Author Topic: could USSR have been saved? (mature audiences only)  (Read 5974 times)

Offline Vad

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could USSR have been saved? (mature audiences only)
« Reply #165 on: December 17, 2005, 02:33:59 PM »
Originally posted by Boroda
I didn't say I want to go back to Soviet times. I am a stalinist: I mean that what we need now to live better is to make every brass-hat responsible for his actions, that's all. What we got now is not "rotten system" but "rottenness that is a system". A country that lives on Soviet heritage, with a small gang of crooks exploiting what was created by 250 millions working their bellybutton off.

In this case I take my words back, we have more common than I thought before.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to come into the same river once again.

About me... ok
I would like to see in power in Russia sombody who is strong enough to keep power without unnecessary repressions and fake elections, who is responsible enough to think about peolple not his own pocket, and who won't invent new "economical theories" but will use proven methods.

Absolute monarchy like Sauds or something like that. Or Pinochet.
Unfortunately, such people are very rare in this best of the worlds.

For our American friends - don't get me wrong, I wish it for Russia, not for any other country. Every country has its own way through ages and  own history. Democracy is working good for Europe or USA - great, nobody wants and never  wanted to take it from you! Live as you wish.

Most of the disputes with Russians on this board spin around the same old subject:
All: - Russia is totalitarian country, Russians do that in a wrong way, Russians should value freedoms, demjcracy, blah-blah-blah

Rissians: - We don't need democracy, especially in its Western form, it doesn't work for us. We have our own way.

All -You are stupid and don't understand what is better for you.

After this point Boroda has all the rights to say whatever he wants about Americans or Europians, it will be self defence.


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could USSR have been saved? (mature audiences only)
« Reply #166 on: December 17, 2005, 02:39:03 PM »
LOL you Russian people are such sheep and idiots, all you will ever get is a load of corrupt power hungry wannabe dictators with that attitude. And you flat out unashamedly sk for it, wow!

Amazing stupidity.

Offline Vad

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could USSR have been saved? (mature audiences only)
« Reply #167 on: December 17, 2005, 03:02:40 PM »
Originally posted by NUKE
Mexico is corrupt from top to bottom. They have all the resources they need to become a great country, except a halfway decent government.

You are going in right direction, let do next step. Mexico has been democratic country since middle of 1800's if memory serves me well. And during this 150 years they were so unhappy that couldn't elect good goverment? What are unlucky guys! And during the same 150 years the USA were unbelievably lucky with thier goverment, just one little problem in hotel!

Do you really believe in that? Or, may be, there is more simple explanation. And democracy just doesn't work for Mexicans. At least, in its European form.

I don't want Mexican destiny for my country. Going this way Russia will become the second Mexico or Brazil, being the second most powerful country in the world in near past. Nobody who is considering himself patriot would wish this for his country.

Offline Vad

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could USSR have been saved? (mature audiences only)
« Reply #168 on: December 17, 2005, 03:11:18 PM »
Originally posted by GRUNHERZ
LOL you Russian people are such sheep and idiots, all you will ever get is a load of corrupt power hungry wannabe dictators with that attitude. And you flat out unashamedly sk for it, wow!

Amazing stupidity.

Insults without any attempts to prove you point tell more about you than about insulted.

Offline NUKE

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could USSR have been saved? (mature audiences only)
« Reply #169 on: December 17, 2005, 03:19:08 PM »
Vad, bottom line is that Mexico is corrupt from  top to bottom. It's amazing to me that the Mexicans didn't revolt a long time ago. Of course they have no guns now.

The people of Mexico are being robbed of their own countries wealth. To get anything done in Mexico, you pretty much have to pay bribe money.......

Mexico has oil, timber, precious metals, work force willing to name it, they have what they need as far as resources. The problem is that the government, police and laws are just a perversion of democracy.

Mexicans are good people. They are hard working good people that are being screwed by their government.

The reason I posted about Mexico being corrupt, yet having all the resources they need......because Russia is the same way.


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« Reply #170 on: December 17, 2005, 03:23:51 PM »
Vad what point is there to prove? You said it yourself, Boroda said it too - yiu want a singular strongman charismatic leader to run the country and take accountability away from individuals and put it on the state's power to punish people who dont execute his orders.

