Author Topic: Tank Towns and Fighter Towns  (Read 3335 times)

Offline Mugzeee

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« Reply #30 on: February 19, 2006, 04:11:55 PM »
Originally posted by Brenjen
Obviously HTC wants it that way or there wouldn't be GV spawns into ( & out of ) TT & FT & there would be mountains too high to fly over & no ord available in TT etc. It would be a simple matter to make TT & FT un-spoiled. Heck, why not just make a whole Fighters only arena & GV only arena & just do away with the DA?  

Actually The maps that have the so called FT and TTs are not made by HTC, instead they are made by very talented members of the community on a voluntary basis. As for a Map design having an un-disturbed FT or TT area on it, im not sure if any such map for the MA has ever been submitted for approval.
Any map makers care to respond?
I am very much for having a Tank only and a Fighter Town Arena. But i think its a costly decision that might not pan out for HTC.
Will it draw more clientele?
Will it draw any clients to HTC that wouldn’t otherwise be drawn with the current venues available already?
Will it Stop clientele from canceling their accounts?
These kinds of questions have to be weighed upon and answered by a marketing strategist before the money is spent to increase the bandwidth required for said arena's.
I would guess the answers would be…
1.   No
2.   Probably not.
3.   No
So the answer is simple to me. Adjust the current Arenas to accommodate the request of the current Clientele to keep them happy and having “Fun” as this is the Key to continued success. I personally am on the fence at this present time as far as canceling my account. The only thing that stops me from doing so is the Squad I belong to.
Not a threat…just a realization that I am not having fun anymore for many reasons, with this issue being one of them. and my disposition really is out of place when it comes to tolerating such nonsense.
I have been playing AH for about 5.5 years now and the Griefers are at an ALL TIME HIGH in AH.
Morpheus doesn’t understand why anyone would find winning the war fun. I don’t understand why anyone would find losing the war a hoot either. These are personal preferences and philosophies. WaffleBAS finds going out of his way to capture 2 particular bases in the middle of a map out of a possible 168 (trinity) 146 (Donut) NME bases to be “FUN”. (I question his motives).  The Maps could easily be revamped to keep all three happy and having fun.
I know it must feel like a pain for HTC to always be adjusting things to keep the Clientele happy. But I know it is also essential to keep the customers paying and playing.
Just some thoughts.

Offline SuperDud

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« Reply #31 on: February 19, 2006, 04:45:26 PM »
Originally posted by Waffle BAS
But what if I enjoy organizing a mission to take a FT base? What if the participants in the mission enjoy it?

If you want a FT where no one vulches / no one bombs / no one trys to take the base - gather up your cronies and head to an arena that you can police - like the DA. I think thats what that's there for.

FT and TT are real estate in the MA.. real estate is meant to be taken. If on the map with FT, if one side was getting close to being reset - they would be smart to take the 3 FT bases, as those would be the 3 hardest bases to capture - 3 easiset to defend.

FWIW - I'm not in a you "bop" rant and "play my way "drivel doesn't hold water in your previous post.

Waffle, for someone who's been around for awhile you sure are acting childish. FT and TT where meant to be a place for those who don't care about the land grab. That's why HTC included them into the rotation. To give folks a place to go to have some mindless fun. Your justification of "well what about people who like organized missions to take it" has no merit either. Basically you're saying the 60 or less players are justified to ruin the fun of 100s? As for going to the DA, why can't you just mature a little bit and realize(as I'm sure you already do) that FT/TT are meant to be left alone for their intended purpose? I can understand noobs and the younger players doing this(I'm assuming you are over 15) but to see a "grown up" who's been around and knows the rope intentionally do this is just sad.
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Offline CAV

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« Reply #32 on: February 19, 2006, 04:50:21 PM »
Cav FT arena is only good as a last option. The MA is the gathering point. It all happens there or it doesn't happen.

It worked very well in AW. If you was looking for a place to furball it was here, with player who was looking just to fight too and didn't get in the way of gameplay in the MA.

The thing that surprized many in AW was that for all their posting in the forums.... :furious jumping up & down about furballing :furious . It turned out there just wasn't very many true furballer only types. But the FT arena did have a good following of about 10-20 players most nights.

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Offline Mugzeee

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« Reply #33 on: February 19, 2006, 04:51:17 PM »
Originally posted by Morpheus
I'm confused. Forgive me, as I am sick as a dog right now and my brain is not in full fuctioning mode... Maybe you just mistakenly worded the above statement wrong?

DA and FT arena are way different. I've always said that.

Edit: AH, I see what you're trying get at. Im sorry but that's two seperate issues.

One is to make an arena, ie kick the furballers out of the MA so the tool sheders have free rein over their undefended real estate.

