Author Topic: Strategic bombing?  (Read 3396 times)

Offline Saxman

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Strategic bombing?
« Reply #90 on: January 28, 2006, 10:42:19 AM »
The problem is when the furball pops up between two fields that offer some sort of strategic value to the strat/tac guy's advance. It DOESN'T just occur in out of the way places. Sometimes furballs pop up right in the middle of the front line, often BECAUSE of failed capture attempts (I've been on one or two well-organized capture flights that turned into furballs simply because the enemy cap was too heavy).

For example, let's say the Nits are on a roll pushing towards Bish HQ. The advance is pushing up a corridor towards HQ where there's one airfield that pretty much controls the defense of the area. Let's say the Nits tried taking that field, but the attempt failed, and a furball broke out. There ARE other airfields in the vicinity, but there's something special about this one. Maybe it's the Zone Master controlling the strat in the area, or that it's a 5k base and all the others are at SL, or even that this field offers the best striking position against the Bish HQ. Meanwhile the furball grows and grows as the furballers are drawn to the area looking for a "fite."

Are you saying the strat/tac guys have to abandon their attack and bypass a target of major strategic value just for the furballers?
Ron White says you can't fix stupid. I beg to differ. Stupid will usually sort itself out, it's just a matter of making sure you're not close enough to become collateral damage.

Offline SlapShot

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Strategic bombing?
« Reply #91 on: January 28, 2006, 10:55:15 AM »
Last time Slimey ...

Come on slapshot, I'm not backpeddling. You know and I know that it's just silly to base an argument on something that happens that infrequently. I asked for an example, and the first thing you come up with to make your point is a scenario that, by your own admission, almost never happens.

You are backpeddling ... I was not trying to ARGUE a point ... you asked a simple question and I simply answered it ... nothing more ... nothing less.

It was you then who tried to minimize my answer. Yes ... I did state that it doesn't happen very frequently ... but that doesn't dismiss that fact that it DOES HAPPEN. You asked ... I answered ... apparently you didn't like my answer or didn't think that someone would answer it.

I think it's you that needs to read carefully – I'm not a strat player. Additionally, I believe the strat players would play till they puke if the furballers would quit interrupting things with their holier-than-thou sarcastic comments.

Sorry for the miscommunication ... I was referring to "strat" players in general ... not you specifically. Us "furballer" and our holier-than-thou sarcastic comments STILL does not prevent "strat/capture" players from playing the game the way they like it ... until that does happen ... then they would have some ground to stand on.

To refresh your memory once more – this thread is about bombing strat targets. The mere fact that you and your squad members saw fit to jump into this thread disproves your repeated declaration that you don’t care about strat players bombing strat targets. If that were true, and you guys truly didn't care, you and your pals would've never ventured into this debate.

I need no refresh, but it appears that you do, due to the fact that you are confused as to what a "Strat target" is considered, in this game.

Strat target are ... Ord factories ... Troop factories ... ack factories ... radar factories .... cities ... HQ ... those are "strat" targets and that is what I was referring to and that is what this thread was referring to.

So ... with that in mind ... I REALLY DON"T CARE IF YOU BOMB/JABO/STRAFE THE watermelon OUT OF STRAT TARGETS ... it makes no difference to me or to a furballer.
SlapShot - Blue Knights

Guppy: "The only risk we take is the fight, and since no one really dies, the reward is the fight."

Offline Big G

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Strategic bombing?
« Reply #92 on: January 28, 2006, 11:05:40 AM »
Originally posted by LYNX
I really wish you could have graced us with more wisdom however your comments, opinions and vast knowlegde of the substance of this thread have been greatfully noted.

Having checked the score system I see your skills as a fighter pilot makes us feel almost unworthy of your input.  A fighter pilot with a hit percent of 3.77% makes us sprey oops I mean prey for your fighter escort skills. Also your attack hit percent is impressive with 160%.  You could clear up the tiny oil tank in town that we may miss.  We could also rest assured that you wouldn't give up becuase out of 58 sorties you killed 56 guys, only dying 43 times with an impressive 13 landings.