Punishing people who dont follow orders exactly is not making them accountable, it simply makes them mindless robots - it makes them Russians.

Which why you are so comfortable in that, its all yiur perople have known for hundreds of years under the mongols, czars, soviets, and now Putin.

Offline Vad

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could USSR have been saved? (mature audiences only)
« Reply #171 on: December 17, 2005, 03:38:35 PM »
Originally posted by NUKE

The reason I posted about Mexico being corrupt, yet having all the resources they need......because Russia is the same way.

Exactly! You hit the nail!

I would say more, Russia is more corruped than 10 mexicos.

But one problem - it happened 5-10 years ago. When Russia was capitalist country already.

Of course, corruption existed in the USSR in 1975, but it wasn't more than in modern Canada, which means almost didn't exist.  Yes, there were some scandals but Canada faces Christmas election this winter because if sponsorship scandal too.

Ok, Canada and the USSR didn't have corruption because of different reasons, but result was the same.

Offline Vad

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could USSR have been saved? (mature audiences only)
« Reply #172 on: December 17, 2005, 04:07:23 PM »
Originally posted by GRUNHERZ
Vad what point is there to prove? You said it yourself, Boroda said it too - yiu want a singular strongman charismatic leader to run the country and take accountability away from individuals and put it on the state's power to punish people who dont execute his orders.

Punishing people who dont follow orders exactly is not making them accountable, it simply makes them mindless robots - it makes them Russians.

Which why you are so comfortable in that, its all yiur perople have known for hundreds of years under the mongols, czars, soviets, and now Putin.

ok, something intelligible.

I just want to remind you that I have been living in Canada since 1999, and I am Canadian citizen, so I know what I'm talking about. Here, in America, we have absolutelly the same situation but role of strong charismatics leader plays not your President or Prime Minister but your employer. You have thousands of leaders with even more rights than I would suggest to give to goverment. And most of them are not strong or even clever enough.

Yes, you can find another job here if you like. But:
1) Sometimes it is not easy
2) You have to worry about career, resume, references, etc.
3) (and the most important) In Czar's Russia there were no problems for Russians to visit abroad, ruble was one of the most strong currency in the world. I've  never said that I suggest to close borders. If country is rich enough any country in the world would be more than happy to have you as a tourist or even resident. Sauds don't have any problems with visas to  Europe or America, do they? If you don't like to live in rich and prosperous country, don't want to have very good and stable income but pay for this by some restrictions in your rights and freedoms - ok, no problem, you are free to go wherever you want.

This mechanism worked for centuries, it works know for middle east monarchies, and I believe it would work for Russia.

Offline Flit

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could USSR have been saved? (mature audiences only)
« Reply #173 on: December 17, 2005, 04:13:41 PM »
Originally posted by Masherbrum
Then join a Communist club, set up an agenda and run in an Election.  Become Dictator then.   Stop crying over spilled milk, and do something about it.


PS - Flit, you'll go round and round with Boroda.  He is the "end-all, know-it-all" you're just wasting your time.   He can tap dance with Mikhail Baryshnikov.

I know :D

Offline mietla

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could USSR have been saved? (mature audiences only)
« Reply #174 on: December 17, 2005, 05:30:47 PM »
Lazs got it. Both Boroda and Vad are like animals in a Zoo. And please don't take it as a personal attack. I myself was a Zoo animal as well. I came here from Poland in '82.

Boroda and Vad,
You have a Zoo/Plantation mentality (the right to free education, remember?). As long as I am fed and as long I have a "right" to work, I don't need no stinkin "phony" rights. You probably can't understand why blacks in US fought on the Union side either. In your view, they were fighting "against their own good interests", huh?

The reason that you were hungry is not that the state failed to provide you with food. You were hungry, because the state prevented you from making your own food. Not in a literal sense of course, but as in clipping your wings. People are yearning to achieve and produce, and unless you are a lazy bum, you're capable of not only to feeding yourself and your family, but you are able to produce much more.  That's where the progress comes from. Let the people be, and they will specialize, produce surplus and then exchange with others thus creating a thriving society.

