Author Topic: The war in the mid east is about to start..  (Read 2439 times)

Offline Gunston

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The war in the mid east is about to start..
« Reply #60 on: July 17, 2006, 08:05:40 PM »
Originally posted by EagleEyes
I understand what you guys are saying, but i was just putting my 2 cents in.  I agree that the US would eventually knock the crap outta both Syria and Iran.  I just disagree on how long it would take.  I believe it would take a little longer then the war did in Iraq.  Please do not get me wrong, i support President Bush and the War in Iraq 100%.  I have many friends and family in Iraq and Afganistan.  I just believe it will be much more difficult then Operation Iraqi Freedom was.  We took on Iraq which is a "small" country.  Iran is twice if not three times the size, and Syria is just as big as Iraq.  With the amount of troops we currently have, we would be unable to fight a war without a draft!  Just my 2 cents, im really not trying to argue with you guys.  I respect both of your opinions very much!!


EagleEyes and Everyone else

I have only been posting on this board a few days (off work with an IV in my arm due to a bone infection, kind of tied to the chair with time on my hands) and may not be quite up on the proper etiquette of this type of communication. My first posting of anything on any forum was here the other day. So if I step on anybody’s toes or screw up on technical aspects such as providing links etc. let me apologize now. I don’t mean to offend anyone I have been playing the game since 02 or 03 and realize I have or will see most or all of you in the arena, not looking to make enemies.

Offline Gunston

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The war in the mid east is about to start..
« Reply #61 on: July 17, 2006, 08:30:13 PM »
Originally posted by uvwpvW
Gunston, that article you posted is full of factual errors and national ego-stroking, but it was a fun read nonetheless. Thanks for posting it.

This huge military lead is partly because of money. Last year, American military spending exceeded that of all other NATO states, Russia, China, Japan, Iraq and North Korea combined, according to the Centre for Defence Information, a non-partisan research group that studies global security. This is another area where all other nations must concede to the US, for no other government can afford to try to catch up.

While this assertion is basically sound his conclusion is not. The EU in particular could easily afford to match US defense spending. However they don’t need to, so they don’t

The arms race ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union. Other nations were quick to reorganize their militaries and reduce annual spending. Perhaps it is time America accepts that the arms race is over? Surely the American people have more pressing needs for the money.

New study compares GDP and growth:
EU versus USA

If the European Union were a state in the USA it would belong to the poorest group of states. France, Italy, Great Britain and Germany have lower GDP per capita than all but four of the states in the United States. In fact, GDP per capita is lower in the vast majority of the EU-countries (EU 15) than in most of the individual American states. This puts Europeans at a level of prosperity on par with states such as Arkansas, Mississippi and West Virginia. Only the miniscule country of Luxembourg has higher per capita GDP than the average state in the USA. The results of the new study represent a grave critique of European economic policy.

Stark differences become apparent when comparing official economic statistics. Europe lags behind the USA when comparing GDP per capita and GDP growth rates. The current economic debate among EU leaders lacks an understanding of the gravity of the situation in many European countries. Structural reforms of the European economy as well as far reaching welfare reforms are well overdue. The Lisbon process lacks true impetus, nor is it sufficient to improve the economic prospects of the EU.

EU versus USA is written by Dr Fredrik Bergström, President of the Swedish Research Institute of Trade, and Mr Robert Gidehag, until recently Chief Economist of the same institute and now President of the Swedish Taxpayer's Association.

 I don't know about that "easily" part, maybe the needs of the America people (who enjoy the highest standard of living in the world, heck we keep hearing about the obesity epidemic and how it disproportionately affects the poor) can wait and we could use the money instead to help the EU

:cry :cry :cry
« Last Edit: July 17, 2006, 08:41:27 PM by Gunston »

Offline Edbert1

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The war in the mid east is about to start..
« Reply #62 on: July 17, 2006, 08:55:52 PM »
Originally posted by Gunston
...a war that involved the US against both Syria and Iran would be both short lived and have quite a bad outcome for those countries.

In the case of their aircraft...1-2 days. In the case of their air defenses, 2-3 days. In the case of eliminating the entire army from the field...Iran is mostly some nasty terrain and quite large. The outcome is forgone but I don;t know how fast a ground war in Iranian soil would take.

Offline soda72

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The war in the mid east is about to start..
« Reply #63 on: July 17, 2006, 09:18:32 PM »
Bush lunch chat is caught on tape

 tell it like it is George.....


Offline Thrawn

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The war in the mid east is about to start..
« Reply #64 on: July 17, 2006, 09:42:04 PM »
Originally posted by Gunston
This is another area where all other nations must concede to the US, for no other government can afford to try to catch up.

Heck even the US can't afford the military it has, nor it's invasions and occupations.