Our strategic battles with sheds will live long as you have the enemy "Quaking" in their boots.  When the bad guys learn of your impressive rank (2664) ACM and gunnery they'll leave us defencless tool sheaders alone to take on the mighty fighter pilot known as "Toad"

LMAO mate !!!! lol

Offline Big G

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Strategic bombing?
« Reply #93 on: January 28, 2006, 11:22:48 AM »
There's something great about taking bombers up to 25k and going on a long bomb run, you never what will hapen, might see nothing, just drop your ord, turn round and land.
Or you might get jumped and have a few mins of fending off enemy fighters.
I really enjoy going on bombruns, theyr'e really good fun, going as an escort is good fun too. It's not often you get a fight at 20k+ with another fighter, normally it's sub 10k down to 0k and it's usally some guy enticing you down to the deck to see who can drop flaps, evelator trim off, gear down and stall slower than you, all in all, not that exciting.

I also enjoy the furballs, big dog fights, a bit of this and a bit of that does no one any harm, keep a mixture so to speak.
But to just constantly go up to 6-8 k looking for a fight and dying does seem a tad bit boring, but hey! If that's yer gig...

 DISCLAIMER- No hijacking itended here, just my take/overview on what I have read on here.

Offline ChopSaw

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Strategic bombing?
« Reply #94 on: January 28, 2006, 01:32:28 PM »
I believe there is still a place for taking out strats.  Not as much in AH2 as in AH1, but it’s still a viable tactic.  Much of what Midnight says is true.  However, he states it from a fighter pilots point of view.  It would take a strong effort from a group of pilots using fighters, say Typhoons or P38’s, take down a City or Factory installation.  It would take a much smaller group of pilots using bombers to achieve the same effect.  By myself I can take a City down to 67% in one sortie.  If one or two other pilots join me, we can take that down to a percentage where it makes a heavy impact on re-supply times for anything other than hangers which of course have a set pop up time.  While three pilots with bombers can make this impact, they could hardly take over a base….much less a zone control base.

Midnight says the best way to hurt the enemy re-supply times is to take the zone control base.  Very true, but that usually means a deep penetration strike by a large group of pilot’s.  As has been mentioned, it is not the easiest thing to organize and get cooperation for.  Also the enemy tends to get excited by a large group penetrating so deep into their territory and going for a zone base.  Even if you are able to capture the base (how you got the Goon there through all those enemy bases I’ll never know), you now have a base surrounded by enemy bases.  That enemy is very excited about recovering the base and in a great position to do so.  As a result sometimes the best way is to whittle the enemy bases down from the edges.  Take bases from the outside in.  That makes the strating of Cities and Factory installations a viable proposal.

In AH2 the bases are much closer to each other than in AH1.  Fuel can only be dropped to 75%.  Hardly the crippling blow that it used to be in AH1 where you could drop a field to 25% and effectively eliminate your enemy’s ability to reach your base in a fighter.  The point was made that dropping ordinance can be overcome by using bullets and cannon.  This fuel situation and the closeness of the fields in AH2 is why this can be true.

High Tech made a lot of changes when they made AH2.
- Fields grouped together much closer.
- Inability to reduce field fuel supplies below 75%
- Thin cloud layer at around 14 to 16 K altitude.  Often thick enough to impair bombing.
- Doubling the damage required to bring down an HQ.
- Adjustment of flight times on specific aircraft.  Some shorter, some longer.
- Remodeling of 50 cal damage, making some aircraft less effective than before.
- In AH2 it seems you need to be closer to reliably make a kill.
- Eliminating the ability of bombers to adjust convergence of their guns.
- Etc.

Summary:  The changes made from AH1 to AH2 have been designed to meet the desires of those who enjoy furballing.  Admittedly this is probably the majority of people, but it has decreased the variety available in the game.  Not eliminated it, but decreased it.  It makes it more difficult to make a dramatic difference with bombers, but has not completely eliminated the value of bombing the factories and cities and other strats.  Change happens and we have to adjust I guess, but I believe High Tech is losing customers who enjoy a variety.

Offline SlapShot

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Strategic bombing?
« Reply #95 on: January 28, 2006, 01:59:49 PM »
ChopSaw ... very well put ... the strat system is alive and well ... but very hard to make an impact on.

All the changes that you list ... have taken place ... but you painted them with a very large brush and have blamed all these changes on the "wants" of furballers.

Well ... your wrong.

The only thing in your list that could be directly attributed to the "wants" of fuballers is ...

Fields grouped together much closer.

The rest ...

