Author Topic: Ann Coulter verbally assaulted in Connecticut university  (Read 1311 times)

Offline gnubee

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Ann Coulter verbally assaulted in Connecticut university
« Reply #60 on: December 09, 2005, 11:02:55 PM »
I am very aware of the efforts and contributions of our allies in that conflict.  I was just trying to make a point without having to write an entire dissertation on world history.

Please note that I didn't flame a single conservitive in my post... except maybe for McCarthy (But come on, you gotta give me that one.) Nor was Churchill and Stalin's omission intended with any dissrespect.  They weren't  mentioned because that wasn't the point of my statement.

My point ( if you care), was that there are some things that we folks on the left have contributed to the world that I would dare say even a staunch conservative could agree with... and maybe we're not all a buch of un-American commies as some have implied.  As such I requested that kind of comment stop.

I tried to make that point with a little sarcasm and humor... but perhaps that humor was lost.

PS... I picked up on your sarcasm though... and it has put a smile on my face... Thanks. :D

PSS... also note I supported Ann's right to speak her mind...even though I'm a un-patriotic pink-o commie :aok :rofl

Offline SOB

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Ann Coulter verbally assaulted in Connecticut university
« Reply #61 on: December 09, 2005, 11:03:29 PM »
Originally posted by Holden McGroin
I hate you, SOB.

Hey what is in Neapolitans grave?  Old ice cream or a bunch of people from Naples?

Worse.  Old Astronaut Ice Cream!
Three Times One Minus One.  Dayum!

Offline gnubee

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Ann Coulter verbally assaulted in Connecticut university
« Reply #62 on: December 09, 2005, 11:18:00 PM »
I won;t question your love of country, but I ask that you think of your country before you think of the rest of the world.

Shaky... I may not agree with you on a ton-o-stuff that you've put in this thread... but I have to compliment you on that statment.

That was truly well said:)  (No BS... i mean that)

In reply I'll say this:
When I consider world opinion, it is because I want to insure our safety and future success.  I think that in order to accomplish these goals we have to be able to listen.  In short, I am thinking first of my country by thinking of the rest of the world.

Offline Holden McGroin

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Ann Coulter verbally assaulted in Connecticut university
« Reply #63 on: December 09, 2005, 11:45:00 PM »
You didn't have to make the point that FDR was president... I already knew that.

FDR also was progressive in some things while regressive in others.  The imprisonment of the Japanese-Americans was certainly not something that progressives hold near and dear.  FDR also signed the Hatch act, forbidding federal employees from political partisan activity.

Woodrow Wilson was a noted progressive but supported the 1918 Sedition act, making criticism of the government unlawful.
Holden McGroin LLC makes every effort to provide accurate and complete information. Since humor, irony, and keen insight may be foreign to some readers, no warranty, expressed or implied is offered. Re-writing this disclaimer cost me big bucks at the lawyer’s office!

Offline gnubee

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Ann Coulter verbally assaulted in Connecticut university
« Reply #64 on: December 10, 2005, 12:33:47 AM »
The imprisonment of the Japanese-Americans was certainly not something that progressives hold near and dear

I don't know what you're talking about *adjusts Halo* :aok

He also wouldn't sign anti lynching laws, and excluded farm workers from being eligble for the Social Security Act, effectivly barring the majority of African Americans from being eligble for benefits at the time.

No... there are no saints in politics. :huh

Offline bj229r

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Ann Coulter verbally assaulted in Connecticut university
« Reply #65 on: December 10, 2005, 04:08:01 AM »
Originally posted by gnubee
I am very aware of the efforts and contributions of our allies in that conflict.  I was just trying to make a point without having to write an entire dissertation on world history.

Please note that I didn't flame a single conservitive in my post... except maybe for McCarthy (But come on, you gotta give me that one.) Nor was Churchill and Stalin's omission intended with any dissrespect.  They weren't  mentioned because that wasn't the point of my statement.

My point ( if you care), was that there are some things that we folks on the left have contributed to the world that I would dare say even a staunch conservative could agree with... and maybe we're not all a buch of un-American commies as some have implied.  As such I requested that kind of comment stop.

I tried to make that point with a little sarcasm and humor... but perhaps that humor was lost.

PS... I picked up on your sarcasm though... and it has put a smile on my face... Thanks. :D

PSS... also note I supported Ann's right to speak her mind...even though I'm a un-patriotic pink-o commie :aok :rofl

Ann continually challenges all comers to prove that McCarthy brought down anyone who WASN'T a communist---she doesn't just dream stuff up and say it---all her assertions (with a LOT of sarcasm in between) are backed up by well-researched facts. People assume McCarthy was horrible because they've been hearing the media SAY that for some 5 decades.

