Author Topic: Osama Bin Laden  (Read 3566 times)

Offline Pooh21

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Osama Bin Laden
« Reply #105 on: May 01, 2005, 08:27:36 AM »
Originally posted by Silat
Turn off the TV if you dont like the show.  
:rofl :rofl :rofl  thats amusing
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Offline Silat

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« Reply #106 on: May 01, 2005, 01:00:26 PM »
Originally posted by Jackal1
....And if a thread is THIS upsetting to YOU because someone is expressing their beliefs and following their calling, YOU can always choose not to read it.
  If Seagoon kept his religion to himself and didn`t try to spread the word, he would not be much of an asset to his position.
  I applaud him. Takes lots of guts and dedication.

Im not upset. I said I was disgusted :)
From what Ive read all he is doing is cloaking his intolerance in his religion.
It doesnt take guts or dedication to spread intolerence in the name of your god.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2005, 01:03:28 PM by Silat »
"The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them." — Maya Angelou
"Conservatism offers no redress for the present, and makes no preparation for the future." B. Disraeli
"All that serves labor serves the nation. All that harms labor is treason."

Offline Silat

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« Reply #107 on: May 01, 2005, 01:02:14 PM »
Originally posted by Pooh21
:rofl :rofl :rofl  thats amusing

I do know how to change the channel. Dont you? :)
"The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them." — Maya Angelou
"Conservatism offers no redress for the present, and makes no preparation for the future." B. Disraeli
"All that serves labor serves the nation. All that harms labor is treason."

Offline WhiteHawk

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« Reply #108 on: May 01, 2005, 01:39:00 PM »
well, bush said in a speech that he is not concerned with bin laden anymore.   In my opinion, he is being positioned right now by the CIA, to give the US another 'Pearl Harbor' event to justify the invasion of another oil rich country or 2.

Offline Silat

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« Reply #109 on: May 01, 2005, 01:45:18 PM »
Originally posted by FT_Animal
Ya I know Silat, I wrote another book, but I was bored. ;-)


And you didnt even address how I am disgusted by the current state of organized religion :)
You might check out the other threads that Im in trouble in:)

Religion would be perfect, if it werent for man:)
"The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them." — Maya Angelou
"Conservatism offers no redress for the present, and makes no preparation for the future." B. Disraeli
"All that serves labor serves the nation. All that harms labor is treason."

Offline Elfie

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« Reply #110 on: May 01, 2005, 02:43:36 PM »
Originally posted by WhiteHawk
well, bush said in a speech that he is not concerned with bin laden anymore.   In my opinion, he is being positioned right now by the CIA, to give the US another 'Pearl Harbor' event to justify the invasion of another oil rich country or 2.
Corkyjr on country jumping:
In the end you should be thankful for those players like us who switch to try and help keep things even because our willingness to do so, helps a more selfish, I want it my way player, get to fly his latewar uber ride.

Offline Elfie

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« Reply #111 on: May 01, 2005, 02:47:56 PM »
Originally posted by Silat
Ive spit out your hook because you are just being silly:)

I'm not being silly. Silly is calling the main religions in the world cults. Silly is jumping all over someone who was asked questions and then answers honestly according to his beliefs and calling.

Religion would be perfect, if it werent for man

You can replace the word religion for anything else and that statement is still true.
Corkyjr on country jumping:
In the end you should be thankful for those players like us who switch to try and help keep things even because our willingness to do so, helps a more selfish, I want it my way player, get to fly his latewar uber ride.

Offline Silat

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« Reply #112 on: May 01, 2005, 05:55:38 PM »
Originally posted by Seagoon
Not that I believe you're interested, but the emerging consensus in the Scientific community is that the "Gay Gene" studies were prime example of using bad science to find what you wanted to find:
Is there a Gay Gene?

A while back, someone asked me how do you know when Matt. 7:6 applies? And I think I've finally gotten there and probably beyond. With the level of ad hominem argumentation increasing in this thread, I'm finding it more and more difficult to turn the other cheek and not repay evil for evil, and I know myself well enough to know I'm going to end up venting and writing things I'll regret and have to publicly  repent of later. So rather than saying those things, I'll heed Paul's Command about not quarreling, and depart.

I rest my case......

Peace be with you Seagoon. We can disagree and remain civil.
"The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them." — Maya Angelou
"Conservatism offers no redress for the present, and makes no preparation for the future." B. Disraeli
"All that serves labor serves the nation. All that harms labor is treason."

