Author Topic: could USSR have been saved? (mature audiences only)  (Read 5966 times)

Offline Ripsnort

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: could USSR have been saved? (mature audiences only)
« Reply #90 on: December 14, 2005, 09:33:13 AM »
Originally posted by Masherbrum
Wolfala is a friend of Boroda, remember his trip to Russia a year or two back Rip?  Of course, he'll type something like that Rip.   You are also correct on bigot, racist thing.  

Ah, now things are more clear. THanks.

Offline Wolfala

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: could USSR have been saved? (mature audiences only)
« Reply #91 on: December 14, 2005, 12:25:46 PM »
Originally posted by Masherbrum
Wolfala is a friend of Boroda, remember his trip to Russia a year or two back Rip?  Of course, he'll type something like that Rip.   You are also correct on bigot, racist thing.  


Be careful Karaya. Its like saying "Could New York City be saved from thinking its the center of the universe?" Simple answer is no, and the reason is for those who lived there, its for what experiences has colored for them. So as a result it'll remain the only city on the planet where 'fuc' isn't a word anymore but a comma; potholes are craters, and subway pretzles, like twizzlers are more addictive then crack.

And I am from New York, btw.

Having been to Russia several times over the last 2 years and friends w/ several folks over there who are on this BB as well as others is incidental to its value. One could say that my wife comming from a military family based in the far east colored my experience, which it certainly has in the most positive way. But that is not what the discussion is supposed to be about - Afterall, the topic was IF the USSR could've been saved and the theory behind that.

Try to stay on track.


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Offline Boroda

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: could USSR have been saved? (mature audiences only)
« Reply #92 on: December 14, 2005, 12:31:35 PM »
Originally posted by Ripsnort
Ah, now things are more clear. THanks.

Yes, Alex is my friend, I am proud to think so.

That's why I don't expect him to "type something like that". I agree with Estel.

Both of us have our own views, and I respect his POV that doesn't correspond with mine. I think it's obvious.

I have talked with Alex about Soviet times, and he is smart enough to understand that it's too hard to understand many things about USSR. Perpendicular planes of reality. I don't know why I try to persuade people who don't understand what they are speaking about. Alex understands much more, and it's probably why we didn't participate in this discussion.

Example: you all speak about Katyn as a "biggest crime of the USSR". My list of Soviet crimes includes crimes against people of the USSR, and it's absolutely different, you simply don't understand. But it's already beaten by our "democratic" regime, Gorby, Yeltsin and their successors. who did things that you don't know and will never understand.

What could probably save USSR was to open the borders, so millions of Soviet people, educated and willing to work, could try to go to the West. What follows: in two weeks Western countries close their borders because Soviet engineers and workers beat any competition from locals. Those who are lucky to get jobs in the West tell the truth when they come back. 10% or so stay in the West, the rest return in horror. Western propaganda machine aimed at USSR fails in two months. It was based on the absolute incompatibility of life in USSR and West. In fact - Western radios were telling the truth, but - incomplete truth. It could work both ways, but there was no such a genius as Goebbels in USSR :( Advantages of Soviet system were obvious, but the drawbacks were, and still are not understood by Western people. All that GULAG horror stories you were fed were exaggerated dy high margin, while you were, and still are unaware of real problems. So it goes.

Offline Holden McGroin

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: could USSR have been saved? (mature audiences only)
« Reply #93 on: December 14, 2005, 12:37:08 PM »
Originally posted by Wolfala
Be careful Karaya. Its like saying "Could New York City be saved from thinking its the center of the universe?"

Current Cosmological theory says that as everything including empty space expanded from the single point of the bang, and the universe is finite but has no boundary (much like the surface of the earth has no boundary but in finite in area) New york is indeed the very center of the universe. (as is everywhere else.)
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Offline Boroda

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could USSR have been saved? (mature audiences only)
« Reply #94 on: December 14, 2005, 12:42:40 PM »
Originally posted by Angus
Boroda, you took that bait about Katyn, and call it faith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
"I don't "believe" in anything. As for Katyn' - I have pure facts that proves Soviet side not guilty, but I still admit that it could happen. Faith is for people like Toad. I always doubt."

Is thousands of corpses just faith???????? Yer NUTS!

