Let's cut to the chase here, gentlemen.
Crumpp's major fault has always been his inability to know when it was time to zip closed his pie-hole in a public forum.
Any issues he may have perceived with the aircraft or HTC could have addressed in e-mails to HTC. He did not have to spew his frustration all over the BBS.
There's a simple protocol for expressing your views and that protocol requires you to do so privately.
His obsession with one type of aircraft is, well, unusual. To me, it bordered on manic as times. Nonetheless, Crumpp was a valuable resource for documentation on the Focke Wulfs.
I have flown against him several times and he was not obnoxious or rude. Seemed like an ordinary guy who enjoys his hobby.
He was not happy with the way the 190s flying in Aces High, and he stated so. However, I can't help but wonder how much of that was his flying and not the aircraft modeling. It's not uncommon to see or hear complaints about aircraft models when the pilot is unable to do what he expects to. God knows, I've been guilty of that myself. It's always easier to blame the flight model than admit you haven't the skills to utilize the aircraft's potential.
More importantly, it's necessary to remember that this is a game, a hobby. This is not real life and getting one's life tied up into a knot over a flight model in a game indicates that one needs to re-evaluate their life's priorities.
My regards,