Author Topic: Ram model needs changing  (Read 5037 times)

Offline BluKitty

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Ram model needs changing
« Reply #45 on: June 04, 2006, 04:43:44 PM »
I've been parked on the runway and 'collided' with a vulcher on 'my FE' .... he of course flew away unharmed....

This is the unfairness people are talking about....

I gave a few options, Guess noone read them .. or just dismissed them out of hand.

You could have planes take no damage unless seen on BOTH FE's and you'd need to add ... if only on one FE and that guys is fireing ... he needs to die ... to keep people from flying through planes shooting.

The other alternative is don't count a ram on someone's FE who hasn't been makeing large movements.

Don't say it's the only or best option.... it's just the one HTC chose... and proably the simplest, so if simplest is best maybe.

Like I said before I'd rather see planes flying through each other (with cold guns) than the current model.

Offline SunKing

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Ram model needs changing
« Reply #46 on: June 04, 2006, 06:52:27 PM »
Originally posted by BigR
Turn off collisions and randomize HO hits.

And add rear deflector shields.

Some threads for you people to browse




serioulsy though, you guys are beating a dead horse. Read those threads and Hitech responses.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2006, 06:58:30 PM by SunKing »

Offline DoKGonZo

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Ram model needs changing
« Reply #47 on: June 04, 2006, 07:21:57 PM »
Through my twisted little perspective I've observed three things which indicate the whole collision deal needs some rethinking:

(1) The number of collisions that occur in the MA seems to be rising.

(2) The number of times I hear on vox: "I'm gonna ram him" is also rising.

(3) The number of collisions which have outcomes which defy physics (no doubt thanks to Al Gore's Internet) is getting high enough to also defy random probability.

The number of players in the MA has risen in the last few months, but 3 or 4 months ago I could go weeks without anyone running into me. Now it happens several times a night. And there aren't 3 or 4 times as many players as before. Likewise the comms are a constant stream of "He ran into me" too. So something has changed, if not with the code, certainly with behavior.

Point (3) basically means that the manner in which some of these collisions occur is really starting to look intentional. So even if the code is working I'm starting to believe some subset of players have found a way to game it.

Offline pluck

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Ram model needs changing
« Reply #48 on: June 04, 2006, 07:59:31 PM »
hmm, once again i find myself gravitating towards dok's pov.....should i be worried?:eek: :)  ( p.s, thanks for taking down that 190 the other night, was missing both ailerons and rtb)

i like the idea that both planes would take damage from a HO only if both FE's saw a collision.  then again i don't coad.  if this collision is the best we can get, then fine, but no reason not to discuss it.  if feels like dead horse is being beat, then no need to continue to read and post:)

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Offline Arlo

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Ram model needs changing
« Reply #49 on: June 04, 2006, 08:00:24 PM »
Here we go again.

When someone provides HTC with the answer to eliminating lag on the internet (making HT and company bazillionaires, btw, even if the money is split `tween them and the genius who provided the solution), then the ability to code collisions accurately without relying on the solution of relegating the damage to the player who opted not to avoid the collision, as reported back to HT's server via that player's FE, will become a practical undertaking. At least as far as this non-coder understands. ;)

Offline E25280

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Ram model needs changing
« Reply #50 on: June 04, 2006, 08:24:28 PM »
Originally posted by DoKGonZo
(1) The number of collisions that occur in the MA seems to be rising.

The number of players in the MA has risen in the last few months
You swerved into your own answer IMO.  Much more data moving from many more computers through the AH "hub" must necessarily mean a slightly longer lead time.  In a game as fast as this one, every fraction of a second lost means that "target" on your front end is even farther away than where he is on his front end, and where you perceived him before when there were not so many on.

200 players on, planes are relatively close to where they are on their front end.  They move, their "shadow" moves at nearly the same time.

600 players on, planes are farther from where they are on their front end.  They jink, and it takes longer for your FE to pick it up.  He is flying straight on your FE for a slightly longer period of time, and blammo, even though he pulled up, your FE sees him run through your tail.  You get a collision message, and he'e like, "but I never touched him!"

< Not directed at anyone in particular >
Like Hubsonfire said, if anyone has film proof you took damage from a collision where you got no message "you have collided", post it.  Then everyone will be able to see #1 you are not misreading the message, or #2 your perception is wrong and he WAS firing after all.  Until such evidence is posted, we can assume your perception is flawed.  Or we could assume you are a liar if you prefer, but I will give the benefit of the doubt on that score. :)
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Offline GunnerCAF

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Ram model needs changing
« Reply #51 on: June 04, 2006, 08:47:50 PM »
Originally posted by BigR
We had a great system 10 years ago in AW. Hardly anyone complained about it.

