Author Topic: Is Blair going to win it three straight?  (Read 2972 times)

Offline GreenCloud

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Is Blair going to win it three straight?
« Reply #75 on: May 05, 2005, 04:27:56 AM »
too funny..lazs..u hooked them on this one

Offline Swoop

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Is Blair going to win it three straight?
« Reply #76 on: May 05, 2005, 04:35:06 AM »
Originally posted by Seeker
I never suggested you were freeloading; sorry if I gave that impression.

No, no, no.  You didn't.  I was just reinforcing my point that it's only the freeloaders that I'm paying for I object to.

Offline beet1e

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Is Blair going to win it three straight?
« Reply #77 on: May 05, 2005, 05:05:45 AM »
Wow, this thread has wandered since my last visit.

Skydancer, the 1980s were great. :D That was the decade in which I reached my earnings potential, without having the majority of it taken as tax. I'd had tough times under the 1970s Labour govt. A lot of people did, what with 25% inflation, high taxes, high interest rates.

Of course, I could have moaned and done nothing, but I chose to get off my arse and develop skills which I could later deploy for high fees. I think this approach was more productive than standing around a brazier outside my place of employment on a cold winter's morning, yelling "out, brothers, out!" at the top of my lungs, and waving signs begging passing motorists to honk their horns in support. That, by the way, is what a great many Labourites were doing in the 1970s when they found themselves unable to deal with the fact that the days of their 19th century working practices in their heavily over subsidised, loss making, nationalised industry had come to an end.

And don't expect me to be gulled by all this crap about Gordon's prowess in managing the economy. It's easy to crow that the coffers are full when you've raised taxes 66 times, and committed the biggest legal heist on the piggy banks of middle England that Britain has ever known.

The truth is that Gordon inherited a healthy economy, with interest rates already down to about 6¼%. One of Labour's big lies is the claim that under them, interest rates have halved. Thay haven't. They are down by more like a quarter, to 4¾%. Labour's interest rate spin stems from having compared the average interest rate under 18 years of Tory rule, and comparing that average figure with the snapshot value of today. As you can see - more Labour lies and spin. But, as always, by the time people have unravelled the spin, Tony and Gordon have moved on somewhere else.

As to the NHS saving your parents' lives - good news, but let's have the other side.
  • In 1980, I had life saving surgery in an American hospital at Springfield,IL. (Ruptured appendix/peritonitis) I would be brown bread for sure if my operation had been cancelled, as would have been likely on the NHS. Assuming it had gone ahead, I'd probably have died from an MRSA infection. America has no NHS. All treatment is private and has to be paid for. I had Blue Cross/Blue Shield with my job, and that covered it. On the way out, I had to write a check for $100 - discharge fee. I later got that back on the insurance. Stick that in your socialist pipe and smoke it.
  • A friend of mine has a girlfriend whose left leg was very seriously injured in a skiing accident in France, which AFAIK has no national health service. (Straffo can confirm) The French doctors were able to repair her leg and had to insert about a dozen plates and pins. The English medical team was impressed when she got home. They said she could have lost that leg had the care not been as good or as prompt.
I'm not against the concept of an NHS; I'm against what it's become - an overbloated government quango.

The 1980s were fine by me - no more strikes, people working harder so we didn't have to put up with chitty products like naff cars unless we chose to. And the memories of Ronald Reagan and Maggie T dancing cheek to cheek at the White House bring a tear to my eye. :D;)

Offline straffo

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Is Blair going to win it three straight?
« Reply #78 on: May 05, 2005, 05:27:13 AM »
I confirm our medical system is not like the brit NHS.

In fact I think our medical system is right between the british and the US system.

I still wonder how you ended with the NHS  when it's IMO very traditionnal for the English to have such a system
A system like the NHS would have been more probable in France ...

Concerning you friend and her  accident don't forget there is a lot less ski accident in Britain than in the Alpes :)
« Last Edit: May 05, 2005, 05:29:19 AM by straffo »

Offline Momus--

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Is Blair going to win it three straight?
« Reply #79 on: May 05, 2005, 05:32:40 AM »
Originally posted by beet1e
I had life saving surgery in an American hospital at Springfield,IL. (Ruptured appendix/peritonitis) I would be brown bread for sure if my operation had been cancelled, as would have been likely on the NHS.  

Can you give examples of patients dying as a direct result of  having an appendicitis/peritonitis operation cancelled in the UK in the entire lifetime of the NHS, yet alone in the last 8 years?
« Last Edit: May 05, 2005, 05:34:49 AM by Momus-- »

Offline Momus--

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Is Blair going to win it three straight?
« Reply #80 on: May 05, 2005, 05:51:52 AM »
Originally posted by beet1e
Assuming it had gone ahead, I'd probably have died from an MRSA infection.

Actually, MRSA rate of infection in the USA are comparable with those of the UK.


Bear in mind that MRSA is not notifiable in the USA, so exact statistics are hard to come by. Experts believe it is on the increase in the US.


