I agree with Westy's list, looks about right. This is not to say that these posters are somehow evil, just that they have shown a willingness to focus on generalizing Islam as a religion inherently violent and suggesting that Christianity is virtuous.
Everyone on this board is entitled to their own opinion, and I believe that I'm entitled to mine that those and others are selectively blind to the 'indiscretions' of Christian extremists until forced to respond. I expect Seagoon, for example, to post shortly that Pat Robertson, while a charismatic leader with his own opinion, does not automatically represent the views of Christianity in general. Of course, if this happens, then it's certainly odd considering his voluminous written history equating Islam with evil and suggesting that, unlike Christianity, it is unavoidably violent and can bring only grief to the world. An opinion, of course, fueled by the actions of an extremely small but vocal group of muslim extremists.
I respect that Seagoon is no sockpuppet, and that he honestly believes himself to be a font of balance and objectivity, but that doesn't equate to automatic acceptance of everything he says to, pardon the language, be 'gospel'.
One final note, while I believe us all to be entitled to our opinion, I am very careful not to suggest that this is the same as having some right to post whatever I want to this board. HTC is offering this area, and I wish to respect the rules that they have put in place. Consequently, I will continue to strive for avoiding personal attacks while I enjoy vigorous debate. I was unwilling to bring specific posters into this, but I feel that the confrontational basis of your challenge limited my options. I hope that my post does not exceed the very reasonable standards established by HTC.