Inability to reduce field fuel supplies below 75%

Adjusted due to the higher fuel burn rate of AH II and the over abundance of fuel porkers. The fuel porkin complaint was heard from all side of the fence ... not just furballers.

Thin cloud layer at around 14 to 16 K altitude. Often thick enough to impair bombing.

AH I had plenty of cloud cover and was thicker than what we see now. Clouds were brought back into AH II after HT reworked the weather coad ... it had nothing to do with furballers.

Doubling the damage required to bring down an HQ.

Furballers could care less if HQ is down ... it was harden at the request of the "capture" crowd because it was too EASY to flatten HQ and they can't see where the undefended fields are if there is no radar.

Adjustment of flight times on specific aircraft. Some shorter, some longer.

See fuel burn above.

Remodeling of 50 cal damage, making some aircraft less effective than before.

I never read anywhere that HT remodled 50 cal damage. If you are refering  to how hard it is to take ack guns down with 50 cal as opposed to cannons ... well you can thank the "realism" crowd for that one. Furballers don't fight in the ack nor where there is ack ... usually.

In AH2 it seems you need to be closer to reliably make a kill.

You can thank the upgraded graphics and HT for that one ... Planes are now rendered with finer detail than what was presented in AH I ... ergo, you need to be more precise inorder to hit the "plane" pixels.

Eliminating the ability of bombers to adjust convergence of their guns.

Furballers, for the most part, don't engage bombers unless that fly thru the furball at altitudes between 10ft to 4K. Furballers did not request this.
SlapShot - Blue Knights

Guppy: "The only risk we take is the fight, and since no one really dies, the reward is the fight."

Offline mars01

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Strategic bombing?
« Reply #96 on: January 28, 2006, 02:49:44 PM »
Lynx my last post was it with you.  You say little and type much.  I am not going wade through your BS.  Your the moron that posted about score and said you didn't, your the moron that can't understand a field being down for three hours is a bad thing.  Your no longer worth the effort.  I had mt laugh at you but now I'm done.  You can have the last post.

Slimy - you need a cup of lighten up too.  Yeah oohh look at us elitist LOLH.  If I was so elitist I wouldn't even bother with a noob such as you.  Don't take your cues from morons like Lynx.

We speak from wisdom and expieriance, not our arses like my buddy Lynx.  My point to you was relax and learn the game before you start going off half cocked on guys like slapshot or toad, all your doing is showing your newbness.  Take it for what you want.

And yes many people start with strat because it has a very short learning curve compared to AtoA combat.  And thost that are looking for a fast pace, edge of your seat, heart racing game will migrate to AtoA and leave the strat to the newbs.  It was certainly my path.  I can remember reading posts from Laz and thinking and posting just like you, only to have a complete turn around once I got more expieriance and a clue.

You remarks smack of panties bunching and it aint worth it lol.

Offline Lye-El

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Strategic bombing?
« Reply #97 on: January 28, 2006, 03:11:14 PM »
Originally posted by ChopSaw

Summary:  The changes made from AH1 to AH2 have been designed to meet the desires of those who enjoy furballing.  Admittedly this is probably the majority of people, but it has decreased the variety available in the game.  

Perhaps, but when I check country stats on the clipboard it usually says around 35% in flight for all three countries. And that wouldn't be just furballers. Or I could be misunderstanding what the stat is saying. It seems low or there are more GV guys than would first appear to be.

i dont got enough perkies as it is and i like upen my lancs to kill 1 dang t 34 or wirble its fun droping 42 bombs

Offline ChopSaw

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Strategic bombing?
« Reply #98 on: January 28, 2006, 04:51:55 PM »
SlapShot, let me clarify my earlier statements per your comments.

I classify furballers in the group of people that like to fly fighters and nothing but fighters.  They are of course more into the turn and burn type of fighter rather than the BnZ, but fighters none the less.  These tight turning fighters have much less flight time available to them than BnZ fighters such as the P51.  Perhaps I should have simply said fighter pilots, but I think you catch my drift on this.  Thus your impression of a “broad brush” approach.

