Originally posted by oboe
I came out as a Centrist, but in the Libertarian/Liberal corner of the Centrist box.
I did some playing around with that test, and this may surprise you ASTAC, but on the Personal Issues scale, Libertarians are 100% Liberal in their beliefs (they favor the maximum amount of individual freedom - while traditional Conservatives favor maximum amount of government control over Personal Issues).
I always thought you hated Liberals and equated them with communists.
Actually if you do some research you'll find the Libertarians take the best aspects of both sides of the right/left stuff.
I have always been more toward the center than alything else. I do disagree with some of the L.P.'s positions. However, not as much as I disagree with the other two parties.
The "liberals" I can't stand are the typical "government programs can solve all our problems" types that want to spend so much money and resources on social programs in a land that is basically founded on "create your own destiny". I have no responsibility for others problems or for the problems of corperations.
The problems I have with both parties are
Democrats: Will turn us into a socialist country if they got their way.
Republicans: will turn us into a dictatorship faster than has happened to any representative government in history. And even though it will happen someday as it always has, I'm not ready for it to be in my lifetime.
I feel the Libertarian party just wants to preserve the original concept of the United States. Preserve the Bill of Rights and our way of life.