Author Topic: Atheist the way SOME see them?  (Read 2450 times)

Offline detch01

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Atheist the way SOME see them?
« Reply #15 on: October 10, 2006, 06:56:36 PM »
Originally posted by wrag
I see someone claiming the article is evil and stupid but no real justification put forward for such a claim.  Please keep in mind I'm not agreeing or disagreeing.

The idea that there is some grand athiestic conspiracy to destroy western civilization is at best, absurd. What is there to discuss? I mean beside the paranoia of that particular author.

Latrine Attendant, 1st class
semper in excretio, solum profundum variat

Offline Vulcan

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Atheist the way SOME see them?
« Reply #16 on: October 10, 2006, 07:12:26 PM »
Originally posted by wrag
Posted by Vulcan

"I LOL'd at the irony of this statement:

    quote:He reasoned that if Christian sexual ethics such as chastity (abstinence), fidelity, and monogamy could be undermined among children, then both the hated traditional family and Christianity would be dealt crippling blows

Wouldn't want athiests corrupting the choir boys would we "

Actually the article does paint with a pretty BROAD brush.

I think however that the possibilty that some people SEE such as a possibilty, that some have expressed the view that the traditional family is going away, perhaps should not be ignored?

Would you care to address that?

Take a random sample of convicted pedophiles and get back to me with the ratio of christians to atheists.

Offline wrag

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Atheist the way SOME see them?
« Reply #17 on: October 10, 2006, 07:20:10 PM »
Originally posted by detch01
The idea that there is some grand athiestic conspiracy to destroy western civilization is at best, absurd. What is there to discuss? I mean beside the paranoia of that particular author.



the article covers far more then just athiest.

Yet I see again no attempt to discuss.  Thus far only to discredit.  

No effort is made to discuss a view point that has been put forward?

No attempt thus far to address the fact that some people see this as possibly true?  Or that some people may see a grain of truth in the article.

Just the claim that it is evil, stupid, and now we add absurd.

NO justification why it is evil, stupid, or absurd.  Just that it is.  Repeatedly I have request justification for such claims.  

None has be forthcoming thus far.

Now why is that?

Perhaps I can get someone to elaborate on why this SEEMS to be the case?
It's been said we have three brains, one cobbled on top of the next. The stem is first, the reptilian brain; then the mammalian cerebellum; finally the over developed cerebral cortex.  They don't work together in awfully good harmony - hence ax murders, mobs, and socialism.

Offline wrag

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Atheist the way SOME see them?
« Reply #18 on: October 10, 2006, 07:26:26 PM »
Originally posted by Vulcan
Take a random sample of convicted pedophiles and get back to me with the ratio of christians to atheists.

Again the article discusses FAR MORE then pedophiles..........

Is that truely the only part of the article you can see????

IMHO I don't need to take a random sample of anything SIR!

I need to find someone that is actually willing to discuss what is in the article.

Attempts to discredit, or otherwise THROW out the article will NOT make it go away.

If you ONLY wish to discredit, then perhaps you will be happier seeking another thread?

Thus far NO discussion................... ...................
It's been said we have three brains, one cobbled on top of the next. The stem is first, the reptilian brain; then the mammalian cerebellum; finally the over developed cerebral cortex.  They don't work together in awfully good harmony - hence ax murders, mobs, and socialism.

Offline Delirium

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Atheist the way SOME see them?
« Reply #19 on: October 10, 2006, 08:37:57 PM »
Originally posted by Shuffler
When you shoot down an atheist... just what do they say??

"Darwin! Save me!"  

"... wait, I suppose I'm not strong enough to survive."
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I found an air leak in my inflatable sheep and plugged the hole! Honest!

Offline detch01

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Atheist the way SOME see them?
« Reply #20 on: October 10, 2006, 10:10:08 PM »
Originally posted by wrag

Thus far NO discussion................... ...................

LOL if you want to buy into the load that that article represents be my guest. IMO there is nothing in that article worth discussing. I do find it interesting that you feel the need for other people to have a discussion on it. Mayhaps you are looking for someone to do your thinking for you?

Just a question.

