Author Topic: Skeered!  (Read 1774 times)

Offline FiLtH

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« Reply #15 on: September 12, 2006, 04:20:23 PM »
Great post Balsy. Id agree. I tend to do well at the initial merge but seem to give up a lil too much going into the second. Id have to say were im ok against some in the DA, in the MA its a different breed of cat. Quite often I find myself at the disadvantage, and really enjoy trying to milk someone down to my fight. Different things can happen. Overshoots, disquising your E state, all sorts of stuff. I do enjoy the DA, but for different types of fights.

   Unless Im flying with buds, or busy toolshedding some base, Im always willing to go.


Offline Apar

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« Reply #16 on: September 12, 2006, 04:31:02 PM »
Originally posted by Balsy
This may open a can of worms..,,or guts as it were, .but I believe some people view the DA fites as "sterile".

In other words, you start out so even, and CO -E you end up with a "surgically" clean fite.  And those surgeons who have spent a lot of time in a sterile environment have a decided edge from the get go... they know how long they can be in BO for, they know how to counter each and every modified merge, etc... etc...

The only way to become "good" at a DA is to go in and do it, time after time until you learn to be precise in the DA environment.

Some people prefer the Texas Chainsaw Massacre scenario in the MA, when you present them with the opportunity to go into the surgery room, they decline because they are wielding a chainsaw, and you have a scalple.

As a side note, I would recommend people go into the DA and learn, because from time to time, in the MAssacre Arena, you will find yourself in a DA like fite.


Very true!

Offline jamusta

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« Reply #17 on: September 13, 2006, 12:06:41 AM »
I have been playing this game for maybe 5 years. I used to go into the DA to learn. I have seen the DA go from a place to have fun with some friendly competition and learning to a place where wanna be tuff guys go to prove they are men. You claim folks are scared but maybe just maybe if you had a better attitude and asked instead of trying to bait folks into a duel with your constant insults more folks would be willing to duel you.

Offline cav58d

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« Reply #18 on: September 13, 2006, 12:13:40 AM »
I'd love to take Pacer to the DA...
<S> Lyme

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Offline RTR

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« Reply #19 on: September 13, 2006, 12:28:23 AM »
If Skyrock is the same Skyrock as last year (never know nowadays)  I went a few rounds in the DA with him about a year ago. It was fun, and no ego or whining involved by either party. (no Ho's either)

I won a couple and lost a couple, but learned from each duel. Don't knock someone who is willing to go 1vs1 with you in a "clean" environment. It sharpens the skills.

All that being said, Balsy hit the nail right on the head. (and he owes me a DHog...he broke my last one!)

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Offline Zazen13

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« Reply #20 on: September 13, 2006, 01:08:19 AM »
As someone who never accepts random duel requests from disgruntled MA victims I can give some insight. Back in the day all I did was train people, duelling in every possible plane in every conceivable way as a learning and teaching tool. I participated in AW ladders and the like at every opportunity. After a certain point , after you've duelled 1,000 different people you begin to realize there's only so many planes, so many variants of the merge and so many counters to a very finite set of moves in the 1 vs. 1 co-alt , co-E, same plane encounter. At that point deulling becomes alot like masturbation, it feels good, but it's not sex.

The MA is a totally different animal, it's alot like chess. At every point  during every flight there's a myriad choices to make, it's never the same, it's random yet at the same time your choices determine the degree of order to the madness. You can hide E, rope, seduce the E from an overzealous opponent, force overshoots etc.. All the while, during just one flight, have 1 vs. 1's, 2 vs. 2's, 1 vs many and many vs. 1 encounters. All in all far more interesting and integrating a far more diverse skill-set.

That is not to say duelling does not serve a purpose. For learning basic and advanced acm's and merge moves it is key. But deulling in no way necessarily equates to MA talent. I have known hundreds of people who have an ironclad set of merge moves and counters in the DA but couldn't find their arse with both hands in the MA unless they happen upon the ultra rare 1 vs. 1 co-alt, co-E same plane situation. Conversely , I have known many people who were MA geniuses who were quite lackluster in the DA.

Zazen PhD of Cherrypickology
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Offline TequilaChaser

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« Reply #21 on: September 13, 2006, 05:54:41 AM »
Originally posted by storch
is skyrock sharkee or any of those other iterations?

nah, I must confess, I am SKYROCK!!!!!
actually, I once thought Skyrock might be one of my Damned brothers who once went by the callsign of "Chick".........................but then again, I truly haven't a clue.........all I know is for most part, he has always been a gentlemanly mannered soul toward me and others when I have been around.......

for the DA, I go in there to have a different type of fun, even dueled Creton one night after finishing off a bottle of Patron Gold and flew some 2 vs2 verses the WM guys......

always all in good fun, for I have nothing to prove, not that I could actually prove anything :cool:

( 1 more day of school, then I can go home, man can't wait to get my AH fix late tonight or tomorrow )

~S~ everyone
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Offline rv6

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« Reply #22 on: September 13, 2006, 05:56:38 AM »
My .02 cents?

ZAZEN just said it all, in my humble opinion. 1v1, co-alt, cold merge go 'rounds have a comparatively finite number of "things" you can do.  Gets old after a while.

