Author Topic: Tank Towns and Fighter Towns  (Read 3337 times)

Offline Hoarach

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Tank Towns and Fighter Towns
« Reply #75 on: February 20, 2006, 02:37:04 PM »
I love to watch my own buffs to killed.  They whine why I wont help them and I play dumb and act like my vox is out.  I let the enemy kill the buffs first and get to see it on country on being yelled at.

But being said above how seems that there are less fights.  As time has gone on, people are not into fighting anymore.  With new influx of a type of people, its become more of a arena type game then everyone having fun.  The new people come in are porking every base where there are good furballs and they say help us win this game.  This being said there is really no place to have a good furball and keep it safe.  I know there have been guys that on rooks said they will find any furball and pork the base just to keep some of us having fun.  

Last night was especially boring.  Fun police going around killing every base.  Big to the bish at 5 who came up and started a big furball once their FHs came up.  I like fighting bish especially because what Ive found they make the best furballs.  I was having a party of my own when I saw the furball and what happens, 5 min later fun police come in and kill the base.  Every place I went to that a fight seemed to be was killed within 10 minutes.  

It just seems that the old age of AH where furballs were plentiful and everyone liked to fight has past.  Now everyone wants to win the game what they call it.  What does 25 perks get you I dont know but many people are making a big deal out of something that is so simple.  Perks are like penny change to me as it is to many so we could care less about the 25 measily perks.  I easily earn 25-50 perks every flight.  Those 25 perks take some up to the end of the map rotation just to earn.  

Only real option I can see is having a map made where the buff dweebs can have a place to their own or having a high cap of 262s by each country to just go hunting for enemy buffs as fun police always come sooner or later.

Hopefully when CT comes around, buffs wont play such a big part in the fun of having big fights.
Nose Art
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Offline HardRock

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« Reply #76 on: February 20, 2006, 03:47:41 PM »
to the end of the map rotation just to earn.  

Only real option I can see is having a map made where the buff dweebs can have a place to their own or having a high cap of 262s by each country to just go hunting for enemy buffs as fun police always come sooner or later.

LOL. There ya go. Jet AI that attacks buffs in FT. lol.

Offline NoBaddy

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« Reply #77 on: February 20, 2006, 04:00:32 PM »
Originally posted by Mugzeee
NB...are you speaking for HT when you say "It is up to us how to use the MA"?(Not a direct quote) i.e. That is not going to be changed, ever?
I mean do you already think or know that some of what is being proposed here will never be a consideration or a reality?
In short. Is it your opinion that any such suggestions are a total waste of time?
You seem to be pretty certain.
I know that HT is very slow to make a decision and for very good reason/ I do hope he will chime in on this discussion eventually. I mean things have changed a lot in the 5 years i have been in AH.


In no way do I pretend to speak for HT. He is a big boy and capable of doing so himself...when he chooses to do so. :) The "up to us" thing is actually me paraphrasing a comment of his. It is also something that I agree with.

What I am saying is that I have discussed some of these issues with him in the past. The "past" part is important because (believe it or not) he does actually change his mind, on occassion.

It is not my opinion that "suggestions" are a waste of time. However, well thought out and organized suggestions are much more likely to have an impact. He will quickly pick apart any 'suggestion' that does not take into consideration ALL aspects of the game. He doesn't not make changes based on knee-jerk reactions (having been in a game that did make decisions that way....this is a good thing). This is really one of the positive aspects to his game...when he does make a change, it is most often for the betterment of the entire game.

As for his commenting...I do know that he reads the BBS daily. I also know that he will, generally, only comment if he feels that doing so is important. Imagine if he tried to comment in every thread like this one....changes would be even slower. :)

As for my being certain, well...I have been pleased to call him friend since long before he created his first game. What I can offer is an insight into what is needed to convince him to change something and perhaps, share a few thing that he has told me.
NoBaddy (NB)

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Offline NoBaddy

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« Reply #78 on: February 20, 2006, 04:31:17 PM »

Damn man!! Get a microwave and don't burn the house down! :)

The AW arenas did fail because of lack of traffic. However, plenty of folks said that they were needed. Of course AW's FT was an appeasement. Prior experience said that a seperate arena would fail.