Offline Urchin

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« Reply #113 on: May 01, 2005, 06:05:07 PM »
Seagoon, some very well stated stuff in there.   to you for your convictions, even if I don't agree with some of them.  

I do agree that fundamentalists (even the scary right wing kind.. wait, that is redundant, isn't it?) have every much the right to publicly speak their point of view on things as ultra left wing liberals.  

I actually find Seagoon to be rather refreshing... he is a conservative without the in-your-face-you're-evil-if-you-don't-agree-NUKE-style posting.

Offline Silat

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« Reply #114 on: May 01, 2005, 07:03:22 PM »
Originally posted by Elfie
I'm not being silly. Silly is calling the main religions in the world cults. Silly is jumping all over someone who was asked questions and then answers honestly according to his beliefs and calling.


You can replace the word religion for anything else and that statement is still true.

So you are just arguing?
You didnt read the definition of CULTS?
Im not going to argue with you about Websters definition of CULTS which defines religions as cults.
You can write Webster if you disagree.
Im sure they would be very interested in your argument.

I didnt jump any higher than anyone else. And he stated opinions in long replies and I answered with mine.
You need to reread the thread.

Done with this thread as its lost its flavor....................... ...
"The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them." — Maya Angelou
"Conservatism offers no redress for the present, and makes no preparation for the future." B. Disraeli
"All that serves labor serves the nation. All that harms labor is treason."

Offline Elfie

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« Reply #115 on: May 01, 2005, 07:33:27 PM »
Originally posted by Silat
So you are just arguing?
You didnt read the definition of CULTS?
Im not going to argue with you about Websters definition of CULTS which defines religions as cults.
You can write Webster if you disagree.
Im sure they would be very interested in your argument.

I didnt jump any higher than anyone else. And he stated opinions in long replies and I answered with mine.
You need to reread the thread.

Done with this thread as its lost its flavor....................... ...

No I am not just arguing. Websters definition clearly uses the term unorthodox to describe cults. The worlds major religions would definately NOT fall under the category unorthodox. You however, are reaching if you think Islam, Budhists, Christians etc  are *unorthodox* religions.
Corkyjr on country jumping:
In the end you should be thankful for those players like us who switch to try and help keep things even because our willingness to do so, helps a more selfish, I want it my way player, get to fly his latewar uber ride.

Offline Jackal1

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« Reply #116 on: May 02, 2005, 12:15:44 AM »
Originally posted by Silat
Im not upset. I said I was disgusted :)
From what Ive read all he is doing is cloaking his intolerance in his religion.
It doesnt take guts or dedication to spread intolerence in the name of your god.

  Intolerance would come more fitting your bill so far.
   Disgusted? Then follow your own advice.
  I am really surprised at this watermelon  from you.
Live and learn I guess.
  This seems to have really hit a nerve with you. I wonder why?
Democracy is two wolves deciding on what to eat. Freedom is a well armed sheep protesting the vote.

Offline TheDudeDVant

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« Reply #117 on: May 02, 2005, 02:14:55 PM »
Originally posted by Jackal1
Intolerance would come more fitting your bill so far.
   Disgusted? Then follow your own advice.
  I am really surprised at this watermelon  from you.
Live and learn I guess.
  This seems to have really hit a nerve with you. I wonder why?

You need to reread him and attempt the correct meaning of his post..

His post are of tolerance.  

If you dont like public school then send your children to a private school that teaches creationism instead of science.

If you dont believe in abortion then dont get one.

If you dont want to be homosexual then dont date your own sex.

Basically it seems to be he is saying do what you want and allow others to do what they want.. Isn't that the difinition of tollerant?

Oh, you prolly just wanted to chime in for arguments sake no matter that you look like a fool with all the wrong ideas.

Offline TheDudeDVant

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« Reply #118 on: May 02, 2005, 02:16:42 PM »
Originally posted by Silat
Dude I was responding to Seagoon as he mentioned spec ops..


