Originally posted by Silat
Im thinking maybe you and some crusaders could "MAKE" Dude believe:)
This world would be so much better off if everyone kept their bond with their God in their hearts where it belongs.
What other people choose to believe or not believe should be of no concern to anyone.
Forgive me, but I get a little tired of the raging intolerance of the tolerant.
What you are really saying is that evangelical Christians should shut-up while everyone is forced to listen while liberal secular humanists drone on endlessly about
what they believe. Not only that, but our children must be forced to listen to what they believe in the school systems and then be graded on their ability to regurgitate it later. People who say, "God should be the measure of all things" are laughed to scorn in the public square by the very same people who instead insist that
their opinions should be the measure of all things. ("and ye shall be as gods")
Meanwhile, people who devote their lives to the study of the Bible are told authoritatively about what "Christianity really is" and "who Jesus is" by people whose sole knowledge of the word is the few bits and pieces they've picked up listening to other liberal secular humanists, reading pop-novels, and watching hit pieces on TV. We must all accept your cosmoligical, political, and epistemological presuppositions or we must be silent.
And the naked hypocrisy of it all! Faith must be kept out of the public square we are told, but only if it is that nasty conservative orthodox kind of faith. We will gladly allow the Reverend Jackson, and the Rev Sharpton a hearing and applaud loudly when Al Gore campaigns in liberal churches, oh and if someone with the label clergy wants to preach to us the very opposite of the teaching of the bible and proclaim homosexuality, abortion, and every deviation we can think of to be good and perfectly natural, then we will call them good and tolerant and wise and gladly give them a pulpit to be heard.