Author Topic: Strategic bombing?  (Read 3391 times)

Offline RedTop

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Strategic bombing?
« Reply #45 on: January 26, 2006, 07:16:00 PM »
While I understand both points of view , and lean to oneside hard , Base capture IS part of the game. WAIT !!!!!  DONT FLAME YET!!!!! I said 1 part.

Furballing and just plain ole mindless fighting is another.

Gosh this topic has been hammered to death.

The ORIGINAL questions was about strat.

To that I am not sure , but it seems like Strat Targets can effect the overall enemy stuff. To what extent anymore I am not sure.

Furballs happen. They are fun for certain types of players. In answer to an earlier question , YES 1 person CAN ruin the fun for 20 in just the time it takes to open the door and let the bombs drop from 18k B-24's on a small base and BOOOOOM no FH's anymore. Seen it happen a hundred times.

That person is doing his part to help his team. BUT , is it that or just being a butthead and killing them for no reason. I've seen it both ways. Someone really is trying to help take base they thought was the next in line.

I've seen the Buff Dood Elite fly in , and destroy hangars and the brag cause he killed the fun. That happens alot. Don't think so? Watch FT on the Donut map.

Knights , Rooks and Bish Buff Elite driver dood extrordinare MUST kill the FH's of the others. FOR NO REASON.

Coordination? I see mission after mission posted. 2 kinds of fighters , both jabo types , that aren't really great for cap IMO and 3 different types of BUFFS , 2 goons. Off they go on the Base Capture raid of all raids. Only to have it busted by a small cap and 2 LA&'s goon hunters. They all get mad , pout , yell at one another cause the goon died. All of the sudden that BIG raid is now nothing more than a couple left trying to take a base only to have the other side turn the tables and take the base they were upiing from.


Hordes rule base capture. And that is ALL sides. Knights included. (Thats who I fly for and GEEEESH its like a monkey having sex with a football most times)

I dont participate in base capture very often at all for this very reason. IF...and that is a HUGE if , there were a types os COORDINATED ATTACK. Lots of fighters , Lots of Buffs , Lots of troops. HORDE yes , and they could do it for a couple or 3 hours , I think every map could get reset in no time.

Wont happen....but thats JUST my opinion.
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Offline LYNX

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Strategic bombing?
« Reply #46 on: January 26, 2006, 09:03:33 PM »
Ok Mars me ol mucker.  It seems your having a little problem following things as I've already repied to most of your last post.  Also your tone is, in frustration I would imagine, becoming a tad unsavoury but what the hey.  If you've lost the plot with the thread how could I expect you to keep rational.  So, if we're being informal, so's to speak.  May i invite you to get a coffee, pull up a chair and keep a brown papper bag handy for the hyperventilation.

With response to your latest post 2734 You are suffering from selective reading.  It's very handy how you chose to ignore these statments I made.

!........In todays strat system when a toolsheder porks a field generally it only affects other toolsheders or "win the war types". In plain understandable words YOU, as furballer, are hardly affected. You don't carry bombs and you don't use troops. The only possible infringments to you as a furballer is 1) Lack of dar but not the dar bar. 2) On the odd occasion your fuel is reduced to 75%. Now if your going to tell me 75% effects so and so plane I'll show another plane that it doesn't. If your going to argue that it stops the offensive furball ,if there is such a thing, I'll argue about the fat, slow, loaded, lumbering porker not being shot down. Same goes for the Uber porker that we have whizzing around these days.

Something else I better point out before you go off on one. This thread is about "STRAT" bombing. Hanger bombing is done to death in loads of other threads.  

The above is where I pre-empted your probable reply but nooo.  You have to go and ignore it.  Ride on by and pop off with the furballers number 1 whine, which I have to point out again was never mentioned by the Strat guys.   Not only "selective" but incapable of anything original.   You came back with this

Drop the FHrs where the fight is and who are you *****...? I'll let you think about that for a while....... Ok, ok don't start crying. Shhhhhh, come here...I'll give you a hint... (Mars looks both ways to make sure cost is clear and we are alone)... "It's not the Bombers or the GVs" Bwaaahahahahaha LOLH.

So for the second time.......In all the "STRAT" replies to the thread no one talked about hitting hangers. Well, actually, Toad mentioned it but that wasn't a "strat" reply.  May I ask?  Do you understand what "porking" referes to in AH?  You seem to be at best blurring hanger banging with porking or at worst deliberatly ignoring aspects to bolster your feeble brief.  

You clearly are befuddled.  Another example of being undone is as follows.

 And what don't I understand about midnights orignial quote? What part of a field being down for three hours don't you get about it being bad for Game Play and the arena?  I replied

The part about it being outdated by over a year. The part about it being irrelavent as part of your arguement / opinion to game play today. Midnight did say or words to the effect " there used to be a time when".

