Author Topic: Furballers Vs. Toolshedders  (Read 12462 times)

Offline ThunderEGG

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Furballers Vs. Toolshedders
« Reply #255 on: October 30, 2005, 10:16:37 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2

you are like a baby bird fluttering about in a furball..  even in a spit five against inferior planes you are outturned and out fought and don't seem to be aware of what is around you.   My point remains.. the reason you guys don't like furballs is because you just aren't good at em..

Admitedly I am not good at furballing and I do not care about becoming a good furballer.  Big deal.  Looks like a swarm of buffalo gnats to me.

Offline lazs2

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« Reply #256 on: October 30, 2005, 10:26:27 AM »
thunder... that is my point... it is sour grapes... "I'm not good at it so it is senseless"

see what we are getting at?

Let me just tell you that to survive and get kills in that "swarm of knats" is the biggest strain on your abilities and SA and is the most fun per minute you can have in this game.... If you die before you get to participate it is addmittedly not very fun but...

I think most of us furballers just got angry and determined... we died hundreds of times and just took it till we got better... and we did get better... I see some of the new guys going through this all the time.   Even when you get really good (I am not) there is an infinite amount of variables in every furball.   Every furball is a new experiance... try to see it from that standpoint...

doing nothing for 20 minutes or more at a time kinda pales after you get a little skill in the ol furball.   Chatting about your uncles new bike or klinton or whatever pales compared to hearing 5 six calls and all the chatter about "watch him"  "lala on you break left"  "watch the spit"  "got him!"  "i'm hit"  etc.. in rapid fire.

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Offline DipStick

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Furballers Vs. Toolshedders
« Reply #257 on: October 30, 2005, 11:12:30 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
doing nothing for 20 minutes or more at a time kinda pales after you get a little skill in the ol furball.   Chatting about your uncles new bike or klinton or whatever pales compared to hearing 5 six calls and all the chatter about "watch him"  "lala on you break left"  "watch the spit"  "got him!"  "i'm hit"  etc.. in rapid fire.

Amen to that. I'm at 14 kills per hour right now and it's pretty fun. Most fun when fur'in with squaddies. Still boring at times. Anything under 9-10 k/p/h would have to suck. I figure I'm getting the most bang for my buck. YMMV. ;)
« Last Edit: October 30, 2005, 11:14:38 AM by DipStick »

Offline ColKLink

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Furballers Vs. Toolshedders
« Reply #258 on: October 30, 2005, 11:28:01 AM »
awwwwwwww sheep pellets.:o
Live each day like it's your last, and one day, you will be right.---- rush 2112,--->" and the sheep shall inherit the earth"......

Offline beet1e

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Furballers Vs. Toolshedders
« Reply #259 on: October 30, 2005, 02:32:03 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
and beet... beet lecturing me about guns?  this is amusing in the highest degree..  You gonna tell me about dispertion?  as for knocking off a wing... Never happens for me.   dispersion does not mean that rounds go off in wild patterns like a shotgun... it means that they go in the path that the gun is aimed at and if the guns are aimed slightly differently (more or less angle) they will travel in a relatively straight path with some bullet drop.  

You're not the only gun expert in the universe, and I have talked to some of the others. I was quoting from guys who know about how RL gunnery would have been in WW2. True, you know more than I do about guns, but I know more than you do about Math(s). And I see that a lesson is in order.

Did you know, Lazs, that if you were landing hits on a target 800 yards away and at the same height, that if you then increased your aircraft's attitude to a pitch of 1° above horizontal, your rounds would pass more than forty feet above the target? What was the maximum thickness of the wing of a WW2 fighter plane? I'm guessing, but let's say it was about 6 inches. At 800yds, assuming your rounds flew in a "laser" stream as described in your post as quoted above^, your pitch angle would have to be accurate to within 0.012°. Deviate your pitch angle by more than that, and the rounds would miss.