Your common sense may be intact...I do still wonder about senility. :D

HR said...
You say its up to the players how its used. That's just not true and never will be.

Actually, a discussion about headons is where this came from. HT believes he has created an accurate and realistic gunnery model. He also said that he doesn't wish to compromise that model with unrealistic "fixes" to prevent headons. Bottomline, the model is realistic, it is the players use of it that is flawed. Keep in mind that he came from a game where such compromises were common place. Because of that, he has a major problem with doing it himself.

Actually, the MA is not funneled into one type of play. All types of play are available....but, no type of play is "protected" from the others. The division comes from people expecting that their "fun" should be exempt from interuption by the rest of the arena.

As for adding bases to THAT is a constructive idea. Each country should have at least 2 so that recaptures can be made. That is the reason for there being 6 gv fields in TT.
NoBaddy (NB)

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Offline Mugzeee

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« Reply #79 on: February 20, 2006, 05:28:40 PM »
Well. I have read and digested everything NB has said. I can say now with 99.9% accuracy that the uninterrupted FT's and TT's are a dream world in the MA. It will remain a dream world. Carry on.
PS..plan on seeing additional bases attached to the so called Fts we may see on future maps. Yous Gvers and Fighter/ furballer only types...Plan on being irritated till hell freezes over ;) It seems like it is the in vogue thing these days.
I for one don't see how on earth such setups as suggested here would cause anyone to become more divided than they are already. There are very distinct lines drawn already. In fact..i see the opposite effect happening as far as a peaceable arena is concerned.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2006, 06:10:14 PM by Mugzeee »

Offline Masherbrum

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Re: Tank Towns and Fighter Towns
« Reply #80 on: February 20, 2006, 05:44:10 PM »
Originally posted by Hajo
Tank Town and Fighter Town are designed into maps so that those who wish to have a short flight or drive to some good furballing can do so in relative peace.  They both are fun for quick action and gets all three countries involved.

I personally never play in Tank Town because I'm even more horrible in a GV then I am when I'm in a fighter.

I rarely fly in Fighter Town also.  But a great deal of the Aces High Community use these two venues when they are available on the Map. They were requested by the Community so quick action on the ground or in the air would be possible without worrying about strat etc.

IMHO.....anyone destroying and taking bases in either of these venues is taking away what the AH Community wanted!  HTC was nice enough to give us these two mini maps in a map for reasons stated above!  Please Gents and Ladies let the people who use these two areas of the Map have fun!  Let them alone!  They aren't involved in base taking on the Map, they aren't milkrunning and divebombing someone elses base.  If say GVs destroyed and took another vehicle base from within Tank Town I feel that's part of the game.  But coming from three sectors away and using divebombing Lancs to disrupt them just because you can is childish!  Let them enjoy what they pay for.  Let the FT Bases alone also.  Let them have fun.

Again.....just MHO.

The views stated above aren't necessarily the views of our sponsors. :aok

I have two things to touch on.

A long time ago, in the AH1 game.  Trinity and TT had just come into the picture.   Wax left Bishland for Rook (before the changeover to AH2), and we decided to "do a Jabo run into TT".  They knocked down some hangers, but I saw this Tiger rtb'ing.   I kilt him about 100 yards from his Vbase about to land SpawnCamping killz.  His name?  FireHwk.   I was in TEARS watching him spew his hatred on Channel 1.   Wax and I still mention it from time to time.

Second.  About 9 tours ago, the BISH took ALL OF THE Bases in FT.   I logged on to see this taken from both countries.   I chatted with Lazer about this.  We had about 40+ guys in Rookland that would want to get it back.   Hmm, maybe I can get "outside help"?   I pm'd RacrX because he was one I could trust.   He agreed to help, but had to log.   Low n behold I pm WMLute.   He was in from the get-go.   When it was all said and done, Rooks were escorting Knights, and vice versa (WITHOUT an accidental kill even).   I will never forget "The Truce".   I wish I had filmed the almost 6 hours it took to reclaim.   The Rooks wanted to capture the Bish base.  I conversed with Lute on it, and he wasn't compliant.  I supported his logic.  