Waffle saying "take it to the DA" is no different in the sense that he is saying if you dont want to play by my way and think my style of game play is no fun, which involves wrecking others fun, then get the hell out. When all the furballers are asking is that these bomb toting drones leave the three bases that are meant to be used to fight from alone, until there is no others left to be taken but those bases.

Taking them to win the war is a crock of chit. You dont need to take those bases to win a reset. You could leave all of them alone and 100% intact and one side could still win a reset.

The point I'm made in your little thread Mugz, is that there is no reason to make another arena just because the land grabber have this fetish of taking bases in FT. There's no reason, nor good excuse to roll a horde up into FT and take control of it. This bullchit of "its all about winning the war" doesnt wash either. If that's all this game has become, "winning the war" then I want no part of it. There is no fight involved in that.

Chasing Runstangs loaded up with bombs back to my base only to have them auger into fighter hangers is not what I would call a "good fight". Which is why deffending bases is boring as hell. You're deffending against guys who can't fight for chit, and only want to get their eggs off onto some hanger. The only challenge in that is seeing how many you can kill in a 60 seconds or less before they all auger and die.

Well it wasn’t my intention to kick “Furballers" out of the MA. It was only to give them a place to do what they are currently doing on the Donut map without being disrupted. And in turn stop them from finger pointing the Land Grabbers as taking away their fun. I didn’t do a very good job of making that clear. But im sure you could see that was my intent if you actually wanted to. Lets not confuse “Furballer’s” with “MA Fighter defense”.
PS..i do realize that my translation was skewed in the “little thread” That was my own fault. But by the end of the thread I think my intention was clear to most everyone.
And it is most certain the you were indeed opposed to the idea.

Offline Mugzeee

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« Reply #34 on: February 19, 2006, 04:56:28 PM »
Originally posted by CAV
It worked very well in AW. If you was looking for a place to furball it was here, with player who was looking just to fight too and didn't get in the way of gameplay in the MA.

The thing that surprized many in AW was that for all their posting in the forums.... :furious jumping up & down about furballing :furious . It turned out there just wasn't very many true furballer only types. But the FT arena did have a good following of about 10-20 players most nights.


Which is all the more reason to incorporate a TT and FT in every MA map that can't be disrupted by the Winning the war system. This keeps everybody in one arena. And caters the request of many.

Offline B@tfinkV

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« Reply #35 on: February 19, 2006, 05:02:59 PM »
I gotta admit waffle, you're fighting a losing battle here, and making yourself appear to be a childish griefer.

would it help if we asked very nicely for you to stop these activities?

I geuss we should all get together (the FT bunch) and run over the whole map in lalas taking down ord. but then i geuss we'd be as bad as people who capture FT bases. i dont want to spoil the fun of the many decent bomber and jabo fellows out there.
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Offline Mugzeee

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« Reply #36 on: February 19, 2006, 05:26:49 PM »
Originally posted by Toad
I know HT has said there can be no "uncapturable bases" on a map. I know there are no "indestructible" FH's or VH's.

Seems to me though that a little programming effort towards those two items AND the inclusion of a TT AND and FT on all maps would make EVERYONE pretty happy.

Just make it so that TT and FT bases DO NOT count towards reset and don't include VH's in FT just like there are no airfields in TT. The high walls should keep out the vehicles in FT.

The players seeking the all expense paid Hawaiian vacation that they get when their team "wins" the reset would be happy.

The "practice bombers" would be happy. They could practice all they like without hurting either TT or FT.

The FT and TT players would be happy because they could do what they like to do without the interference of the griefers.

No more crying on the BBS either.


Toad. This is a very easily to accomplished with what we have already.
First a simple revamp of Donut and Trinity maps. Increase the mountain range around those sections the Map to 50 or even 60K. I have limited experience with the terrain editor and even i could do this in about an hour or so.

On Donut: Disable the Bombers at A94, A167 and A21 via the Arena setting's CP. This would disable the C47's causing those three bases to be uncapturable. This is a saved setting per Map and wont effect the same base numbers on other maps. :) You couldn’t disable the GVs on Donut FT because from time to time you would need anti vulching tools. i.e., Osties (I don’t think you can change the AAA settings at individual bases in AH2. So that isn't an option)

Trinity: Remove into and Out of spawn points from TT. Of course the bases in TT on Trinity would still be capturable via Gvs in said scenario by bases within the TT. But at least the griefers wouldn’t be able to fly in there in Fighter's JABOS or Bombers just to break up the GV battles. It would bee a Tank Town thru and thru. I have been in some great tank battles in TT of trinity with 15 to 20 players from each country when suddenly a friendly bomber shows up and takes out a bunch of the NME Gvs. Next thing you know the battle dreis up :(
The only thing left to do is Adjust the Number of fields required for reset.