I know man.. I was just making a joke 8)

Offline TheDudeDVant

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« Reply #119 on: May 02, 2005, 02:55:49 PM »
Originally posted by Seagoon Actually, I'm not advocating that Muslims die to find Christ. Quite the reverse, I'm advocating that Christians die to save Muslims. If I die in the process of telling the Good News, so be it. " For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it." (Luke 9:24)

But you believe right off they are living in sin. This is a fundamental flaw that I cannont agree with. Just because a man does not 'know christ' in the way you would have does not mean said man does not have a good heart that desires to be without sin..  IMO somewhere along the line the love of jesus was tainted with the salesmanship of man..

Obviously not all of them. Many are nominals, just as most Christians are nominals, some are liberals, some are Sufis, etc. But all theologically conservative Sunnis and Shias are committed to the idea that Islam must eventually be the worldwide religion. Several Arabic Governments, such as that of Saudi Arabia, have officially endorsed that idea and spend literally billions promoting Islam worldwide both by providing arms, Islamic education centers, etc. Oh and the literature they print says we gotta submit or errr... "go." That fact is undeniable.

Replace Islam with christianity in this last paragraph and tell me it still does not hold true. Of course Islam has it's share of fanatics, but you have to agree so does christianity..  I don't see a difference..  I only see you on one side of the fence preaching your cause describing people on the other side of the fence preaching theirs..  We are all children of god..

Yes, the Roman Catholic Church worked with the magistrate to do so from roughly the 10th century through the 17th. I am not a Roman Catholic, I find this practice ahorrent, and a sad consequence of the unbiblical co-opting of the church under Constantine and Caesaropapism. We had a Reformation back in the 16th century to redress practices like that.

What is this? A description of christian fanatics?? Much like the fanatics of Islam you've describe?

As Christians? Are we a "Christian society" wouldn't you go balistic if I started claiming that? Is the West less violent? In terms of Crime, no. In fact one of their claims to the superiority of Islam is our widespread drug addiction etc.

I would and do consider the US a christain society.  I don't get balistic very often my friend.

As you have stated here, we as christians have a higher crime rate.  With this in mind would you concede that perhaps in some instances Islam could be a good thing?

Jesus never actually said love your brother (Grk: adelphos) he summarized the two tables of the law with the words " 'You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind,' and 'your neighbor as yourself.' " And then illustrated the idea of loving your neighbor with the parable of the good Samaritan. IF you really want to know what I sincerely believe about this and show me where I'm wrong, here is what I've publically stated: The Good Samaritan

Symatics? Are you attempting to say that Jesus did not preach love for one another?

Love was the primus of the Jesus I understand..

Does violence always involve hate? Has every Christian scholar who has written about Just War theory been wrong? Were the Allies wrong to use violence in defending themselves against the Germans and Japanese and then in liberating Europe and conquering those nations? Was Jesus wrong to praise the faith of a soldier? Should John the Baptist have told the Soldiers who asked him what to do? Stop being soldiers immediately!

WW2 was not fought for religous reasons. You have advocated the evangelizing(sp) of the Islam population.. That is religous based..

Perhaps you could show me of a modern example of violence without hate..  Of course there are different levels of hate..

The Bible teaches that men are born fallen, born in iniquity as David put it, and that the reason we sin is because we are sinners. That is why Christ stressed the importance of being gennethe annothen "born again" or "regenerated" to Nicodemus in John 3 saying "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."

This would have to be particular to your version of born again. Perhaps born again is simply having love for your fellow man in your heart and the disire to do the right thing..

I cannot believe that throughout time all the people that have died without reading the bible would be dammed forever to hellfire/brimeston by a loving god..

Seagoon, I notice a picture of a child as your avitar.. Is that your son?? If so, if one day your son grows to disown you as his father, could you damn him to death because of such a thing for eternity? Do you consider yourself a loving father?

Anywho Dude as a Christian, I don't make car bombs, or teach others to make them, I don't preach politics from the pulpit, just humbly exposit the teaching of scripture, I counsel, I try to guard my flock, and be spent loving and serving them and my family and most of all my savior. On my offtime I fly AcesHigh, hunt during the season, smoke cigars when I can afford them, and read voraciously and write whenever I can. Fomenting Terrorism is not big on my agenda. That in a nutshell really is my life.

I hear you.. You sound like a good soul. I would argue that roughly 90% of the Islam population carry on life much the same way.  

I just cannot understand how a person can take man made writing/teachings and consider them the only possible truth. The only thing certain is nothing is certain..

Because you know the name of your god, does not mean that god could not be another's god of a different name..  Does the bible not state that the christian god has many names?? Is there only one true name given for the christian god?