Inability to reduce field fuel supplies below 75%
“Adjusted due to the higher fuel burn rate of AH II and the over abundance of fuel porkers. The fuel porkin complaint was heard from all side of the fence ... not just furballers.”
AH1 and AH2 have the same fuel burn rates.  Moreover this was a larger problem in AH1 because of the wider spacing of fields on most of the maps.  I have the old burn rates on hard copy and I’ve been comparing them.  Additionally, while it may fairly be said the complaint against being able to reduce the fuel level to as low as 25% was heard from all quarters, it was heard most vigorously from the fighter quarter.  Furballers, as well as other fighter craft, didn’t have enough fuel available to launch, get to another field and return much less fight at that field for any effective amount of time.  They only had fuel, barely, to put up a defensive fight above their own field.  Fighters such as the P51 had it a little better than say….a Yak9U, but still didn’t have it easy.  Bombers still had the ability to get somewhere and drop their loads due to their inherent flight times.  Still…your point is well taken.  It was not just the furballers complaining.

Thin cloud layer at around 14 to 16 K altitude. Often thick enough to impair bombing.
“AH I had plenty of cloud cover and was thicker than what we see now. Clouds were brought back into AH II after HT reworked the weather coad ... it had nothing to do with furballers.”
Again, your point is well taken.  Clouds as you describe had and have nothing to do with furballers.  The clouds I saw in AH1 and now see in AH2 are not exactly what I was referring to.  What I specifically was focusing on is the all but universal haze layer that occurs at the altitudes I mentioned.  This is not a formation of clouds so much as it is a haze layer of varying thicknesses, most often seen in the two layer configuration.  This has a tendency to drive bombers lower than they might otherwise prefer to be.  That plays to the fighters and especially to the fighters that enjoy furballing.  Furballing usually occurs at low altitudes.  With the bombers coming in lower (14 to 16K), the fighters in such groups can come up and engage more easily than if I was at say 20 to 25K.  Thus the basis for my comment.  They can now stay low and furball as well as climb a bit to engage bombers.  Before they had to make a more dedicated effort to one or the other.

Doubling the damage required to bring down an HQ.
“Furballers could care less if HQ is down ... it was harden at the request of the "capture" crowd because it was too EASY to flatten HQ and they can't see where the undefended fields are if there is no radar.”
I suppose the “capture crowd” would be unhappy.  I feel that crowd is largely composed of furballers.  Furballers who wish to see a result of their furballing, so perhaps they are not pure furballers.  That having been said, furballers like to know where the fight is and if at all possible (i.e. when their field radar is up) flip up the clipboard to see where the enemy is over their field.  Additionally, while the “capture crowd” may want to find undefended fields, the furballer wants to find the defended fields or fields of his own that have a large number of enemy above them.  In the end, nobody likes to fly blind and it bombing your enemy’s HQ was a great way to tick them off as well as giving a brief advantage to the other two countries.

Adjustment of flight times on specific aircraft. Some shorter, some longer.
“See fuel burn above.”
As mentioned, my comments on burn time are based upon a comparison between AH1 and AH2.  This comparison shows the differences I’ve mentioned.  Some aircraft have a longer flight time in AH2 than they did in AH1.  Some have shorter.  The end effect is to narrow the flight time differential between the Turn and Burn fighters and the Boom and Zoom type.  BnZ style aircraft in AH1 had an advantage in a longer flight time.  As mentioned I believe most furballers are into the turn and burn style.  Hence the derogatory references to “cherry pickers” by furballers.  They are most often referring to BnZ style fighting and if properly done, that means a BnZ style aircraft.

Remodeling of 50 cal damage, making some aircraft less effective than before.
“I never read anywhere that HT remodled 50 cal damage. If you are refering to how hard it is to take ack guns down with 50 cal as opposed to cannons ... well you can thank the "realism" crowd for that one. Furballers don't fight in the ack nor where there is ack ... usually.”
Much of what we know about the game is not documented by HT, but inferred through our experiences.  I was in fact referring to the difficulty in taking down ack with a  50 cal in AH2 compared to AH1.  I feel this does play to the furballers and their distaste for the BnZ aircraft.  A good number of the turn and burn aircraft have cannons.  Similarly a large number of the BnZ style aircraft have 50 cals.  Yes there are exceptions such as the Typhoon, but in general this holds.  So if you want to go to a field to deack and also be able to fight, the emphasis is more on a furballer style aircraft than not.  Again, there are aircraft like the Typhoon, but that is not really an effective fighter against TnB style aircraft and it’s not as good at BnZ as say a P51D.  This is a generalized way of putting it and I’m well aware that there are some pilots who do extremely well with the Typhoon in air combat.  In the end it makes those planes equipped with 50 cal a little less versatile and thus less effective.  It’s also harder to make long range shots in AH2 than in AH1 and that limits one of the 50 cals specialties.

