Originally posted by Bronk
Gripen is there any flight test data after the test stand fix was implemented.
RAE flew following amount of flight hours with planes using the BMW 801 (according to "War Prizes" by Phil Butler):
MP499 (Fw 190 A-3) 12:15
PE882 (Fw 190 A-4/U8) 52:20
PJ876 (Ju 88 R-1) 66:55
PM679 (Fw 190 A-4/U8) 8:35
PN999 (Fw 190 A-5/U8) 14:00
TP190 (Ju 88 G-1) 32:35
The engine used for that bench test was taken from MP499 and all flying with other planes using the BMW 801 was done after the bench tests. The PE882 was the main 190 used by RAE for testing and performance as well as drag test data can be found from PRO among the Fw 190 documents.
Note that the fix was nothing more than changing the plugs and rough adjusting of the fuel pump to compensate different gravity of the fuels.