Author Topic: Race to the reset.  (Read 5012 times)

Offline Kev367th

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Race to the reset.
« Reply #105 on: November 15, 2006, 04:09:30 PM »
I don't think Kweassa is saying they aren't as good, but rather because they have grown up with on-line games they are more oriented towards a "team goal".

Most of the big online games have both the option of individual or team "rooms", the team rooms are more usually the most utilised.

Seen Bish noobs fly goons over 75 miles for a chance of capturing the field "for the team", you'd be lucky to find a Bish to fly a goon 1 sector 4+ years ago.

The playerbase has significantly changed, problem is the game hasn't. Despite the new planes, new eye candy, new FMs etc it is still the same as it was 4+ years ago.
The underlying game mechanics need a complete overhaul, perhaps then all styles of play can co-exist.
Without it the conflict between the different styles of play will continue.
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Offline LYNX

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Race to the reset.
« Reply #106 on: November 15, 2006, 05:52:26 PM »
Originally posted by Kev367th
I don't think Kweassa is saying they aren't as good, but rather because they have grown up with on-line games they are more oriented towards a "team goal".

Most of the big online games have both the option of individual or team "rooms", the team rooms are more usually the most utilised.

Seen Bish noobs fly goons over 75 miles for a chance of capturing the field "for the team", you'd be lucky to find a Bish to fly a goon 1 sector 4+ years ago.

The playerbase has significantly changed, problem is the game hasn't. Despite the new planes, new eye candy, new FMs etc it is still the same as it was 4+ years ago.
The underlying game mechanics need a complete overhaul, perhaps then all styles of play can co-exist.
Without it the conflict between the different styles of play will continue.

Looks like we're in for some changes.  
Acks "harder" gun..... but I use Rockets 95 % of the time.:D
More manned acks to pop up every 15 min.  Hope town has um.
Perky the bombs.....hehe low level bombers perked out inside 1 week

Offline Overlag

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Re: Re: Race to the reset.
« Reply #107 on: November 15, 2006, 08:49:57 PM »
Originally posted by Kev367th
Has been for a long time, even way before the changes, only difference was the resets happened less frequently because the numbers were more even.

Now because of the multiple arenas it has made resets easier to achieve.

HT has dug himself into a hole here-
He has already said numerous times that things aren't going back to what they were, so he has to continue to try and tweak a current setup that has obvious flaws in it.
No amount of tweaking will negate some of the flaws.

Anyone who didn't see some of this coming must have been blind -
Country jumpers before a reset in the old MA
Now are both that, AND arena jumpers if their country is doing badly in one of them.
Leading to low numbers in one arena, overwhelming in another.

But going back to the original "reset the map" once again, I re-iterate -
YES, it has been like that for a long time, even way before (years) the changes, only difference now is it is easier to do.

nicely put

Originally posted by Kev367th
No, the flaw wasn't camouflaged.
It was very unusual for any country to get numbers advantage in the old MA the way they can now under the new setup.
Even when the Rooks used to have their RJO's their numbers advantage as a percentage of the overall arena numbers was lower than what is possible now.

Remove the reset - Oh yeah can just imagine what this would cause.

Captures at defined areas - Would penalise the country that is in the hole, and make it a lot harder for them to get out of it.

Not a sad comment on the AH community at all when you realise people all play for different reasons -
base capture

Like I said to not expect or forsee this happening shows either
a) naivity
b) a total lack of understanding of human nature
c) an imcomplete forecast of what might happen
d) a lack of understanding of the majority of the player base

something ive been trying to say to Hitech over PM's but he just wont have it....
« Last Edit: November 15, 2006, 08:57:38 PM by Overlag »
Adam Webb - 71st (Eagle) Squadron RAF Wing B
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Offline lazs2

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« Reply #108 on: November 16, 2006, 10:02:26 AM »
kev... those of us who grew up before computers were in every home played games (real life games) that were very "team oriented"  you may not believe this but as kids we played games like baseball and basketball and all that...

Some liked boxing and tennis and one on one basketball tho... some liked "team sports" where they were in constant action and really didn't care who won... they knew if they won.

The ones attracted to individual sports and WWII aviation and maybe computers and fighting against something more challenging than a box game gravitated to the flight sims... mostly at great cost to them.

Griefing was expensive and.. well.. ignored till they went away. or...just put up with because they weren't too many.

Now... you have cheap everything and a bunch of kids who have never even played sports with others and...  unless they get attention on a computer will never be noticed in life... they don't care what the game is they are only looking for the one with the most potential to be noticed... the most lax rules.

If the game was 2 or more dollars an hour we would see an instant improvement in gameplay with little in the way of rule changes... but.. a huge drop in player base.  It would also throw out the "good" (those with little money but a love of flight sims) with the "bad" (the griefers and kiddies).

If you have a game of touch football... you don't need any rules about teams if everyone is on the same page and wants a fair and fun game... it they all switch sides to make for a good game...  If everyone stands around and won't switch... you either call off the game or make a "rule".

Here... you could just have a limit for each country...  if you insist on wearing the dildo hat icon and that arena is allready full of dildo heads.... you either switch sides or go to an arena where they lack enough dildo heads.

Some of the new changes were made because griefers forced it.  People who are also selfish and need to game advantages forced it.

If we keep playing like spoiled children and griefers... we will get more rules.

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Offline Overlag

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« Reply #109 on: November 16, 2006, 10:21:41 AM »
so because you only fly 2 hours a week, you want it a per hour service? :noid
Adam Webb - 71st (Eagle) Squadron RAF Wing B
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Offline Quah!

