own then?


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Will ToD work or will it be another CT
« Reply #67 on: March 23, 2005, 01:40:00 AM »
Name 1 person whom I have berated in the CT while playing slash... give some examples, post some screen shots of text. I've never tuned to channell 200, not in the CT or the MA. I give salutes to those that really gave me a tough time. I give 6 calls to everyone including you not to mention clearing even your six. I talk on squad 95% of the time so almost no one ever hears a peep out of me outside of squad.

Don't come at me with sour grapes because you didn't step up to the plate when leardership was needed. You and your condisending attitude need to go back to what ever rock you've been under these last couple of weeks and stay there.

Offline Slash27

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Will ToD work or will it be another CT
« Reply #68 on: March 23, 2005, 02:00:57 AM »
Go back to my rock? I know it upsets you when others wander in to your "turf". Why dont you try stepping up to the plate and get a hold of your squad?  "Leadership", you got alot of nerve using that term.

 And as far as "proof" of you and your squads actions, all one needs to do is drop in one night and watch. The first time one of you gets shot down here it comes.

 100% of the problems with the CT dont lie with you and your squad. But there is an underlying factor with too much of the bs in there. And its you and members of your squad.

Offline TrueKill

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Will ToD work or will it be another CT
« Reply #69 on: March 23, 2005, 02:44:10 AM »
Humble with all do respect stfu. Untill you fly in the CT and I dont mean go in there fly one sortie for 5mins and log. I mean fly there about 6 outa every 7 days a week about 2-4 hours a day sometimes more for almost 4 years THEN say something about it. "Oh i flew in the CT for 2 years" that musta been 1999-2001 cuz I have NEVER seen you in there. Even then thats was a long time ago. Alot has changed since then. Tuesdays and Thursdays are squad nights if you want a good fight, but the best fights I'v been in is when there we're no more then ten ppl. in the CT. The CT is what keeps me playing this game. Shure I like the MA but i dont like the idea of fighting a 109 in my 190. And shure some ppl in the CT have a big mouth I have been known to talk watermelon but now that I'm a CM I'v been nice to everyone in the CT even though some I hate. But I hardly ever hear ppl. post stuff on the BBS about it, but when someone does it in the CT OMG it like that worlds ganna end. People are going to vulch, gangbang, trash talk, milk, be alt. monkey, est. its part of the game, its part of all games just deal with it just like i deal with all the spittards in the MA shut up or put up.

Offline Fariz

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Will ToD work or will it be another CT
« Reply #70 on: March 23, 2005, 03:14:14 AM »
TOD? According to all signs, TOD is very low in HTC priority list. It is delayed and delayed and delayed, and when it is done, it probably won't be what people expect it to do. So the best you can do -- simply forget about it. If by some miracle it is released, and by the other one it is good, then great, if not, well, at least you won't have another disappointment.

Offline TexMurphy

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Will ToD work or will it be another CT
« Reply #71 on: March 23, 2005, 03:35:43 AM »
Originally posted by Fariz
TOD? According to all signs, TOD is very low in HTC priority list. It is delayed and delayed and delayed, and when it is done, it probably won't be what people expect it to do. So the best you can do -- simply forget about it. If by some miracle it is released, and by the other one it is good, then great, if not, well, at least you won't have another disappointment.

low prio?

Its top prio after the game engine. You might think that the changes in 2.03 are for MA, your wrong. The changes in 2.03 are for the game engine. The game engine that ToD will be based off and yes MA is based of as well.

You cant really start codeing a game if the game engine isnt working as it should.


Offline TexMurphy

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Will ToD work or will it be another CT
« Reply #72 on: March 23, 2005, 03:50:35 AM »
Will ToD bust or not?

Good question.

There are a few key points.

1. Action.

How much action will there be?
How long transition times to the action? (too long == booring, too short == too gamey).

2. Game play.

How deep will gameplay be?

3. How will players handle the plane sets?

Obviously the question of this thread but it cant be answered without answering the previous two key points. If the gameplay is deep enough, different from MA, fun and if the action is high enough and the transition times are right then people will be more likely to deal with the plane sets.

The problem the plane sets can cause is that sooo many players are plane dependent in this game. We have seen this in the ENY discussions, "I wount play the game if I cant fly my P-51D". This is also what is one of the problems of CT, people cant fly the only plane they know there.

But this aint the main problem of CT. CT is a restricted MA. Its only different from MA in the fact that its restricted. I like the setups but many dont.

X - Y < X  
if Y > 0

That formula will always be true and that is the problem of CT.

ToD will be totally different from MA and hence the importance of the plane set isnt going to be as big. The key thing is to have ballanced matchups. I understnad people dont wana fly P40s against Lalas, Doras and G10s. But against Zekkes, Ki-41s and other same era Jap planes the P-40 is a great plane.

What´s important to note and what HTC is doing right is to use late war for the first Tour. This way 90% of the players will be able to fly "their plane". This gives a chance for the player to get "hooked on the game play" and then they will most likely play the other setups as well because they enjoy the game play ToD adds as they have been introduced to it in a "gentle way".

Personally Im lookin forward to the midwar Tours but know that it will take time before we get there.



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Will ToD work or will it be another CT
« Reply #73 on: March 23, 2005, 07:41:29 AM »

And as far as "proof" of you and your squads actions, all one needs to do is drop in one night and watch.

Half the people flying for the allies when you showed up were JG54, but your going to see exactly what you want to see.

Leadership, control... 2 things you are unable to impliment within the CM staff. Make real sure yours doesn't reek before pointing out that others do.

Offline Slash27

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Will ToD work or will it be another CT
« Reply #74 on: March 23, 2005, 08:40:28 AM »
Half the people flying for the allies when you showed up were JG54, but your going to see exactly what you want to see.

What are you talking about?

Leadership, control... 2 things you are unable to impliment within the CM staff. Make real sure yours doesn't reek before pointing out that others do.

What staffers are out of control?