MSRA is a global problem due in no small part to over-use of antibiotics, not a local problem caused by Blair and Brown.

Offline beet1e

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Is Blair going to win it three straight?
« Reply #81 on: May 05, 2005, 06:03:33 AM »
Originally posted by Momus--

MSRA is a global problem due in no small part to over-use of antibiotics, not a local problem caused by Blair and Brown.
That may be, but then Blair/Brown put a spin on it saying the current state of the NHS is the best it's ever been/envy of the world etc. And that is complete bollocks. I don't think it improved even when National Insurance was increased by about 2%.

As for that American hospital I was in, it was spotless - I could have eaten my dinner off the floor. Same thing can be said for my local BUPA hospital.


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Is Blair going to win it three straight?
« Reply #82 on: May 05, 2005, 06:09:31 AM »
Originally posted by Swoop

Well no matter where they bloody come from, we don't want em.

try kicking them out.  :D

Offline beet1e

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Is Blair going to win it three straight?
« Reply #83 on: May 05, 2005, 06:51:49 AM »
-just off to cast my own vote, then I'm on duty at one of the other pollings stations for a few hours.

WTG Toad! You created a monster with this thread! :lol:aok

Offline Momus--

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Is Blair going to win it three straight?
« Reply #84 on: May 05, 2005, 07:03:38 AM »
Originally posted by beet1e

As for that American hospital I was in, it was spotless - I could have eaten my dinner off the floor. Same thing can be said for my local BUPA hospital.

Given that Private hospitals in the UK do not publish records on MRSA I don't know how you can be so sure. Since there are many factors involved in MRSA transmission and not all of them dependant on poor ward hygiene, I wouldn't assume that because the place looks cleaner you are not at risk.

Also, next time you are in a Bupa hospital and heaven forbid suffer life threatnening complications, see how fast they rush you down to the local NHS trust.

Still waiting for examples of cancelled appendicitis operations BTW.

Offline beet1e

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Is Blair going to win it three straight?
« Reply #85 on: May 05, 2005, 07:33:40 AM »
Originally posted by Momus--
Given that Private hospitals in the UK do not publish records on MRSA I don't know how you can be so sure. Since there are many factors involved in MRSA transmission and not all of them dependant on poor ward hygiene, I wouldn't assume that because the place looks cleaner you are not at risk.
Last time I had a minor surgery at the BUPA hospital, the GP forgot to ask me if I was in BUPA, and ended up setting up the consultation with the surgeon at Battle Hospital in Reading. The surgery actually took place at Dunedin Hospital. There was a world of difference between the two. Battle looked third world, with people sitting around in the corridors waiting to be seen. At Dunedin, you could smell the cleanliness in the air. And it was a lot quieter.

Like I said, I'm keeping my BUPA subscription - damn the expense. If I believed the NHS was a good as some try to claim, I wouldn't bother.

Offline Naso

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Is Blair going to win it three straight?
« Reply #86 on: May 05, 2005, 07:53:31 AM »
If for MRSA you intend the variants of bacters that are resistant to the antibiotics, then the overuse of antibiotics associated with the max cure for the aspect of the private clinics, is a good hint for a possible problems with MRSA (whatever it means).

I suggest you to try the typical South Italian public hospital.

Paying-Free, MRSA-free, and, if you dont like the food, you can chase and eat the rats living under you bed....

A real paradise.


Offline lazs2

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Is Blair going to win it three straight?
« Reply #87 on: May 05, 2005, 08:19:04 AM »
wait a minute.... are you lilly white boys and your 92% majority talking about..... imigration?   this is really funny.

I can point to london on a map but I had a hard time reading the maps when I was there and all the beggars and pickpockets kept bothering me.

you guys shure are sensitive about your leaders... I mean a foreighner comes on and tells you he doesn't like your politics and you jump all over him... don't you realize that the rest of the world thinks blair is a joke or hitler?


Offline Toad

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Is Blair going to win it three straight?
« Reply #88 on: May 05, 2005, 08:55:17 AM »
Thing thing that sort of mystifies me is that Blair is hated by all and is seen as Bush's poodle so they are going to re-elect him.

At least that's how this thread is making it look.

So.... you can be hated but if you're Bush's poodle all is forgiven?

Or you're hated because you're Bush's poodle but that's all jolly good fun and we like you enough to re-elect you anyway?

Or we really do hate you and being Bush's poodle is a very bad thing but we're going to re-elect you because we hate your competition worse than we hate Bush's poodle?

It's got to be in there somewhere.

BTW, Laz.... very nice lure. Just that one hit but it was a dandy.
If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!

Offline lazs2

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Is Blair going to win it three straight?
« Reply #89 on: May 05, 2005, 09:03:18 AM »
toad... It would appear that Bush is beloved by all in entgland except for a few pansies on this board.  

That is the only conclussion that can be drawn from the election.