There is probably a lot of reasons why Russia, Poland and a lot of other formerly commie states have so many economic problems. In my opinion, the major one (if not the top one) is that people's minds are fcucked up by decades of socialist garbage. Just like you two, when someone is hungry, he does not try to find a way to produce, he waits for the state to bring the food to him. After all this is his "right" to be fed. As a result the "smart ones" turn to stealing from others and crime in general, the timid rest "the dumb ones" is starving and dreaming about the good old times of Stalin when at least we had a tree bark to chew on.

I've never regreted any of the commie "rights" I left in Poland. I came to the US with one wish. And the wish was to be left alone and be "permitted" to "make" my own food. In Poland I felt like tiny, worthless, dispensible ant. Here I feel a man. I came here with my wife, two daughters under 2, one suitcase and thousands of dollars in debt because I had to borrow money to get here. No one ever gave me anything and I've never expected any one to do so. For every buck I've earned, I've produced 3 or 4 for my employer.  And let's leave it at that since this thread is not about me.

I don't mean to belittle you, but I honestly pity you both.

BTW, anything that requires another person's property or labour by definition can't be a right. There is a simple test of what is right and what is not.

If you can exercise it being by yourself on a deserted island, it IS a right. If you can't, it is NOT.

Now, just try this...

food?  no, you have to get/produce it yourself.
healthcare?  don't think so
shelter?  see above...
not being a victim of an accident?
having someone else to support you in your old age? nope

freedom of speech? sure, why not
freedom to bear arms? would be stupid if you did not
freedom from gov opression (including taxes) ? sure

you get the gist of it, I hope.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2005, 05:49:00 PM by mietla »

Offline mietla

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could USSR have been saved? (mature audiences only)
« Reply #175 on: December 17, 2005, 05:34:14 PM »
MIlking the Zoo analogy some more...

You can take any Zoo animal one at the time and set it free (sometimes if requires some training in a wilderness first).

But you can't just open all the cages in a Zoo and expect that everything will just work out the day one.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2005, 05:37:49 PM by mietla »

Offline Russian

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could USSR have been saved? (mature audiences only)
« Reply #176 on: December 17, 2005, 06:48:50 PM »
Oddly enough if people from a “Zoo” get released, they are stronger than the ones running in the wild. But let’s say, we take away living necessity (electricity) from wild, they’ll just die. Maybe staying in higher echelons of Maslow’s pyramid is not healthy after all….

Offline detch01

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could USSR have been saved? (mature audiences only)
« Reply #177 on: December 17, 2005, 07:03:21 PM »
Originally posted by Vad
I just want to remind you that I have been living in Canada since 1999, and I am Canadian citizen, so I know what I'm talking about.

If you live here and you can equate Russia to Canada you obviously haven't got a friggin clue. There is food here. The queen's cowboys won't show up in the middle of the night to arrest you. The only way to get arrested in this country is to be accused of committing a crime that is listed in the Canadian criminal code. You won't get arrested for pissing off a politico. Kidnapping isn't a national pass-time, nor is it considered "just good business". As a matter of fact, the whole kidnapping/assassination gig doesn't go over well here. I could go on.

Buy a book about Canada. Spend some time with the book open and your nose buried in it. You might learn something.

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Offline Holden McGroin

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could USSR have been saved? (mature audiences only)
« Reply #178 on: December 17, 2005, 07:07:37 PM »
I heard you could get arrested in Canada just for saying, "Hockey sucks!"
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Offline mietla

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could USSR have been saved? (mature audiences only)
« Reply #179 on: December 17, 2005, 07:17:58 PM »
Originally posted by Russian
Oddly enough if people from a “Zoo” get released, they are stronger than the ones running in the wild.

Exactly. Just a fact that you chose to leave the Zoo, is a testiment of your character and temperament. This is a major test actually.

The choice is pretty simple, really.

Either you (as an entity in yourself) are responsible for providing yourself and your family, or you are just a little piece of a collective run  the state and  waiting for the scraps of refuse to fall in your hungry mouth (calling it "manna"), not from heaven of course,  from but  from the government.

Or... you can say FCUK IT, I can be a person.