In AH2 it seems you need to be closer to reliably make a kill.
“You can thank the upgraded graphics and HT for that one ... Planes are now rendered with finer detail than what was presented in AH I ... ergo, you need to be more precise inorder to hit the "plane" pixels.”
Furballers like to get in really close on each other and have guns that do a lot of damage really quickly, but don’t have much of a flat trajectory.  BnZ style fighters are close perhaps but for a very short period of time and often, in AH1, made long distance shots both straight and deflection and had/have guns that are designed to do smaller damage, but have flat trajectories.  Bomber pilots were able to hit fighters at longer distances with effect.  Now I can light a guy up at 800 in AH2 and it’s like I was pinging him at 1400 in AH1.  Some noise to let him know he’s getting shot, but relatively little damage.  This lets the fighters get in closer than they could before.  I’m not sure this change they’ve made makes for realistic play.  Yes, it’s probably more realistic in terms of historical shooting differences, but this is a computer not a real plane.  The input output interface has to be adjusted to give the effect of the fight rather than historical and factual accuracies such as the shooting distances.  Modeling should be done for effect rather than historical data.

Eliminating the ability of bombers to adjust convergence of their guns.
“Furballers, for the most part, don't engage bombers unless that fly thru the furball at altitudes between 10ft to 4K. Furballers did not request this.”
I refer you to my comments above under effectiveness of the 50 cal and the thin cloud layer.  Furballers like to stay low.  The thin cloud haze keeps them low.  The current unchangeable convergence for bombers seems to be around 300 and we bombers used to set it at 650.  This made it difficult for somebody with cannon to come up on our 6 and sit there shooting at us.  Before we could ping them at 1400 when they did that and start dismantling them at 1,000.  Now we’d be foolish to start shooting at greater than 800.  This gives a little more ability to the furballer who typically carries cannon because he/she can get closer in a sloppier approach and do damage.

Hope this clears up the reasoning behind some of my comments.

Offline slimey_J

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Strategic bombing?
« Reply #99 on: January 28, 2006, 05:47:44 PM »
Originally posted by mars01
Slimy - you need a cup of lighten up too.  Yeah oohh look at us elitist LOLH.  If I was so elitist I wouldn't even bother with a noob such as you.  Don't take your cues from morons like Lynx.

marz00 - Did you actually read the thread? Honestly? Can you show me where I went off "half cocked" on anyone? Do yourself a favor and reread the thread, pay particular attention to the point when you and your supercilious squad mates came into the picture.

You remarks smack of panties bunching and it aint worth it lol.

Your remarks, or, what I could make of them through your atrocious spelling, smack of the same fake arrogance I spoke of earlier. No worries, though – your previous posts left me expecting nothing more from you. If it "aint worth it", then by all means feel free to stop posting in this thread.

Offline Flayed1

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Strategic bombing?
« Reply #100 on: January 28, 2006, 06:36:43 PM »
Originally posted by Toad
Allow me to add that I "Thank Cod for TOD!"

I hope TOD or CT as it is now named, will be compellingly addictive to all strateegereestas. I hope that those crying out for Strateegery will spend 24/7 glued to their joysticks playing CT till death do they part from their 'puter.

May the search for rank, glory and ticker-tape "We won the WAR!" parades so consume them that they forsake the MA forever and ever.

  Welll CT sounds kinda fun but the way you behave makes me want to stay in the MA trying to find what ever fight you may be in and bomb your hangers... Looks like I could get alot more of a reaction out of you for doing this than from anyone else for bombing any other type of target.
  Where ever you may be I will try to be there to make you whine.  :D :aok
From the ashes of the old we rise to fly again. Behold The Phoenix Wing!

Offline SlapShot

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Strategic bombing?
« Reply #101 on: January 28, 2006, 06:44:27 PM »
AH1 and AH2 have the same fuel burn rates.