Latrine Attendant, 1st class
semper in excretio, solum profundum variat

Offline Vulcan

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Atheist the way SOME see them?
« Reply #21 on: October 10, 2006, 10:10:12 PM »
Originally posted by wrag
Thus far NO discussion................... ...................

Says the christian with his hands over his ears singing LA LA LA

Offline Ghosth

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Atheist the way SOME see them?
« Reply #22 on: October 10, 2006, 10:57:09 PM »
"While propagandists in the media have deftly kept the attention of most folks riveted on what they’ve been told to believe are the ‘real threats’ to America, such as gas prices, genuine Christianity, and mad cow disease, Marxist-trained psychopoliticians, propagandists, and change agents have descended upon the schools and are subjecting children and older youth to thought control and social re-engineering methodologies."

First off the media does what it likes, no other single group in the country has so much power, yet has no real guardians, controlers, or other checks & balances. There is zero accountablity in the media, none, zip, nada. They have certain standards they are supposed to stay within imposed by the FCC. Yet when is the last time you heard of the FCC imposing sanctions on ANYONE?

If the media prints something that is not true they say it was a "mistake".
Prove the media wrong and they print a 1 paragraph retraction on page 8. So if you really want to discuss whats wrong with this country start with the media.

Next, WTF is a "psychopoliticians" ???? This stinks like a made up bunch of BS to me. Plus I thought all politicians were psycho, like a job requirement. You'd have to be nuts to want that job. I mean really, wouldn't you?

As to descended on the schools, ROFLMAO.
Change has ALWAYS happened through the education system.
Thats what its there for, thats its reason for existing.
So now a minor change is happening they someone doesn't  agree with.
Yet if you gave them the chance they'd do the exact same thing only in their favor. Can anyone say double standard?

Schools, colleges & university's have always been on average more liberal than the rest of the country at any given point you want to pick. Its the way it is, the way its always been. Tis the nature of the beast, so get over it.

Wrag I have a lot of respect for you, but obviously no one else wants to get into a mud slinging contest with you. Hmmmm wonder why?

I have to agree with Takeda, this isn't an article, or news, its propaganda.
And like most good propaganda its full of half truths, misleading statements and plain out & out BS. In fact its so full of BS it Stinks!

You want to discuss something, lets discuss how to put a halter on our run away media. Just because individuals were granted the right to free speech, does not mean we don't have to be held accountable for those words.
Rabble rousers used to be tarred, feathered, & run out of town on a rail. Whens the last time you saw anyone in the media seriously reprimanded for
doing the same?

Thats whats going wrong with our society, not religion or the lack of it.

Offline Booz

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Atheist the way SOME see them?
« Reply #23 on: October 10, 2006, 11:51:43 PM »
Ok, I'll discuss it...

  Linda is upset that PG County can't disallow a gay club on school grounds.

  So she declares all gays to be "cultural marxists", new left and,  commies... commies came from Russia (who took Poland), therefore they're atheists as well.  Bright gal there. Also the media and the ACLU are in on it!! Leftists are supported by BIG NAME Democrats!! who therfore are also commies.

 And the John D. and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation support democrats...and SCIENCE CHANNEL all scientists are commie athests too!! <--she missed that one, I insert it for free

  Linda's family is falling apart because YOU aren't acting like a christian.

  And just to prove she's intellectually equivalent to all of them, she calls the whole ball of wax the "Church of Criminal Orthodoxy"


 'cause if they're a church they HAVE to be as ignorant and evil as she.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2006, 11:54:20 PM by Booz »

Offline wrag

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Atheist the way SOME see them?
« Reply #24 on: October 11, 2006, 12:34:19 AM »
Originally posted by detch01
LOL if you want to buy into the load that that article represents be my guest. IMO there is nothing in that article worth discussing. I do find it interesting that you feel the need for other people to have a discussion on it. Mayhaps you are looking for someone to do your thinking for you?

Just a question.



Are you projecting some kinda something here?

I have repeatedly said I'm not agreeing or disagreeing.

Not saying I buy anything.