"Among the most notorious Soviet spies in high-level positions in the Roosevelt and Truman administrations -- now proved absolutely, beyond question by the Soviet cables -- were Alger Hiss at the State Department; Harry Dexter White, assistant secretary of the Treasury Department, later appointed to the International Monetary Fund by President Truman; Lauchlin Currie, personal assistant to President Roosevelt and White House liaison to the State Department under both Roosevelt and Truman; Laurence Duggan, head of the Latin American Desk at the State Department; Frank Coe, US representative on the International Monetary Fund; Solomon Adler, senior Treasury Department official; Klaus Fuchs, top atomic scientist; and Duncan Lee, senior aide to the head of the OSS." -- Ann Coulter,

As noted here previously, George Clooney's movie "Good Night, and Good Luck," about pious parson Edward R. Murrow and Sen. Joseph McCarthy, failed to produce one person unjustly accused by McCarthy. Since I described McCarthy as a great American patriot defamed by liberals in my 2003 book, "Treason," liberals have had two more years to produce a person — just one person — falsely accused by McCarthy. They still can't do it. Meanwhile, I can prove that Murrow's good friend Lawrence Duggan was a Soviet spy responsible for having innocent people murdered. The brilliant and perceptive journalist Murrow was not only unaware of the hundreds of Soviet spies running loose in the U.S. government, he was also unaware that his own dear friend Duggan was a Soviet spy — his friend on whose behalf corpses littered the Swiss landscape.

Contrary to the image of the Black Night of Fascism (BNOF) under McCarthy leading to mass suicide with bodies constantly falling on the heads of pedestrians in Manhattan, Duggan was the only suicide. After being questioned by the FBI, Duggan leapt from a window. Of course, given the people he was doing business with, he may have been pushed.

After Duggan's death, Murrow, along with the rest of the howling establishment, angrily denounced the idea that Duggan could possibly have been disloyal to America.

Well, now we know the truth. Decrypted Soviet cables and mountains of documents from Soviet archives prove beyond doubt that Lawrence Duggan was one of Stalin's most important spies. "McCarthyism" didn't kill him; his guilt did.

During the height of the Soviet purges in the mid-'30s, as millions of innocents were being tortured, exiled and killed on Stalin's orders, Murrow's good pal Duggan was using his position at the State Department to pass important documents to the Soviets. The documents were so sensitive, Duggan had to return the originals to the State Department before the end of the day. Some were so important, they were sent directly to Stalin and Molotov. On at least one occasion, Murrow's dear friend Duggan sat with his Soviet handler for an hour as the handler photographed 60 documents for the motherland. In other words, Duggan was the kind of disloyal, two-faced, back-stabbing weasel you rarely see outside of the entertainment industry. (He certainly was perceptive, that Murrow.)

All this time, people Duggan knew personally were being falsely accused and executed back in the Soviet Union. Duggan expressed concern about Stalin's purges with his Soviet handler, but he didn't stop spying. As Allen Weinstein describes it in "The Haunted Wood," Duggan was mostly concerned about being falsely accused by Stalin himself someday.

Because of Murrow's good buddy Duggan, innocent people were killed. Not just the millions murdered during the purges while Duggan was earning "employee of the month" awards from Stalin. At least one man was murdered solely to protect Duggan's identity as a Soviet spy.

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large numbers


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Ann Coulter verbally assaulted in Connecticut university
« Reply #66 on: December 10, 2005, 06:08:02 AM »
it's amazing these arguments go on ad nauseum.  the left hates you, they hate each other, they hate animals, they hate the environment and they hate their mothers.  they have always been this way.  that's what makes them fun to watch.  last night there were a bunch of aging hippies protesting the war at an intersection near my home.  two blocks away is the Marine Corps reserve traing facility.  who do you think they were attempting to belittle? my 15 year old son said "dad lets turn around and go home. I'll fill some water balloons".  I discouraged him explaining that would stoop us to their amoeba slime pit level.  haters, shame on you liberal nutters, shame.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2005, 06:11:18 AM by storch »

Offline lazs2

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Ann Coulter verbally assaulted in Connecticut university
« Reply #67 on: December 10, 2005, 09:49:00 AM »
gnubee.. the ACLU does not in any way defend the 2nd... it is their stated mandate that the second is to be treated as a right of the state and not an individual right.  The ACLU wants the people to be disarmed and only government forces to have arms.

"progressive" means taking more and more rights from the individual.

Shouting down speakers and burning books and making forms of speech hate speach and making some crimes commited by or against only some races  "hate crimes" is all ploys of socialist and communists.


Offline midnight Target

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Ann Coulter verbally assaulted in Connecticut university
« Reply #68 on: December 10, 2005, 03:02:21 PM »
Ann is playing games with words... McCarthy was a buffoon who accused many or insinuated that many were Commies including George Marshall.

Another of McCarthy's early false or unsubstantiated accusations of Communism was the one he made against journalist Drew Pearson. Though McCarthy and Pearson were initially friendly with one another when McCarthy first arrived in Washington, D.C., they had a falling out, mainly over McCarthy’s initial accusations of Communism, and they became involved in a bitter feud that one night erupted into a physical altercation. To get back at Pearson, McCarthy gave a Senate speech in which he called upon Americans to pressure the corporate sponsors of Pearson's radio news show to drop Pearson because of his supposed politics. Even though McCarthy made it clear that he was not accusing Pearson of being a card-carrying member of the Communist Party, he insisted that Pearson was a communist in principle because he consciously promoted and defended the interests of the Communist Party and the Soviet Union, primarily by criticizing anti-communists like himself. To quote McCarthy himself, he said Pearson was the "voice of international communism," the "sugar-coated voice of Russia," and a "Moscow-directed character assassin."