You called Gixer a liar for claiming that tens of thousands had died post invasion
No, I didn't. If you're having trouble w/ comprehension, ask one of us adults to 'splain it to you.
There are plenty of "conservatives" who have either a problem with the invasion itself or with the way it was sold to the public.
Good thing you put conservatives in quotes. It shows how broadly you are trying to define the word. I bet you think McCain is a conservative. I don't know any conservatives who had a problem w/ the invasion and I doubt you know any conservatives very well at all.
blah blah blah mental midget . insane rambling blah blah surprises me not one jot.
Here again you pretend to know what I feel the reasons for the invasion were. If the sole reason was to secure oil, why invade now? Why Iraq? So you think that the Bush administration literally got together and said "Hey, Iraq has lots of oil let's invade them!"
I find it ironic that you would call someone else a mental midget when you believe such a singular factor was what induced us to oust Hussein.
Momus, you're on tilt, again. go back to your therapist and get your valium presciption refilled. Take a few pills, get a therapy session or 12, then come back when your therapist says it's ok for you to talk to sane people. Do yourself a favor, bring someone along w/ the capacity to comprehend things beyond the simplistic, jaded view your atrophied little mind allows.