Saying that the article to some people contains truth or a grain of truth.  You and several others keep calling the article this or that but I STILL don't see a justification for your response, AND I keep asking for one.
It's been said we have three brains, one cobbled on top of the next. The stem is first, the reptilian brain; then the mammalian cerebellum; finally the over developed cerebral cortex.  They don't work together in awfully good harmony - hence ax murders, mobs, and socialism.

Offline wrag

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Atheist the way SOME see them?
« Reply #25 on: October 11, 2006, 12:44:50 AM »
Originally posted by Vulcan
Says the christian with his hands over his ears singing LA LA LA

I have seen NO DISCUSSION SO FAR ONLY NAME CALLING, or claims that it's B.S. so we should just ignore it.

I have repeatedly request justification, you know, a reason why it is B.S. or why it should be called names.  NADDA so far on that request.

That is NOT discussion IMHO.

That is avoiding the subject.

Hey perhaps your words thus far make perfect sense to you.  That does not mean they make perfect sense to others.  SO how about explaining the reason for your words?  That is what I keep asking.  

Are you claiming everyone thinks exactly as you and therefore the just KNOW what you mean?

Are we all mind readers perhaps?

Is it that you are unable?

BTW I was just wondering if what i'm accused of above isn't what many posting to this thread are guilty of?
It's been said we have three brains, one cobbled on top of the next. The stem is first, the reptilian brain; then the mammalian cerebellum; finally the over developed cerebral cortex.  They don't work together in awfully good harmony - hence ax murders, mobs, and socialism.

Offline wrag

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Atheist the way SOME see them?
« Reply #26 on: October 11, 2006, 01:02:48 AM »
Originally posted by Ghosth
"While propagandists in the media have deftly kept the attention of most folks riveted on what they’ve been told to believe are the ‘real threats’ to America, such as gas prices, genuine Christianity, and mad cow disease, Marxist-trained psychopoliticians, propagandists, and change agents have descended upon the schools and are subjecting children and older youth to thought control and social re-engineering methodologies."

First off the media does what it likes, no other single group in the country has so much power, yet has no real guardians, controlers, or other checks & balances. There is zero accountablity in the media, none, zip, nada. They have certain standards they are supposed to stay within imposed by the FCC. Yet when is the last time you heard of the FCC imposing sanctions on ANYONE?

If the media prints something that is not true they say it was a "mistake".
Prove the media wrong and they print a 1 paragraph retraction on page 8. So if you really want to discuss whats wrong with this country start with the media.

Next, WTF is a "psychopoliticians" ???? This stinks like a made up bunch of BS to me. Plus I thought all politicians were psycho, like a job requirement. You'd have to be nuts to want that job. I mean really, wouldn't you?

As to descended on the schools, ROFLMAO.
Change has ALWAYS happened through the education system.
Thats what its there for, thats its reason for existing.
So now a minor change is happening they someone doesn't  agree with.
Yet if you gave them the chance they'd do the exact same thing only in their favor. Can anyone say double standard?

Schools, colleges & university's have always been on average more liberal than the rest of the country at any given point you want to pick. Its the way it is, the way its always been. Tis the nature of the beast, so get over it.

Wrag I have a lot of respect for you, but obviously no one else wants to get into a mud slinging contest with you. Hmmmm wonder why?

I have to agree with Takeda, this isn't an article, or news, its propaganda.
And like most good propaganda its full of half truths, misleading statements and plain out & out BS. In fact its so full of BS it Stinks!

You want to discuss something, lets discuss how to put a halter on our run away media. Just because individuals were granted the right to free speech, does not mean we don't have to be held accountable for those words.
Rabble rousers used to be tarred, feathered, & run out of town on a rail. Whens the last time you saw anyone in the media seriously reprimanded for
doing the same?

Thats whats going wrong with our society, not religion or the lack of it.


Thank you :D

Finally someone that puts his words in a format other then name calling or claiming thats B.S.

OK Questions please....

A start.....

Some will tie in the (ok our) run away media with a very strong leftward slant.

I've seen just this argument and I'm inclined to think You have too.

The claim would be, will be, is?   Most of the media is inclined to look the other way or even help.................

Oh and this...........

Psychopoliticians  it is a word coined by the left actually.  Or I seem to recall it used in the past by the left.  Perhaps I don't remember it quite right.