OMG LOLH. can you pick any other meainingless parts of that quote. Who cares when it was, the fact is his context is that in the glory days of AHI the strat could knock a field down for 3 hours. Any person that thinks that is a good thing should fly off line. LOLH

Now lets see here .."can you pick any other meaningless parts of that quote"..... Jack prettythang. Dude how many toe's you got left? If it's meaningless why bother typing it let alone using it as any kind of point.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2006, 10:31:17 PM by LYNX »

Offline Morpheus

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Strategic bombing?
« Reply #47 on: January 26, 2006, 09:09:49 PM »
strat can be shut down on an entire country. It would take a few people to do it, but it can work. For the small maps this would be devistating, because there's far less work to be done.

Pork the factories, then pork field strat. If you really want to get crazy you can kill the trains to stop the factories from being resuplied which will slow down things even more.
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Offline Saxman

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Strategic bombing?
« Reply #48 on: January 26, 2006, 09:26:45 PM »
Of course, then you get to be shredded by the Chattanooga Choo-Choo of Death.
Ron White says you can't fix stupid. I beg to differ. Stupid will usually sort itself out, it's just a matter of making sure you're not close enough to become collateral damage.

Offline E25280

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Strategic bombing?
« Reply #49 on: January 26, 2006, 10:17:21 PM »
As I have said time and time again. Put 3 untouchable fields somewhere that it doesn't affect teh war and you guys can have any little strat system you want and I would be thrilled for both of us.

In all seriousness, isn't this the point of the dueling arena?  Never been in there myself, but it seems that would be the logical place where furballers could furball to their heart's content and let the strat guys / win-the-war types have the MA.  After all, the MA was designed for that purpose.
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Offline mars01

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Strategic bombing?
« Reply #50 on: January 26, 2006, 11:14:44 PM »
OMG LOLH you are good for a laugh Lynx even tho you are such a maroon.  You are like some other guys I know that type alot and say nothing.  I'm not frustrated, just dumbfounded at how you dodge points, talk in circles, and lie about saying things.  Like it's not in bold type.

You said you never mentioned score or stats, but look at your prior post and oh there you are talking about stats and scores as if they are a measure of anything.

You said pork a field, but now all you want to do is really talk about troops and ammo and fuel.  Hmmm  Nice try.  Porking woudl be rendering a field useless.  Are FH not strategic targets?  If not then why do you maroons always drop them first?  Again nice try LOLH.

AS for the rest of your circling nonsense...

LOLH you are like arguing with Beetle or Zazen.  You don't have a clue, can't put together a good rational arguement to save you life so you just type gibberish till anyone with half a brain tires of you.

For the last time,
Now lets see here .."can you pick any other meaningless parts of that quote"..... Jack prettythang.
Awe whats a matter Lynx getting a little disturbed bwahahahhaa lolhay.

It's not like the old days when squads used to fly joint strikes against the city and several factories at once. I remember the Cites used to get leveled, followed shortly thereafter by AAA and Fuel factories. After that, once you killed stuff on a field, it could be down upwards of three hours.

My point taken from Midnights quote above, is that at no time now or in the past is a strat system good if it can render fields porked for 3 hours.  Try and let that sink in before you pull your foot out of your pie hole LOLHAYROTFF.  HAHAHA.  If you still don't get it you are hopless.  I can't make it any more simple for you there chumply LOLH.

For reading impaired, I am now addressing RedTop.

I agree Red, good post.

Offline E25280

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Strategic bombing?
« Reply #51 on: January 27, 2006, 07:37:41 AM »
With all due respect, Mars, you are mistaken.

In every instance I have ever heard anyone in the MA talk about "porking" a field, it has meant to kill #1 Radar #2 Troops #3 Ord.  #4 used to be fuel, but since you can't get fuel below 75% anymore, it is often ignored.

"Porking" does not refer to dropping hangers -- that would be to "flatten".

#1 through #4 above are all affected by strategic bombing, which is, after all, the subject of the thread, not flattening hangers.

Hangers are down a set amount of time no matter what you do to destroy strategic targets.  Therefore, strat bombing can not and will not harm your furballs.  (Even if it was still possible to get fuel down to 25%, all that would mean is that you would have to land your kills more often or take a P-51 instead of a Yak).

Strat bombing will, however, help prevent an opposing country from going on the offensive and taking your bases, and make it more difficult for them to defend against your side's attempt to take their bases.

The original question involved refineries and factories.  Hangers did not come into the picture until Toad and you came in and decided to turn this into a furball vs stategic shout match.  I will also put some blame on Lynx for taking the bait (not that anyone cares who I "blame", but whatever).