Could the WW2 pilots fly and aim accurately to within ~a hundredth of a degree, not forgetting the environmental factors of wind and turbulence? Anyone who believes they could can kiss my arse. Of course they couldn't, and that's why dispersion was built in - to give the pilots a chance of hitting something -  and that's why at 800yds the rounds would be dispersed over such a large area that only odd pings would be possible, not the AH1 gamer dork laser beam.

Don't believe that a 1° pitch change would cause that 40ft error? Well here's the proof. I've drawn a little diagram for you.  It's not to scale, but it's good enough. Your plane is at A, the bogey is at B. Raising the nose by only 1° would cause your rounds to fly through C, more than 40 feet above the bogey, the distance denoted by line BC.

Oh by the way, the trig laws state that Tan(A) = BC/AB, therefore BC = AB multiplied by Tan(A).

If you would actually spend more time trying to understand the scenario being discussed, instead of drawing on your experiences from gamer dork utopia, you would realise that it would be quite impossible to inflict catastrophic damage to a bogey 800 yards distant in a controlled and systematic fashion - the sort of thing we'd see on a daily basis in AH1 and early versions of WB. You had to get much, much closer. Granted, the odd stray round might end up plinking the wing. Could the wing of a 190 be sheared off by a single .50cal round? Erm... don't think so.

Offline beet1e

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Furballers Vs. Toolshedders
« Reply #260 on: October 30, 2005, 02:38:12 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
I think most of us furballers just got angry and determined... we died hundreds of times and just took it till we got better... and we did get better...  
...and my £ says you still could not stop Rshubert's invasion, even if he told you where and when it was going to be.

WW2 fighter pilots that can't defend against an incoming invasion? About as much use as a chocolate teapot.

Offline mechanic

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Furballers Vs. Toolshedders
« Reply #261 on: October 30, 2005, 02:42:57 PM »
Originally posted by DipStick
Amen to that. I'm at 14 kills per hour right now and it's pretty fun. Most fun when fur'in with squaddies. Still boring at times. Anything under 9-10 k/p/h would have to suck. I figure I'm getting the most bang for my buck. YMMV. ;)

but for people who spend over 20 hours a month and sometimes alot more, surely variety is the spice of life?

the mad furballs are one of the wildest rushes AH can offer. but for instance; last week late night only about 80 people online. four of our squad lift some FW190 A8s in formation and lift to deffend a large darbar in the HQ sector. we troll around for 30 mins chasing stratosphere b24s and co-ordinating a search over the 4 sectors without dot dar.  20 mins later and there is no buffs but a darbar still showing at least one plane. we hunt for another 13 mins then suddenly the 'off the map' arrow blinks on for a few seconds. it was reported and 2 of us flew 6 sectors or so to stop the only retreat while the other two hemmed him in. after about 55mins of chasing imagination around, some of us alone for up to 30 mins, we all four convened and surrounded a 190D9 at 8k about half a sector from their base.  we ganged him to pieces, then hit the base for a few minutes before tearing 2 sectors home with 3 or 4 kills for no deaths between us.

that is also a way of playing aside from furballs. and there are many more.
playing for k/p/h ratio almost sound perversly score whorish even though thats a total contradiction of what a furball is of course. :huh
And I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.

Offline lazs2

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Furballers Vs. Toolshedders
« Reply #262 on: October 30, 2005, 03:09:34 PM »
beet... If I couldn't hold the sights of a gun in allignment of more than an inch off there would be no point in shooting anything...   mostly the missalignment of sights is in the order of what the eye can distinguish... for people with very good eyesight (like fighter pilots) that is a very few thousands of an inch... also... you are firing 500-1000 rounds per minute out of every gun..... if you have 4 or six guns all firing and staying within a few thousands of an inch in the sights and... you are using tracers besides...  It is not hard to hit something at 800 yards out.   While our gun platform is much steadier... the gunnery and dispertion itself is not that different.   We have thousands of hours at it..

lets say that a good WWII pilot could get hits at 300-400 yards in the heat of battle with relatively few hours of gunnery practice.... hell... that is about the convergence most pilots set their guns for right?  