Thousands of corpses "discovered" by Germans in 1943. Nazis forced some European humanitarians to sign their "investigation protocols", that people later said that they were threatened to sign it.

Fact: prisoners in Katyn were shot from German pistols.

Fact: there was a recreational park there in 1940 when mass executions took place according to nazi version.

Please, try to use your brain.

I admit that NKVD could spend money on buying German weapons to shoot people in a park, being 100% sure that nazis will never get to Smolensk, but there is such thing, called Occam's razor.

Offline Boroda

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could USSR have been saved? (mature audiences only)
« Reply #95 on: December 14, 2005, 12:55:25 PM »
Originally posted by Skilless
What I find fascinating is their staunch defense of a ideology that was so deeply flawed that it failed in a matter of decades.  The way they keep talking about the USSR in the present tense (like a loved one they refuse to believe is dead) speaks volumes...

Ideology isn't flawed.

It was the implementation that failed.

Even in the golden age of Soviet power (we still live on what was built before 1956) ideology already got twisted. I think I'll finally break through Stalin's "Problems of Leninism", just to understand what he meant by "abolishing government by it's streggthening".

OTOH - it's all bla-bla. The real ideology was Soviet imperialism. USSR was a successor of Russian Empire. Russian Empire in fact wasn't a "classic" empire. In some aspects it was more liberal then the US. It was an empire based on true diversity, it wasn't "colonial" as British and it never genocided local cultures as the US. Again - it was different. See quote from Chairman Mao in my sig.

Offline lazs2

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could USSR have been saved? (mature audiences only)
« Reply #96 on: December 15, 2005, 09:20:21 AM »
angus... the soviet union had it's moments but.... I feel that they had em in spite of sabotaging their progress...

I believe that the russian people are every bit as bright as any other country and that even living under such an oppressive government was not enough to completly quash the human spirit.

Even living behind walls with secret police and informers everywhere wasn't enough to completly destroy the human spirit..

Human spirit is the only thing that kept the soviet union propped up as long as it was.... It is ironic that the government was doing everything it could to destroy the only thing that kept it alive..

so yeah.... the political soviet union was doomed from the start.


Offline Boroda

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could USSR have been saved? (mature audiences only)
« Reply #97 on: December 15, 2005, 10:28:57 AM »
Lazs, why not admit that you don't understand anything in what you post about instead of repeating propaganda slogans?

May I ask you a question? What exactly is Russian? What does this word mean?

What is Soviet? I already explained it some time ago.

Everyone's welcome with your versions.

Offline Flit

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: could USSR have been saved? (mature audiences only)
« Reply #98 on: December 15, 2005, 11:03:46 AM »
Originally posted by Boroda

What could probably save USSR was to open the borders, so millions of Soviet people, educated and willing to work, could try to go to the West. What follows: in two weeks Western countries close their borders because Soviet engineers and workers beat any competition from locals. Those who are lucky to get jobs in the West tell the truth when they come back. 10% or so stay in the West, the rest return in horror. Western propaganda machine aimed at USSR fails in two months. It was based on the absolute incompatibility of life in USSR and West. In fact - Western radios were telling the truth, but - incomplete truth. It could work both ways, but there was no such a genius as Goebbels in USSR :( Advantages of Soviet system were obvious, but the drawbacks were, and still are not understood by Western people. All that GULAG horror stories you were fed were exaggerated dy high margin, while you were, and still are unaware of real problems. So it goes.

:rofl  your kidding , right ?

Offline ATA

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could USSR have been saved? (mature audiences only)
« Reply #99 on: December 15, 2005, 11:09:31 AM »
The most fascinating thing about Russians is the patriotism.
In US i see every commercial block has something like
"God bless America","Proud to be an American","United we stand" and so on and so forth.....
It's like they need to be reminded to be "Proud" for some reason,they  proud because life is good in US,if it weren't they wouldn't be as proud i guess

Russians ....they don't need to be motivated they don't need to be reminded,they love their country just because it's their country.
It is corrupted,economy is in pooper,military force is not what it used to be.
But they just love their land,i believe that's the key.
You don't have to be proud of your..let's say Mother,she may not be a good mother but she still your mother.And your love you mother,you are bastage if you don't.
That's the reason why Russians,true Russians will never give up on their

Offline Boroda

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Originally posted by Flit
:rofl  your kidding , right ?