Offline EagleEyes

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The war in the mid east is about to start..
« Reply #65 on: July 17, 2006, 10:23:46 PM »
See Rule #7
« Last Edit: July 18, 2006, 06:38:19 AM by Skuzzy »

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Offline Gunston

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The war in the mid east is about to start..
« Reply #66 on: July 17, 2006, 10:40:17 PM »
Originally posted by Thrawn
Heck even the US can't afford the military it has, nor it's invasions and occupations.

As of July 11, 2006 the US spent 4.06% of GDP on defense spending ranking it at #26 in the world as a % of GDP.

Less than

 #9 Madagascar at 7.2%
 #12 Macedonia at 6.0%

  Just higher than

 # 27 Zimbabwe at 4.0%.

I think we can afford it.

See table at

Do you guys in the rest of the world even know just how rich we are? or for that matter do you guys in the States

I’ll give you a hint

Based on GDP
The US with a little more than 298 million people is #1

The EU made up of 25 countries and a population of almost 457 million people is # 2

( I still can’t get used to this EU thing, are people from Britain, France, Germany etc. now to be called EUians or what do they want to be called)

« Last Edit: July 17, 2006, 11:11:44 PM by Gunston »

Offline Sandman

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The war in the mid east is about to start..
« Reply #67 on: July 17, 2006, 11:27:14 PM »
Originally posted by Gunston
The USN is by far the biggest spender of the three main branches of the US Armed Forces.

I guess opinion is the answer unless you consider the following to be "by far"

US Navy budget 07-127.3 B
US Army budget 07-111.8 B
USAF budget 07- 105B

Keep in mind, the USMC budget comes from the Navy. IIRC, it's approximately $15 Billion per year.

Offline AWMac

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The war in the mid east is about to start..
« Reply #68 on: July 18, 2006, 12:41:47 AM »
4- Members should post in a way that is respectful of other users and HTC. Flaming or abusing users is not tolerated.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2006, 12:13:47 AM by MP4 »

Offline Kurt

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The war in the mid east is about to start..
« Reply #69 on: July 18, 2006, 01:09:11 AM »
Originally posted by AWMac
4- Members should post in a way that is respectful of other users and HTC. Flaming or abusing users is not tolerated.

Did that make sense in spanish or something?  Because in English it didn't.

« Last Edit: July 20, 2006, 12:14:04 AM by MP4 »
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Offline Captain Virgil Hilts

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The war in the mid east is about to start..
« Reply #70 on: July 18, 2006, 08:11:28 AM »
Originally posted by Thrawn
Heck even the US can't afford the military it has, nor it's invasions and occupations.

You just keep right on believing that.
"I haven't seen Berlin yet, from the ground or the air, and I plan on doing both, BEFORE the war is over."


Offline Krusher

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The war in the mid east is about to start..
« Reply #71 on: July 18, 2006, 09:19:38 AM »
Originally posted by Gunston
( I still can’t get used to this EU thing, are people from Britain, France, Germany etc. now to be called EUians or what do they want to be called)

I think its Ewes :)

Offline Gunston

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The war in the mid east is about to start..
« Reply #72 on: July 18, 2006, 02:10:37 PM »
Originally posted by uvwpvW
They have 18 DF5s capable of reaching anywhere in the US, and 12 DF4s that can reach the west coast. Each carrying a 3-5 megaton warhead. So what I mean by “destroy America” is the vaporization of 18 east coast and central/south population centers and 12 west coast population centers. The rest of the country would be radiated – the severity depending on weather conditions. For all intents and purposes America would be destroyed.

Granted, the destruction would not be as complete as if Russia, France or Britain attacked.

I was just re-reading some of the post this morning and thought I should remind those who know and inform those who don't that China would have no missiles that could target the US if Clinton hadn't sold them the technology for campaign contributions.

Some sites (some of these also deal with other tech transfers)

This one also points out how the Gorelick memo (the one from the 9-11 hearings) was made to protect Clinton from this scandal and contributed to the failure to prevent 9-11

Anyway anyone interested can Google it lots of info out there on it.

And oh yea I’ll save you lefties the trouble how’s this:

All lie’s it was a vast right wing conspiracy


Janet Reno did a through investigation and found no wrong doing (other than those few Chinese guy’s that went to jail)


…well you guys go ahead I’m running out of ideas of what you guys would say to defend it.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2006, 02:15:15 PM by Gunston »

Offline uvwpvW

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The war in the mid east is about to start..
« Reply #73 on: July 18, 2006, 08:13:25 PM »
6- Members are asked to not act as "back seat moderators". Issues with any breach of rules should be brought to HTC's attention via email at
« Last Edit: July 18, 2006, 09:08:59 PM by MP2 »

Offline uvwpvW

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« Reply #74 on: July 18, 2006, 10:08:31 PM »
6- Members are asked to not act as "back seat moderators". Issues with any breach of rules should be brought to HTC's attention via email at
« Last Edit: July 18, 2006, 10:14:13 PM by MP4 »