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Offline Mugzeee

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Tank Towns and Fighter Towns
« Reply #81 on: February 20, 2006, 06:06:46 PM »
Trust Karaya. He sticks up for what he believs in. I have seen this first hand.

Offline NoBaddy

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« Reply #82 on: February 20, 2006, 07:51:23 PM »

I think you are probably correct about getting uninterupted game play at FT and TT. That is not to say that a well thought out idea that takes the overall impact on the game into account will be ignored.

Don't misunderstand, in the overall scheme of things, neither FT or TT mean that much to me. GVs are hosed for me since AH2's new graphics and I suck so bad that furballing at FT is not a real option. However, that doesn't mean that I enjoy seeing dweebs peeing in the pool. When Trinity is up, I will, generally, spend a good bit of time hauling a 38 or 47 loaded with gas in there to hunt the griefers. It can be a very rewarding pasttime. :D

I am really just suggesting some possible ways to deal with the flustration of not being able to get what you want...when you want it. Also, I'm trying to impart some knowledge about how to present ideas to HT successfully.

Heck, I think the whole thing is really much ado about nothing.
NoBaddy (NB)

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Offline CAV

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« Reply #83 on: February 20, 2006, 09:21:37 PM »
I think you are probably correct about getting uninterupted game play at FT and TT.

The more I think about this, if a FT/TT can't be in it's own arena, then they have to be off in a corner away from the main battle area. The newer maps have a lot of dead space on them to use. If FT is out sight, out mind, the capture players will not bug them.

But, if what the furballers are asking for, is to be able to furball any place on the maps and not be interupted in the main battle areas... then I think you are asking for a lot.... because then the capture players are going see you as in the way of their fight and not helping. And from their point of veiw a mindless furball is a interuption of their "fun". And force them to drop the FH's and kill the furball.

As for what happens in the FT/TT the community needs a set of rules that is known for "Fighter town". That will be the hard part... getting all to play by the rules there.

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Offline AutoPilot

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Tank Towns and Fighter Towns
« Reply #84 on: February 20, 2006, 09:32:20 PM »
if a FT/TT can't be in it's own arena,

It's called the Dueling Arena

Offline Hoarach

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« Reply #85 on: February 20, 2006, 09:48:40 PM »
Its not a duel arena.  Duel arena is for 1v1 not 50v50.

If the furballers had their own area to have their fun, then the base takers would be very lonely people.  Majority of AH is still made up of furballers.  Many times furballers are forced to do base taking as them base taking fun police kill fhs forcing a fight to die.
Nose Art
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Offline Toad

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« Reply #86 on: February 20, 2006, 09:56:26 PM »
If we were to get a separate arena for fighting (and we won't) the best would be the initial Beta terrain.


Put all the Fighter/Attack aircraft in, leave out the true bombers, no GV's and let it roll.

Won't happen.
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Offline Zaphod

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Tank Towns and Fighter Towns
« Reply #87 on: February 20, 2006, 09:58:59 PM »
Originally posted by AutoPilot
It's called the Dueling Arena

No.....its not.  The DA is basically a set of 1v1 fights.  A furball is something quite different.

Hajo....I agree.

I doubt this will stop, causing problems is the only way for some to "contribute" to the community I guess...and it's easy.


Offline Hoarach

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« Reply #88 on: February 20, 2006, 10:08:21 PM »
Least myself I think it would be funny if furballers refuse to take any part in trying to win a war.  If people say that they have a goon otw, migrate to another part and let the enemy know this.  Refuse to hit vh, fhs, town, etc.  Let the enemy in and kill the goon.  Just take no part in taking bases.  If the enemy in any case seems to be losing and starting to not up, migrate to another part of the map.  Let the enemy up and kill all buffs and goon and just act stupid like you lost your vox.

Man do I think evil at times. :t
Nose Art
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« Reply #89 on: February 20, 2006, 10:18:35 PM »
Majority of AH is still made up of furballers.

I don't know about that.... That was said many times in AW. Turned out to be not very true...

And if that is true here why isn't more players at FT on maps that has it? I have been watching the "dar bars" and the "Dots" on the maps with FT. 3/4  of the players are still out there playing the capture game.

"Masters of the Air" Scenario - JG301