What would be so difficult to believe that people under no stress with hundreds of times more practice.... could not double that figure?  in the arena... 90% of the time you are safe if someone is firing at you from anything more than 400 yards away.... If you flop around... they don't even hit you with a full ammo load.

as for shubie.... "stop his invasion"?? why would I?  I can't think of anything more boring to do.... if he happens to be around me tho.... even in a superior plane with an e advantage... he will simply die.

sooo... what you are saying is that I can't stop his invasion even tho he lacks skill... I would agree.   the game is set up to give him an unfair advantage... his lack of skill does not prevent him from having an impact far greater than is fair.

To some extent... this is necessary and I admit this... it is necessary so that newbies can get some pleasure from the game and feel they accomplished something...

The is no excuse for the older guys to do it tho other than... well.. the obvious reasons.

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Offline beet1e

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Furballers Vs. Toolshedders
« Reply #263 on: October 30, 2005, 03:31:29 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
To some extent... this is necessary and I admit this... it is necessary so that newbies can get some pleasure from the game and feel they accomplished something...
Sounds like you're talking about 800yd blow-your-wing-off gunnery.

Read my post again - skip the more difficult bits. I still maintain that
  • No pilot could pitch his plane accurately to within 0.012°
  • That's the reason dispersion was built in;
  • At 800yds the rounds would be dispersed over such a wide area that only the odd lucky ping would be possible.

Offline DipStick

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Furballers Vs. Toolshedders
« Reply #264 on: October 30, 2005, 04:00:11 PM »
Originally posted by mechanic
four of our squad lift some FW190 A8s in formation and lift to deffend a large darbar in the HQ sector. we troll around for 30 mins chasing stratosphere b24s and co-ordinating a search over the 4 sectors without dot dar. 20 mins later and there is no buffs but a darbar still showing at least one plane. we hunt for another 13 mins then suddenly the 'off the map' arrow blinks on for a few seconds. it was reported and 2 of us flew 6 sectors or so to stop the only retreat while the other two hemmed him in. after about 55mins of chasing imagination around, some of us alone for up to 30 mins, we all four convened and surrounded a 190D9 at 8k about half a sector from their base. we ganged him to pieces, then hit the base for a few minutes before tearing 2 sectors home with 3 or 4 kills for no deaths between us.

Just as soon take a real azzwhoppin'. Bore me to tears... how can you people do that?

Beet still arguing about a game you haven't even played in a year or more... get a life.

Offline beet1e

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« Reply #265 on: October 30, 2005, 04:03:09 PM »
DS - having a discussion about gunnery. Glad you took me off ignore. :p:)

Offline Morpheus

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« Reply #266 on: October 30, 2005, 04:39:35 PM »
Originally posted by PK1Mw
Obviously after 250+ posts there's not going to be a common middle found between the landgrabbers and furballers. So this is a moot point, don't ya think?

*'s that by another 2500+ threads.
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Offline Oldman731

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« Reply #267 on: October 30, 2005, 04:47:26 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
beet... If I couldn't hold the sights of a gun in allignment of more than an inch off there would be no point in shooting anything...   mostly the missalignment of sights is in the order of what the eye can distinguish... for people with very good eyesight (like fighter pilots) that is a very few thousands of an inch... also... you are firing 500-1000 rounds per minute out of every gun..... if you have 4 or six guns all firing and staying within a few thousands of an inch in the sights and... you are using tracers besides...  It is not hard to hit something at 800 yards out.   While our gun platform is much steadier... the gunnery and dispertion itself is not that different.   We have thousands of hours at it.. problem with this is that you are assuming perfect accuracy from each of your weapons.  Even your bolt-action deer rifle can't ordinarily consistently fire minute-of-angle groups.  A recoil-operated .50, with the barrel moving back and forth on each shot, isn't going to come near to this consistency.  That's the principal reason for the huge dispersion at long ranges.  You can mount the gun in concrete, and it still won't shoot to the same point of impact with each shot.  Mount it in the flexible wing of an airplane, bolted to a couple of pieces of aluminum, and the accuracy will be worse.

