Im aware that ping rate has something to do with what you see/happens in a 'collision'. Im also aware that colision model is in a sense inaccurate and unfair. Actually, thats what i wanted to say with my post. Im sorry if it came across wrong (i guess i was 'venting' as well for seing the same beaten dead horse brought up again - i apologize

But i also believe that any change in colision model wouldnt make it really more 'fair', just place the unfairness (and whines) elsewhere. Beat on dead horse with different colour fur.
I myself die from collisions every now and then. More often than someone else dies from colliding with me it seems - but then that might just be perception psychology. I usually am §$"%"§$%$§%&$§/ for a sec or two, then take a deep breath and reup.
Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill today cause they got on my nerves....PS: Tilt, im not sure, but id say things are not 'solid' during warp. I dont even think they *move*. Id say they just reappear at their corrected position. its just our eye/the film viwer, that shows it as 'warp'. If things were solid during warp, how could planes warp through hills and ground?