I will say one thing in SkyRocks favor tho.  Months ago, he invited me to the DA w/ him..  no threat, just to have fun.  I learned more about "slow-flight" stall fighting from him in 15 mins than I did in YEARS in the MA.

I used to dread low-e stall fights in the MA..  After that short DA trip w/ SkyRock,, I now look forward to them.  I can tell in an instant what type of pilot is in the other plane when things get really close, slow, and stall horns constantly buzzing..  thanks to a few mins in the DA with SkyRock.

My .02 cents..


Offline Delirium

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« Reply #23 on: September 13, 2006, 07:01:50 AM »
I'll duel anyone, but not to settle arguements...

I'll duel ya anytime Skyrock, let me know when. I actually enjoyed our fights. :)
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Offline hubsonfire

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« Reply #24 on: September 13, 2006, 11:10:59 AM »
Originally posted by jamusta
I have been playing this game for maybe 5 years. I used to go into the DA to learn. I have seen the DA go from a place to have fun with some friendly competition and learning to a place where wanna be tuff guys go to prove they are men. You claim folks are scared but maybe just maybe if you had a better attitude and asked instead of trying to bait folks into a duel with your constant insults more folks would be willing to duel you.

Pretty much what Jamusta said. Maybe cut out the taunting, insulting, and swearing at people on private, and just try to have some fun without taking anyone else down a notch. Not everyone is into the virtual pissing contest.
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Offline SkyRock

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Re: Skeered!
« Reply #25 on: September 13, 2006, 11:45:55 AM »
Originally posted by SkyRock
No ego, just fun, duels!  Several players seem to find every reason under teh sun to avoid a duel when really theres nothing to it!  Just go to the DA and agree on planes and alt etc. and have at it!  Very simple!  Not a test of manliness, not a test of kahoonas, just fun fights!

1).  For Jamusta, maybe you didn't read my post so I quoted it for you.  Not anything like your quote "where wanna be tuff guys go to prove they are men."  Also the title to my post was in humor, as I don't think people are "really" scared to duel!  I enjoy a fun, fair duel and you will find all but a couple of people that have dueled me will tell you that my demeanor when dueling is very polite, respectful, and generally positive.  There are a few who like to manipulate the truth and do so for some sort of purpose that would be better diagnosed by a mental health professional.  These are the people I do not get along with and generally speaking they are usually throwing insults long before I retaliate.
2).  For Hub,  You have absolutely no right to tell anyone about how their behavior should be as you are not guiltless in this area.  The last two comments I heard out of you that were directed towards me, were both insults.

3).   I very rarely get turned down for a duel.  There are only a few that refuse to duel and their reasons are questionable at best as they duel newbs on first request.   I listed people I wanted to duel, if they like I will gladly make time for a few.  

Triton28 - "...his stats suggest he has a healthy combination of suck and sissy!"

Offline hubsonfire

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« Reply #26 on: September 13, 2006, 05:16:25 PM »
While I may have been a smartass in the past, I have never tuned anyone on private vox so that I could tell them to STFU either. My comment on why most people aren't interested in massaging your ego in the DA stands.
++Blue Knights++

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Offline SkyRock

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« Reply #27 on: September 13, 2006, 06:06:42 PM »
Originally posted by hubsonfire
While I may have been a smartass in the past, I have never tuned anyone on private vox so that I could tell them to STFU either. My comment on why most people aren't interested in massaging your ego in the DA stands.
Again it is very insulting that you imply that I need my ego massaged.   Why don't you just step back, take your foot out of your mouth, and refrain from communicating to, for, or about SkyRock!  Oh, and about that incident (STFU),  although it could have been requested in more classy terminology, please heed the advice!  Good day and thank you for all that you do!:aok  PS  I get more offers to DA in a week than many see in their entire tenure in AH and my duels are conducted in a very respectable manner with great honor!   Maybe you should hook up with Creton and join the fanclub!
« Last Edit: September 13, 2006, 06:10:04 PM by SkyRock »

Triton28 - "...his stats suggest he has a healthy combination of suck and sissy!"

Offline jamusta

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Re: Re: Skeered!
« Reply #28 on: September 13, 2006, 07:03:30 PM »
Originally posted by SkyRock
I enjoy a fun, fair duel and you will find all but a couple of people that have dueled me will tell you that my demeanor when dueling is very polite, respectful, and generally positive.  

Then why cant you act like this in the MA?

There are few people I will even answer when an insult is thrown my way. You are at the top of the list simply because you start so much and I grow tired of your constant nonsense.

So with that being said clean up your attitude and maybe folks would duel you more.

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Re: Re: Re: Skeered!
« Reply #29 on: September 13, 2006, 07:44:00 PM »
Originally posted by jamusta
Then why cant you act like this in the MA?

There are few people I will even answer when an insult is thrown my way. You are at the top of the list simply because you start so much and I grow tired of your constant nonsense.

So with that being said clean up your attitude and maybe folks would duel you more.
In case you havent noticed, the clean-up started 4 weeks ago.  Adding to that, I don't want more folks to duel me, I simply would like to duel a couple that I haven't yet.

Triton28 - "...his stats suggest he has a healthy combination of suck and sissy!"