The good old days, when other things were so bad, no one cared about a small detail like a collision.  

Cactus Air Force

Offline mentalguy

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Ram model needs changing
« Reply #52 on: June 04, 2006, 09:44:20 PM »
Originally posted by GunnerCAF
The good old days, when other things were so bad, no one cared about a small detail like a collision.  

WOW:O  Im not complaining about my graphics again.
PFC. Corey "Mentalguy" Gibson

Offline yayyyy

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Ram model needs changing
« Reply #53 on: June 04, 2006, 10:24:40 PM »
Originally posted by GunnerCAF
The good old days, when other things were so bad, no one cared about a small detail like a collision.  

atleast the trees wont kill the frame rate

Offline rv6

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Ram model needs changing
« Reply #54 on: June 05, 2006, 08:58:54 AM »
Not ONE person commented on it, being so whipped up in "Collision Modeling" hysteria..  You gota be kidding me.  I LOVE IT!


Originally posted by Roscoroo
yep ram model is broken ...

Offline Kev367th

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Ram model needs changing
« Reply #55 on: June 05, 2006, 09:22:41 AM »
Originally posted by BluKitty
I've been parked on the runway and 'collided' with a vulcher on 'my FE' .... he of course flew away unharmed....

This is the unfairness people are talking about....

I gave a few options, Guess noone read them .. or just dismissed them out of hand.

You could have planes take no damage unless seen on BOTH FE's and you'd need to add ... if only on one FE and that guys is fireing ... he needs to die ... to keep people from flying through planes shooting.

The other alternative is don't count a ram on someone's FE who hasn't been makeing large movements.

Don't say it's the only or best option.... it's just the one HTC chose... and proably the simplest, so if simplest is best maybe.

Like I said before I'd rather see planes flying through each other (with cold guns) than the current model.

Got a better one -
Sitting stationary in a Panzer.
Spit XVI comes in and starts straffing (from front), of course I'm thinking teehee.
I get a xxxx has collided with you, and lose my fricking engine!!! (from the front).
Of course he flies off unscathed.
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Offline Gryffin

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Ram model needs changing
« Reply #56 on: June 05, 2006, 09:35:36 AM »
Do not change the ram model, it is the best compromise in a world with internet lag.

How will you all feel if it is changed so that both planes take damage, and you start getting rammed by people who never get within 200 yards of you on your computer? (That's a rhetorical question, I already know the answer is "whiney")

Offline Edbert1

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Ram model needs changing
« Reply #57 on: June 05, 2006, 11:24:55 AM »
Originally posted by Redd

If I start dying because my FR didn' t see a collision , but the other guy's did , I'd be more pissed off.

That IS what I am seeing in about half of the incidences, the other half is usually a guys spinner boring into my fuselage while I attempt to avoid. Followed by a message that says "player xxx has collided with you while my wingless aircraft spins in and I see him fly off without damage. I understand the compromise and necessities of lag, maybe it because I usually have a ping of under 25ms, but the messages that say THEY hit me, while I take damage and they do not are a serious source of frustration. Judging by this thread and the 124 like it before I am not the only one.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2006, 11:41:06 AM by Edbert1 »

Offline Edbert1

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Ram model needs changing
« Reply #58 on: June 05, 2006, 11:38:37 AM »
Originally posted by DoKGonZo
The end result, though, would be that everyone would have to be at least a little careful about not running into each other. Which may actually help the HO'ing situation.

I'm with you on much of your post Dok, but disagree with the above statement. MOST of those who take every HO shot they see would be quite satisfied with mutual destruction, it gets them closer to the 1:1 k/d than they've ever gotten before.

Offline Chalenge

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Ram model needs changing
« Reply #59 on: June 05, 2006, 12:06:17 PM »
You may have seen it as a spinner through the midwing kind of collision but I bet that's not what happened. Ive got insight on this Id like to share with you. I attack a few bombers from time to time. In fact if I see a bomber an uncontrollable urge builds inside of me and I just cant help myself. Its so bad I will go ahead and apologize to anyone I might get into a fight with and leave suddenly to kill a bomber group 10,000 feet below. I just cant help it I hate enemy bombers so bad. Anyway what has happened from time to time is in those 10,000 foot dives I sometimes compress and sometimes the controls are just too heavy to do much and on a few occasions Ive hit the drones as they slide into lead position or change slot positions. Ive hit props and ball turrets and even the tail-end-charlie gun. Oddly this has in most instances wounded me and caused no other damage to the plane. I cant explain it but thats how it goes. So the next time you get a midair with me know that my hands are shaking because I may not be able to finish the bombers with one hand on a bandage and the other trying to make it home but know that I did shoot you and you are damaged because I did shoot you and not because I was too impatient.
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