No they don't ... this is where you are absolutely wrong and I don't care what you have on hard copy. AH I had a fuel burn rate of 1.5 ... AH II has a fuel burn rate of 2.0 ... doesn't look significant when looking at the numbers ... but is very significant to actual flight time.

Additionally, while it may fairly be said the complaint against being able to reduce the fuel level to as low as 25% was heard from all quarters, it was heard most vigorously from the fighter quarter.

Yes it was heard from all quarters ... I agree ... but the most outspoken were the LA and YAK drivers ... hardly a plane that is really fit for furballin'. I never complained due to the fact that when fuel was %25 ... it really didn't matter to me. Like I said before ... I specialize in base defense and usually only take %25 in that scenario ... so it was no sweat off my back when fuel was porked.

This has a tendency to drive bombers lower than they might otherwise prefer to be. That plays to the fighters and especially to the fighters that enjoy furballing. Furballing usually occurs at low altitudes. With the bombers coming in lower (14 to 16K), the fighters in such groups can come up and engage more easily than if I was at say 20 to 25K.

Wrong ... lets see how quickly you can take a Spit V, XIII, Hurri IIC from 3K-4K to 14K-16K and make an attack on the bombers, at cruise speed, after you have spotted them ... the effort is futile at best ... the bomber formation will rip u a new stunninghunk if you try/can catch them.

As mentioned, my comments on burn time are based upon a comparison between AH1 and AH2. This comparison shows the differences I’ve mentioned. Some aircraft have a longer flight time in AH2 than they did in AH1. Some have shorter.

Mathematically impossible ... unless HT and crew made engine adjustments to the aircraft that shows differences. If they didn't, then the aircraft will have shorter legs in AH II as compared to AH I.

I feel this does play to the furballers and their distaste for the BnZ aircraft. A good number of the turn and burn aircraft have cannons. Similarly a large number of the BnZ style aircraft have 50 cals. Yes there are exceptions such as the Typhoon, but in general this holds. So if you want to go to a field to deack and also be able to fight, the emphasis is more on a furballer style aircraft than not.

Come on ... the .50 cals are no different now then they ever have been. HT just decided, cause the realism crowd hounded and he must have agreed, that just 2 50 cals CANNOT take down an ack bunker. Cannons ... absolutely ... cause they are explosive where 50 cals aren't.

Read this thread ...

and this post in particular.

Originally posted by hammer
Home now and did a quick check. .50s on the -4 destroy a fighter hangar with 2374 rounds. Exactly the same as the P-51D and F4U-1D. .50 on the M-3 does it with 2224 rounds.

50 cals have not changed their lethality when it comes to shooting other aircraft and targets ... with the exception of ack bunkers.

Furballers like to get in really close on each other and have guns that do a lot of damage really quickly, but don’t have much of a flat trajectory.

Take up a Spit IX ... when the Hispanos run out ... you have the good ol 50 cal left (long range - flat trajectory) ... same as your BnZ P-51. Take Spit V ... run out of Hispanos and you have a chitload of 303s (long range - flat trajectory).

I’m not sure this change they’ve made makes for realistic play. Yes, it’s probably more realistic in terms of historical shooting differences, but this is a computer not a real plane. The input output interface has to be adjusted to give the effect of the fight rather than historical and factual accuracies such as the shooting distances. Modeling should be done for effect rather than historical data.

The change that was made ... and I will say it again ... the graphic detail became finer. Planes now use many more pixels to render their shape.

Let say for watermelon and giggles for arguments sake, but in the overall scheme and logic of things it applies ..

In AH I it took 1000 pixels to render a wing. BIG FAT PIXELS. Shooting at that wing and tracking shots to the pixels that were hit, you could easily pop someone at D1000.

Now in AH II HT decides to sharpen the image so he renders the wing now at 4000 pixels ... 4 times the granularity. Now the same shot that you took in AH I that hit a pixel ... is a complete miss in AH II ... or the same shot that hit the surface in AH I that reported much damage ... now only reports slight damage ... cause of the refinement and increased granularity of rendering the plane. That is why people who flew AH I think that AH II gunnery changed ... gunnery has not changed ... the plane forms have changed ... they are harder to hit.

I refer you to my comments above under effectiveness of the 50 cal and the thin cloud layer. Furballers like to stay low. The thin cloud haze keeps them low.