Do you know that it's almost impossible for a young Russian to get a US visa if he is single and doesn't have kids? We lifted the "iron curtain", but at the same time it was closed from the other side.

All this hysteria about "closed borders" is simply propaganda. Russian/Soviet people are not wanted in the West. It's a fact.

Offline StSanta

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could USSR have been saved? (mature audiences only)
« Reply #101 on: December 15, 2005, 11:39:35 AM »
Originally posted by Boroda
Ideology isn't flawed.
It was the implementation that failed.

Hey Boroda.

As you know, I've been in Russia twice. Also went to Bulgaria, which was an Easter Bloc country.

And, people, there are quite an amount of individuals there who think it was better during communism. A good deal of them are right as things are right now. Both Russia and Bulgaria have Wild West Capitalism, rampant and in-daylight corruption and a large group of people who have absolutely nothing.

It's my belief that once their capitalism matures, this will be fixed. Right now though you have your have-everything and you have you have-very-little people.

Having said that, I believe you are utterly and totally wrong about the ideology not being flawed. It is, on an ethical and moral scale, a total disaster for any man or woman who want to extend themselves, to realize their potential, to take risks and gain rewards. To do good for the sake of doing good, rather than to avoid punishment.

Communism, at best, takes material care of the masses by directing the masses. The populace is seen as an entity at itself, which must be given specific orders as to what to do. The focus is not on the individual but on the entity which is the population.

That is, until you reach the higher echelons, where individuality is very evident. This individuality then directs the masses as if every individual within is merely a neuron running through a nerve. Flex that arm, entity!

I refuse to be reduced in my humanity to such a degree. Should I have to give up security to gain freedom, I will do so, gladly.

No one shall direct the path I walk, no matter how well- or ill intentioned they are. That, my friend, is the bottomless flaw of communism of a philosophical scale.

Humans are not mere vessels through which other more privileged individuals carry through their will. We are, each end everyone of us, both potential nuclear bombs and cures to cancer.

We are not muscles. If we are a part of something greater, it is a side effect. Humans should never be considered as one entity to be used as seen fit by a dominant few.

It is my view (and yours may differ Boroda) that communism does not allow for full individuality. That is the ideological flaw. The actual attempts at implementations we've seen so far in history has been littered with abuse, but that's not the point of my argument.

The US skydive team at one time donated rigs to their Soviet counterparts (the Russians were all military, because civilians weren't allowed to skydive in general). It took a while but now, after the fall of communism, the Russians are beating the Americans at a game the Americans invented.

I like Russia, I like the Russian people, grim and grumpy as they may be. They're pragmatic, very pragmatic, very resilient and in many ways less phony than the people here. But communism, both as an ideal and as implemented, is not a good idea

Offline Boroda

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could USSR have been saved? (mature audiences only)
« Reply #102 on: December 15, 2005, 12:39:04 PM »
Santa, you, again, as many people in this thread, think that communism is total control. It's not true. /*we only tried to build communism, what we had was defined as "developed socialism"*/

Socialism: from everyone according to abilities, to everyone - according to his work (labour? effort?).

Communism: from everyone according to abilities, to everyone - according to his needs (nessessities?).

Communism is what is Lennon's "Imagine" about.

What we tried to build is descrided in "Midday, XXII century" by Strugatsky brothers. It's a sci-fi novell, and I really want to live in such society.

Offline Flit

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Originally posted by Boroda
Do you know that it's almost impossible for a young Russian to get a US visa if he is single and doesn't have kids? We lifted the "iron curtain", but at the same time it was closed from the other side.

All this hysteria about "closed borders" is simply propaganda. Russian/Soviet people are not wanted in the West. It's a fact.

And you think thats to keep all the highly trained Soviet scientist's and engineers from coming to the US and taking all of our high-tech jobs away?

Offline Boroda

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Originally posted by Flit
And you think thats to keep all the highly trained Soviet scientist's and engineers from coming to the US and taking all of our high-tech jobs away?

I don't know, fact is fact.

If you know better and more simple explaination - please share it. You have been fighting for our rights for 50 years, then why you suddenly changed your mind?

Anyway, regardless of the reasons - if USSR opened the border, Western reaction had to be the same. Isn't it easy to understand?