Author Topic: Kerry's Latest Comments  (Read 2328 times)

Offline Red Tail 444

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Kerry's Latest Comments
« Reply #135 on: December 10, 2005, 02:14:08 PM »
Originally posted by lazs2
saki is a typical liberal.... he has no answers but that doesn't stop the hate.


Are you kidding me? :rofl

I'd ask you to look in the mirror once in a while, but you probably don't cast a reflection

Offline Gunslinger

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Kerry's Latest Comments
« Reply #136 on: December 10, 2005, 02:15:41 PM »
Originally posted by Red Tail 444
Every time I listen to a rant from some of the nutjobs on this thread talking about Kerry or some other "liberal," I can't help but imagine...

Well I consider this serious stuff.  As an American I have a vested intrest in weather my govt's leadership wants to make a monumental mistake for political gain.

Offline Red Tail 444

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« Reply #137 on: December 10, 2005, 02:38:26 PM »
Originally posted by Gunslinger
Well I consider this serious stuff.  As an American I have a vested intrest in weather my govt's leadership wants to make a monumental mistake for political gain.

Agreed, and you are right, the government did make a monumental mistake for political gain. Seems we are arguing the same thing. Those, as lazs put it, "rednecks you wouldn't want to hang out with anyway," are doing the right thing, but solely for political gain. Therefore, it's the wrong damn thing to be doing.

You've forgotten all the lies told to us, forget WMD...

"rose petals..." remember that one? remember being regarded as liberators?

"An end to all major combat operations in Iraq"
"Mission accomplished"
"The death throes of a dying regime"
"Oil revenues will subsidize the war in Iraq (BTW, oil production levels are lower than from when the war started, so much for that BS)"

Well at least no more Iraqis will be flying airplanes into


Offline Gunslinger

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« Reply #138 on: December 10, 2005, 02:48:32 PM »
Originally posted by Red Tail 444
Agreed, and you are right, the government did make a monumental mistake for political gain. Seems we are arguing the same thing. Those, as lazs put it, "rednecks you wouldn't want to hang out with anyway," are doing the right thing, but solely for political gain. Therefore, it's the wrong damn thing to be doing.

You've forgotten all the lies told to us, forget WMD...

"rose petals..." remember that one? remember being regarded as liberators?

"An end to all major combat operations in Iraq"
"Mission accomplished"
"The death throes of a dying regime"
"Oil revenues will subsidize the war in Iraq (BTW, oil production levels are lower than from when the war started, so much for that BS)"

Well at least no more Iraqis will be flying airplanes into


I have not forgotten any of those.  I just don't buy into some of the hype as much as you.  From the looks of it, seems you are sold hook line and sinker.  But none of what you said changes the fact that we are there now.  If the democrat leadership get's its way it would be a monumental failure that will be felt for years to come.  While the invasion argument goes, it becomes irrelevent when political defeatism is in the air.

What the democrats are doing is inexcusable.....arguing against the invasion doesn't make what they are doing the present, any less inexcusable.

Offline Red Tail 444

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« Reply #139 on: December 10, 2005, 03:38:03 PM »
What Hype?

You contend that past lies are OK, and we should just go ahead and follow in step with the current lies being fed to us? So, in another 8 months, we can look back at these lies and say, "well, that wass then, and this is now."

I totally agree with needing to support the troops, but get real. If the troops are putting it on the line for political gain, is there no concern for those that are in harm's way? it has been long confirmed, even before the war, Iraq had NO connection with 9-11. This war, is not so much about 9-11 as much as it is political gain, and W going in and "finishing the job" his father got chided for....

Do you remember that bumper sticker? I do

If you can't see that, it's only because you aren't looking at the big picture with your eyes open. For all your concern for the armed forces, I would think you would want a clear-cut reason for putting them over seas, as well as a clear strategy for winning any conflict. This administration has done neither to good effect, and anyone who replies screaming about the Twin Towers is as misguided as a pilot whale.

Offline Gunslinger

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« Reply #140 on: December 10, 2005, 04:03:38 PM »
Originally posted by Red Tail 444
What Hype?

You contend that past lies are OK, and we should just go ahead and follow in step with the current lies being fed to us? So, in another 8 months, we can look back at these lies and say, "well, that wass then, and this is now."

I totally agree with needing to support the troops, but get real. If the troops are putting it on the line for political gain, is there no concern for those that are in harm's way? it has been long confirmed, even before the war, Iraq had NO connection with 9-11. This war, is not so much about 9-11 as much as it is political gain, and W going in and "finishing the job" his father got chided for....

Do you remember that bumper sticker? I do

If you can't see that, it's only because you aren't looking at the big picture with your eyes open. For all your concern for the armed forces, I would think you would want a clear-cut reason for putting them over seas, as well as a clear strategy for winning any conflict. This administration has done neither to good effect, and anyone who replies screaming about the Twin Towers is as misguided as a pilot whale.

point(s) of order:
1.  I never said the lies are ok I was mearly alluding to the fact when in a discussion about a pull out for political gain they become irrelevant as two wrongs don't make a right.

2.  I have yet to see ANYONE prove that this administration lied to get us into this war thus the Hype  Again SEE: point 1

3.  You lost me were you said "W got into this war for political gain".  Unless you have some astonishing new evidence to add the discussion that the entire world has yet to see; than again...hype....again SEE:  Point 1

4.  "This administration has done neither to good effect" is a relevent matter of opinion in wich you are entitled to.  But how does this defend the actions of those that wish to do this country more harm for the sake of politcal gain wich so far I've only seen justified based on point 2 wich leads me back to point 1.

I think I can conclude here that the actions of some of the senior democrat leadership is inexcusable and cannot be defended other than by saying "Bush lied in the first place" wich as we all know is not a solution to the current problem.  In other words they are no better than this administration and have no better way of dealing with Iraq.  This is were you can go ahead an assume I think the administration is all high and mighty and infalable but in doing so you'd be wrong as well.

PS.  This is no longer a "support the troops" argument but "support the mission" as well.  A failure in Iraq will have devistating consequences for the entire world.

Offline Red Tail 444

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« Reply #141 on: December 10, 2005, 04:31:05 PM »
The same thing was said when we left Saigon.

Startling new evidence? yes, I read. It's the old stuff that's always been there.

Of course the war was for political gain. Iraq is a much more romantic target than Afghanistan, which I believed was where the conspirators for 9-11 were harbored?

When politicains conduct their fuzzy math and try to draw lines between Iraq and 9-11, is that not a political ploy to garner increased support? And you really can't argue the tension ther has always been between Bush Sr and W. It's pretty well documented. Can you say that he didn't think that he could do a better jon than his dad did in '91?

Anyway, I gotta get going, got horses to feed....

Offline Gunslinger

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Kerry's Latest Comments
« Reply #142 on: December 10, 2005, 05:17:38 PM »
Originally posted by Red Tail 444
The same thing was said when we left Saigon.

Startling new evidence? yes, I read. It's the old stuff that's always been there.

Of course the war was for political gain. Iraq is a much more romantic target than Afghanistan, which I believed was where the conspirators for 9-11 were harbored?

When politicains conduct their fuzzy math and try to draw lines between Iraq and 9-11, is that not a political ploy to garner increased support? And you really can't argue the tension ther has always been between Bush Sr and W. It's pretty well documented. Can you say that he didn't think that he could do a better jon than his dad did in '91?

Anyway, I gotta get going, got horses to feed....

no I say Desert Storm was a different mission and is irrelevent to the current situation.  There's no basis behind the accusation that Bush is trying to finish the job his dad started.  It's completly basless and irrelevent to the current talks about a pullout.