Wrong ... we feel no need to climb that high to engage in A to A combat .. its a waste of time ... the thin cloud haze has no bearing on how we fly ... I can count on 3 fingers the amount of times that I have pierced that cloud layer since HT let it loose ... furballers dont go there ... its considered a waste of time.

The current unchangeable convergence for bombers seems to be around 300 and we bombers used to set it at 650.

Wrong again ... the fixed convergence on bombers is 600.

This made it difficult for somebody with cannon to come up on our 6 and sit there shooting at us. Before we could ping them at 1400 when they did that and start dismantling them at 1,000. Now we’d be foolish to start shooting at greater than 800. This gives a little more ability to the furballer who typically carries cannon because he/she can get closer in a sloppier approach and do damage.

Nope ... wrong again ... how successful do you think those guys in WW II were successful at shooting down planes ... I tell ya ... not very.

Consider this ... you are at high alt ... on oxygen ... windows open ... it freaking freezing ... the plane is buffeting all over the place from wind, ack, whatever. How acurate do you think that you would be in those circumstances ? If you can rip someone apart at D800 ... consider yourself extremely lucky ... and please don't ever moan about that to a real life bomber gunner ... he just might laugh in your face.

Again ... you WILL NOT see a furballer crawling up to bomber alt just to shoot them down ... unless there is nothing else within 1 sector ... Myself, and I would presume a lot of other furballers, give bombers a pass ... due to the fact that they will rip you a new stunninghunk and you will have wasted all that flight time and not have even engaged in a fight.

You made two glaring mistakes ... the fuel burn and the bomber gun convergence ... you haven't been around long enuff or you haven't been reading enuff.

All in all ... you are an honorable debator and its been fun ... <>
SlapShot - Blue Knights

Guppy: "The only risk we take is the fight, and since no one really dies, the reward is the fight."

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Strategic bombing?
« Reply #102 on: January 28, 2006, 06:48:28 PM »
Originally posted by Flayed1
Where ever you may be I will try to be there to make you whine.  :D :aok


what no formation
« Last Edit: January 28, 2006, 06:50:56 PM by doobs »
R.I.P JG44
(founding XO)

68KO always remembered

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Strategic bombing?
« Reply #103 on: January 28, 2006, 06:49:09 PM »
Originally posted by Flayed1
Welll CT sounds kinda fun but the way you behave makes me want to stay in the MA trying to find what ever fight you may be in and bomb your hangers... Looks like I could get alot more of a reaction out of you for doing this than from anyone else for bombing any other type of target.
  Where ever you may be I will try to be there to make you whine.  :D :aok

Here ya go Slimey ... a "griefer" has reared its ugly head ... take a long look so that you can recognize them from afar.

No other object in AH life but to piss in someone else pool ... and you wonder why there is discourse.

Have you seen a furballer make such a statement/threat ?
SlapShot - Blue Knights

Guppy: "The only risk we take is the fight, and since no one really dies, the reward is the fight."

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Strategic bombing?
« Reply #104 on: January 28, 2006, 08:37:48 PM »
Originally posted by SlapShot
Here ya go Slimey ... a "griefer" has reared its ugly head ... take a long look so that you can recognize them from afar.

No other object in AH life but to piss in someone else pool ... and you wonder why there is discourse.

Have you seen a furballer make such a statement/threat ?

 This is great lol... The only reason for my post other than to add some humor to this thread that you seem to have totally missed, was in response to the nasty way you guys respond to this entire thread. When you guys (mostly seems Toad and Mars) make ugly posts to people  that are asking a simple question it just makes me want to do the thing you guys seem to fear most.
  I usually don't go around killing FH's just to mess up your fights, usually I do it in a base take or defence role but these posts well.......

 I personally would love it if we could all coexist and be happy but you guys can only think of kicking anyone who like bombers out of what you guys seem to think is only a game for fighters.

  I think the only reason that we haven't seen Furballers make what you seem to take as a threat is the fact that you can't ruin the oh how did Toad so elequently put it...  "strateegereestas" fun. The most you seem to be able to do is sound like the Disney gopher and go CHEE CHEE CHEE CHEE.

Any way as to the subject of this thread I say pork Cities, Factories, and bases PORK them alll!!! Mwaaaaa HA HA HA  You can see just by the response some have made on this thread that it makes a big difference in the game.

  Oh BTW I'm gad you find me threatening.
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