Widewing and Tony have both posted dispersion figures for these guns.  At 800 yards range they are huge.

- oldman

Offline WMLute

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Furballers Vs. Toolshedders
« Reply #268 on: October 30, 2005, 05:00:13 PM »
Originally posted by beet1e
...and my £ says you still could not stop Rshubert's invasion, even if he told you where and when it was going to be.

WW2 fighter pilots that can't defend against an incoming invasion? About as much use as a chocolate teapot.

I guess my 1st post was missed re: Rshuberts statment.

He DID indeed set up a "stop my hoard, I dare you" challenge, and was successful the 1st time he did it vs. Charon, and all that Charon could group together. (was only like 5-10 pilots, and they were overwhelmed)

THEN I formed the famous

S.H.E.E.P.   movement, and tossed down the gauntlet to rshubert.
Originally posted by WMLute
rshubert, from reading your posts, your idea of "opposed" were just a couple guys outnumbered 10 to 1.  Hope you understand just how "silly" you sound.  Ok.... I wasn't party to your last "I gonna attack this field with HUGE #'s, try and stop me", but I would like to be party to the next.  Let me know when ya' gonna do it.  

Heck, bring your 40, I'll bring 20 (or less)... you not getin' that base.  SOME of us know how to stop hordes.  Some don't.  SOME of us understand just how simple it is to get rid of the mass swarms of noobs.  (hint, either kill 'em, or draw it out.  they got 2min attentions spans and will go elsewhere)

Sooo... let's try it again shall we?  Let me know when so I can get my S.H.E.E.P. alert out, rally a few boys, and play "smack the dweeb" for a bit o' light amusment.

here was the result

Originally posted by rshubert
Finally, somebody put their money where their mouth is!  We took not one single base tonight, but we had some great fun.  

We had somewhere around 20 pilots in the S.H.E.E.P. anti-hoard group, and stopped the 40-50 pilot Hoard cold.  

So not only is it do-able, we did it.

(edit. re-reading that anti-hoard post really made me shudder.  MAN I was an idiot back then.   to all who put up with my drivel)
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Offline lazs2

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« Reply #269 on: October 30, 2005, 05:16:31 PM »
certainly..  you would not expect that each and every round of the 40- 80 rounds going out to the target every second would be aimed perfectly... One would expect about the same results as we get in the game... some pings..... of would not want even one .50 or 20 mm hitting the engine tho... it would smash right through the block at that range.. with water cooled engines we would get a dramatic destruction of the powerplant... the pilot would bail.

As for mounting a 50 in concrete and not getting good results from a .50... sorry, you are wrong.. several people mounted scopes on ma dueces in WWII and korea and were hitting things smaller than ac at 2,000 yards...  modern .50 sniper rifles prove the destructive power and accuracy of the round at more than a mile.  

I am no rifle shot but even with open sights I could hit something as big as an ac at 800 yards with a .50...  it is routine for ma duece gunners to turn a target as small as a jeep into rubble at distances longer than that on full auto using the most rudementary of sights and walking in the rounds...

still... it remains... even in the war... people were killing planes from 800 yards or farther and... in the game... we rarely do.  even when the guy is not doing anything but flying straight and level.

but... doing math like beet does... it would be impossible for us to hit 400 yard targets with a hunting rifle.

plane shake and such make it harder of course.... it may take a hundred or more bullets to get a few good hits.... that is about how it happens in the game.

still...  all will agree that it is possible and even probable.    The concessions that are offered to fluffs and gv's are not even in the same realm.... Please explain how it is possible for one guy to crew three fluffs and operate all the guns at the same time for instance...

where is the math on that one?

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