ya sandie..."in 1940 they completly banned the commies"
" in 1992 Saddam completly banned Oil for Arms"
same as your statement..not my fault..just following your lead
lolol..too funny I use same crap as yours..and Im wrong one
I dont care..Liberalism is a mental disorder..heres soem stuff to help you drink the Kool-aid
Liberalism watches as a baby is partially delivered, stabbed in the head, its brains are sucked out, and then says that a constutional right has just been exercised.
Liberalism wants the name of God completely out of sight and speech so as to not offend the 10% who don't believe in Him (despite offending the 90% who do).
Liberalism sees a hard-working and successful business and says, "You have too much money, not fair!" It then seeks a way to take that business's money away from them so as to give it to those who have less (but only in the form of a social program, i.e. another government agency with government employees - none of which are any of these said people who have less, by the way)
Liberalism wants to change the definition of marriage, so that 3-4% of the population in this country can legally marry (even though only 25% of that segment actually wants it, and more than half of the entire country doesn't want this)
Liberalsm is intolerant of those beliefs it deems intolerant. (read that one again)