So I hope Slimy-J got all the information he needed early in this thread, because the last half has nothing to do with his question.
Brauno in a past life, followed by LTARget
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Offline Saxman

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Strategic bombing?
« Reply #52 on: January 27, 2006, 08:49:11 AM »
Bravo, 25. :aok
Ron White says you can't fix stupid. I beg to differ. Stupid will usually sort itself out, it's just a matter of making sure you're not close enough to become collateral damage.

Offline mars01

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« Reply #53 on: January 27, 2006, 09:48:04 AM »
Well 25 you, lynx and saxman can play the semantic argument if you wish.

Porking a field is just that to me.  Porking it.  You can call it flattening when you hit some things and porking when you hit other things but in the end it is all the same.  I dont speak toolshed speak so save your breath lolh.

Also I did not turn this into a Furb Vs Strat thread.  Toad pointed out some true points, Lynx got his panties all wadded up in his mouth, I just came in to help push them down his throat so he could breath again.  Thanks I get for saving a guys life.  His face was all blue and everything and you guys were just standing around waiting for him to turn another shade. LOLH

You guys get so sensative about this crap and it makes me laugh.  I hope CT gives you guys everything your heart desires and you forget all about the MA.  :aok

BTW do some searches on why the DA is a poor place to furball.  You will get you hearts content.  You probably still won't get it, but then no one really expects you to. :aok
« Last Edit: January 27, 2006, 09:51:06 AM by mars01 »

Offline Saxman

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Strategic bombing?
« Reply #54 on: January 27, 2006, 10:37:56 AM »
Actually, I've noticed more angry outbursts (and WAY more flaming, case in point) from the furballers whenever strat or tac is mentioned than anything said by MOST of the jabbos and buff drivers (oh yeah, there ARE exceptions, but they're by far the quieter crowd).
Ron White says you can't fix stupid. I beg to differ. Stupid will usually sort itself out, it's just a matter of making sure you're not close enough to become collateral damage.

Offline mars01

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Strategic bombing?
« Reply #55 on: January 27, 2006, 10:41:18 AM »
well sax, since you guys are all about semantics...  Can you find any here???

Offline slimey_J

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Strategic bombing?
« Reply #56 on: January 27, 2006, 10:42:16 AM »
Originally posted by mars01
BTW do some searches on why the DA is a poor place to furball.  You will get you hearts content.  You probably still won't get it, but then no one really expects you to. :aok [/B]

Then, perhaps you, in your infinite wisdom, could put it into terms we peons could understand...? It seems you (and those that think along the same lines as you) make accusations, but instead of backing them up with examples or facts, you tell us to search for the facts to back up your own arguments. Not that it matters, I guess, since this is all opinion and conjecture anyhow.

One final point, though, is how you seem to think the strat folks are the one's getting worked up and being overly sensitive. Judging from your replies, your constant sarcasm and your overuse of "LOL", I’m willing to bet that it’s you and Toad that are getting worked up over this.

Offline Toad

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« Reply #57 on: January 27, 2006, 10:46:13 AM »
No, I just sacrifice a chicken to JoBu every day, asking him to make you guys so happy in the CT that you never visit the MA again.

Everyone one will be happy and Jobu will get a bottle of rum. :)
« Last Edit: January 27, 2006, 11:16:02 AM by Toad »
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Offline mars01

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Strategic bombing?
« Reply #58 on: January 27, 2006, 10:47:26 AM »
Then, perhaps you, in your infinite wisdom, could put it into terms we peons could understand...? It seems you (and those that think along the same lines as you) make accusations, but instead of backing them up with examples or facts, you tell us to search for the facts to back up your own arguments. Not that it matters, I guess, since this is all opinion and conjecture anyhow.
No slimy your the newb, you missed the mirriad of post, you search on em and read why the DA sucks for furballing.
One final point, though, is how you seem to think the strat folks are the one's getting worked up and being overly sensitive. Judging from your replies, your constant sarcasm and your overuse of "LOL", I’m willing to bet that it’s you and Toad that are getting worked up over this.
WE'll I guess you could assume that, but then yopu would be wrong.  If I was mad why would I hide it?  Seem stupid to do.  

Sorry I do laugh that much at this stuff.  I was laughing the whole time I was typing.  Nice try for a newb though.  You get 2.5 for effort, 1.0 for brains ahhahahahha LOLH.   Ohhh look at my frustration and sensativity hahahaha.:rolleyes:
« Last Edit: January 27, 2006, 10:49:51 AM by mars01 »

Offline slimey_J

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Strategic bombing?
« Reply #59 on: January 27, 2006, 11:08:50 AM »
Originally posted by mars01
Sorry I do laugh that much at this stuff.  I was laughing the whole time I was typing.  Nice try for a newb though.  You get 2.5 for effort, 1.0 for brains

Wow... you were "laughing the whole time" you were typing in this relatively sub-par thread... and you give me 1.0 for brains...?