What is that bald guys name?  The one that comes on screaming trailor park trash n such?  Think he was defending WJ Klinton?

Some claim, think within the left, he is such a one.


You ever look into military history?  Read any Tsun Tzu?


I find myself somewhat in disagreement with you on the education portion of your answer, the deffinition, that you seem to pose is what I have the most trouble with.  That and the facts pointing to the steady dumbing down of our young people.  The SEEMING failure to teach, to give our young people the basic tools such as reading, etc........

BTW I noticed even you seem to think I'm taking a side here.  I keep saying I'm neither agreeing or disagreeing.  I'm looking for discussion.

You are the 1st to try to talk and NOT name call and at least you put forward your reasons for saying it's B.S. and we should ignore it.  

I thank you.

Now lets discuss shall we :D
It's been said we have three brains, one cobbled on top of the next. The stem is first, the reptilian brain; then the mammalian cerebellum; finally the over developed cerebral cortex.  They don't work together in awfully good harmony - hence ax murders, mobs, and socialism.

Offline wrag

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Atheist the way SOME see them?
« Reply #27 on: October 11, 2006, 01:10:17 AM »
Originally posted by Booz
Ok, I'll discuss it...

  Linda is upset that PG County can't disallow a gay club on school grounds.

  So she declares all gays to be "cultural marxists", new left and,  commies... commies came from Russia (who took Poland), therefore they're atheists as well.  Bright gal there. Also the media and the ACLU are in on it!! Leftists are supported by BIG NAME Democrats!! who therfore are also commies.

 And the John D. and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation support democrats...and SCIENCE CHANNEL all scientists are commie athests too!! <--she missed that one, I insert it for free

  Linda's family is falling apart because YOU aren't acting like a christian.

  And just to prove she's intellectually equivalent to all of them, she calls the whole ball of wax the "Church of Criminal Orthodoxy"


 'cause if they're a church they HAVE to be as ignorant and evil as she.


Well its a step I guess.

Not sure it's what I would call discussion.

I have to say I've been following both the claims of the left and the claims of the right for a very long time now.  I've been watching,asking questions, thinking, etc....

Not sure that what you've posted is .......... ummm real accurate as to what I thought I read in the article.

Care to refraise any of it?  Maybe discuss portions of it you find most offensive or perhaps least offensive?  Or did you find any portion to be even vaguely close to any actual occurance?
It's been said we have three brains, one cobbled on top of the next. The stem is first, the reptilian brain; then the mammalian cerebellum; finally the over developed cerebral cortex.  They don't work together in awfully good harmony - hence ax murders, mobs, and socialism.

Offline x0847Marine

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Atheist the way SOME see them?
« Reply #28 on: October 11, 2006, 05:11:03 AM »
They mingled freely with nude males, topless females, and sadomasochists.  Simulated sex acts were performed along the parade route

I dont see a problem.

Offline Booz

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Atheist the way SOME see them?
« Reply #29 on: October 11, 2006, 06:06:29 AM »
Originally posted by wrag
Not sure that what you've posted is .......... ummm real accurate as to what I thought I read in the article.

  I will have to hear what you think you read. As I see it, and as others have already pointed out,  it's all unfounded name calling based upon bald assertion. I just paraphrased it for you.

  The weakesk link of all was to atheism, yet you've titled the entire thread about it. Why is that?

"The plain truth is that both the GSA and Gay, Lesbian, Straight Educators Network (GLSEN), the organization that registers GSAs, are part of a vast, interconnected network of Cultural Marxist front groups known collectively as the New Left."  -no evidence presented, just declaration of plain truth.

  Then GSLEN and ACLU are communists because a communist site links to them.

  Now she can call them all atheists. Do you buy this?

  Given your understanding of the content of her rant against PG countys legal standing, what is the significance of calling everyone she doesn't like the "Church of Criminal Orthodoxy" and do you agree with this portrayal?

   I've never seen this "church" ever found guilty of sexual abuse of children...  other churches, sure.

   I mean really, how many atheists have been found in public office seducing kids? I think her IFF is broken.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2006, 06:59:04 AM by Booz »