Offline CAV

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« Reply #37 on: February 19, 2006, 05:30:24 PM »
Which is all the more reason to incorporate a TT and FT in every MA map that can't be disrupted by the Winning the war system. This keeps everybody in one arena. And caters the request of many.

Why is all players in one arena a great thing? We have that now, is it working?

It may work if.... We put FT/TT not in the center of the map. But put the bloody thing way off to one side, not in the way of the players trying to "win the reset war", or what ever it is we are trying to win in the MA. :lol

"Masters of the Air" Scenario - JG301

Offline Mugzeee

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« Reply #38 on: February 19, 2006, 05:34:48 PM »
Originally posted by Waffle BAS
I have a problem with that line there...

I like flying bombers in fighter fighter town regulary. You might find me in an a20, an il2...b24s...

I get good gunnery practice and regulary land 4-6 kills per sorty in FT in - That's just leaving bombs on the runway and flying up the middle.

If one side resorts to a mass vulch regulary, like the rooks were - well.. the vulchers should expect to have the tables turned on them and not whine about it. So who were the griefers? the 40 rooks vulching,  and not letting planes up at FT? or am I for organizing something that shut the rooks down? That was fun....I'm sure as much fun or better than the vulchers had.

But to make assumptions and call me a "greifer" in game lingo...that's funny. I guess by that logic - I could call all of you "griefers" for not wanting allowing bombers in that 3 base area.

But with so many bases and areas to chose from...why those 3 bases? Don’t tell me you can’t find enough targets to practice on outside of that 25 mile radius of the map. Its simple to find the practice you desire outside of that area. Just fly your buffs at 3 to 4K towards the Hoard you will find plenty to shoot at. I have re-evaluated my opinion as to your disposition in the MA. And I will retract my statement as to your role in the MA.
I will chalk it up to your not seeing how your practice has been affecting the others.

Offline Mugzeee

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« Reply #39 on: February 19, 2006, 05:48:11 PM »
Originally posted by CAV
Why is all players in one arena a great thing? We have that now, is it working?

It may work if.... We put FT/TT not in the center of the map. But put the bloody thing way off to one side, not in the way of the players trying to "win the reset war", or what ever it is we are trying to win in the MA. :lol


Well sir... It isn’t that I think it’s so great. It is that I think HTC is going to be careful how they spend their money on bandwidth and resources. I was once in favor of a separate Arena. (See this thread)  But with time and discussion I think that arena could actually be an arena within an arena and thereby maybe saving HTC some time, money and resources.

Offline Morpheus

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« Reply #40 on: February 19, 2006, 05:48:42 PM »
But with so many bases and areas to chose from...why those 3 bases? Don’t tell me you can’t find enough targets to practice on outside of that 25 mile radius of the map.

Its simple Mugz, because they have a fetish in taking those bases... They are upset because not everyone is participating in the war effort. So they think that if they take the FT bases, the guys who were fighting up in FT will be forced out and forced to go fight in their on going battle of winning the war.

The excuse of taking those bases; like I said before, to win the war is a load of crap. They can be left alone, not taken, and any of the three sides who has a base in FT can still be reset. The only intent they have in taking them is to piss people off. To piss off the guys who dont give a rats bellybutton about fighting their war and taking "real estate".

PS- Am I the only one seeing this "Don’t tell me you can’t" funky text from mugz?
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Offline Mugzeee

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« Reply #41 on: February 19, 2006, 05:50:45 PM »
Originally posted by Morpheus
Its simple Mugz, because they have a fetish in taking those bases... They are upset because not everyone is participating in the war effort. So they think that if they take the FT bases, the guys who were fighting up in FT will be forced out and forced to go fight in their on going battle of winning the war.

The excuse of taking those bases; like I said before, to win the war is a load of crap. They can be left alone, not taken, and any of the three sides who has a base in FT can still be reset. The only intent they have in taking them is to piss people off. To piss off the guys who dont give a rats bellybutton about fighting their war and taking "real estate".

PS- Am I the only one seeing this "Don’t tell me you can’t" funky text from mugz?

We are in total agreement here Morph. But you say it so much better :D

Offline Stang

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« Reply #42 on: February 19, 2006, 05:52:21 PM »
I'm seeing it too Morph.

Oh and Waffle, you don't troll as well as you used to.


Offline B@tfinkV

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« Reply #43 on: February 19, 2006, 05:54:34 PM »
i'm getting funky text too.

i'm uite jealous infact, how do i get that chit?
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Offline Morpheus

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« Reply #44 on: February 19, 2006, 05:55:09 PM »
Good, i thought my PC was PWNED by some virus. :eek:
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