Originally posted by Nash
Like when we said that this administration is made up of a bunch of crooks? Like when we said that there was no WMD and everyone was gettin' yanked into a war? Like when we said that Cheney speaks martian? That Rumsfeld speaks Strauss..I mean Machiavellian? That there would be no rose parade? That the defecit is a monster and that a tax giveaway during war is nuts?
And on.... and on... and on...
Exactly where were we wrong?
well Dan Rather's memo gate is one.
and just for the attention span deficient. I never said this was for sure or not just be carefull.
And Nash....for the record there were PLENTY of liberals saying Iraq had WMDs. The Bush Admin was not alone in that stance. I think we've been downt hat road way to many times.
The tax give away was before the war period. It was also during a recession.
I would agree with you on the deficit
Cheny speaking martian is nothing new. Everyone knows he's from mars and speaks martian.