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« Reply #110 on: November 16, 2006, 10:26:12 AM »
^ ^^ ^^ ^
 |  | |  |  |  |

Here... you could just have a limit for each country... if you insist on wearing the dildo hat icon and that arena is allready full of dildo heads.... you either switch sides or go to an arena where they lack enough dildo heads.


Offline Flayed1

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« Reply #111 on: November 16, 2006, 10:26:17 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
kev... those of us who grew up before computers were in every home played games (real life games) that were very "team oriented"  

Public Relations Officer for the BK's

:O   I always thought Lazs just played with himself :)  but now he's talking about team oriented games and keeps talking about dildos....:huh    :D    

  Sorry Lazs you kinda left that open.  Just giving you a hard time nothin meant by it.   Just a lil joke I hope your light hearted enough to get a laugh out of it :)
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Offline lazs2

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« Reply #112 on: November 16, 2006, 02:13:19 PM »
overlag... not at all.  I did not say that.. I only said that if it were a couple bucks an hour you would get rid of a lot of the griefers... at my 15-30 hours a month it would cost me $30-$60 or more...  I have paid that and more in the past and don't wish to go back to it... I never offered it as a solution.

My entire point is that if you are not going to charge enough that it keeps out the griefers and kids.... if you have a game that is cheap enough that anyone can realisticaly afford it... then not having rules that make for good gameplay.... gameplay by the honor system, like we have here so far as evening up sides... well..

My point is.. the more griefers and people who want every advantage you have.... the more the game developer will have to smack them down with rules because an honor system won't work.

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Offline mutant

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« Reply #113 on: November 19, 2006, 02:07:58 PM »
Originally posted by Stang
Thank you for finally admitting the obvious.  The win the war types always claim they like to fight but there just isn't any defense.  This is just not true.  Every time the toolshed horde is met with resistance, doesn't push the fight, it gives up just to go attack another base that is undefended and easier to take.  

Hey Stang,
 I too will admit that 'winning the war' which is of course done by capturing and defending territory is my primary goal. And when  a base is defended one must weigh how much resources and time it will take to overcome it.

 As the 'LTAR alert' goes out and more and more defenders up to repel us there comes a point where it is no longer strategicaly sound to continue to tie up our resources there when we can take much more territory elsewhere. The answer to this strategy is, of course, to move your defensive allies to whichever base we then attack. The tension that ensues as each side thus tries to outhink and manouever each other can be quite satisfying to a strategic planner such as myself.

That said I do find it more satisfying when some defense is raised and we actually have to work for the capture.  :aok

As for those who don't care about the reset and just want combat...why are they whining? Combat can be easily found in the arenas so what those 'pushing for reset' are doing should be immaterial to them. I submit that they complain because they really do care about the base captures/war but aren't willing to put in the time (and potential score loss) into defending bases undergoing a well organized attack.

 As for those complaining about uneven #s, I agree this problem comes about because of the multi arenas. Perhaps we need a radio channel to allow us to send an SOS to our countrymen in other arenas when there is a need? If that were to occur and countrymen refuse to answer a call for help, it says more about ones countrymen then it does about the game!

my .02


Offline Overlag

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« Reply #114 on: November 19, 2006, 02:53:42 PM »
Originally posted by mutant
Hey Stang,
 I too will admit that 'winning the war' which is of course done by capturing and defending territory is my primary goal. And when  a base is defended one must weigh how much resources and time it will take to overcome it.

 As the 'LTAR alert' goes out and more and more defenders up to repel us there comes a point where it is no longer strategicaly sound to continue to tie up our resources there when we can take much more territory elsewhere. The answer to this strategy is, of course, to move your defensive allies to whichever base we then attack. The tension that ensues as each side thus tries to outhink and manouever each other can be quite satisfying to a strategic planner such as myself.

That said I do find it more satisfying when some defense is raised and we actually have to work for the capture.  :aok

As for those who don't care about the reset and just want combat...why are they whining? Combat can be easily found in the arenas so what those 'pushing for reset' are doing should be immaterial to them. I submit that they complain because they really do care about the base captures/war but aren't willing to put in the time (and potential score loss) into defending bases undergoing a well organized attack.

 As for those complaining about uneven #s, I agree this problem comes about because of the multi arenas. Perhaps we need a radio channel to allow us to send an SOS to our countrymen in other arenas when there is a need? If that were to occur and countrymen refuse to answer a call for help, it says more about ones countrymen then it does about the game!

my .02


well said.... and i hate it (love it) err when you guys show up at a base we attacking..... dam u in those osties :D
Adam Webb - 71st (Eagle) Squadron RAF Wing B
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Offline lazs2

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« Reply #115 on: November 20, 2006, 08:36:21 AM »
so mutant... you admit that good "strat" in the game is not defending bases but...

A daisy chain of all the countries circling around and milkrunning each others undefended fields.  

you don't defend because you can't.   If the furballers can't kill all the suicide fluffers then you toolshedders certainly don't have the skill required.  so... you give up.

You could fly high cap over fields in the fastest most powerfull planes.

If you don't do that then realistic strat is not your goal.

What you want is to hit an enemy field and pulverize it when there are only one or two players "defending"...   You want "defenders" to trickle up or out in such small quantities that you can gangbang em 6 to 1 from a position of advantage and you hope against hope that yours will be the magic bullet in the bullet storm to get the kill message.

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Offline Flayed1

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« Reply #116 on: November 20, 2006, 09:10:04 AM »
Originally posted by lazs2
If the furballers can't kill all the suicide fluffers then you toolshedders certainly don't have the skill required.  so... you give up.

Public Relations Officer for the BK's

  I and many of the squad defend bases and I have hardly seen any suicide guys after this last update (Good job HT) actually most of the BOPs love the new ACK.

  Although with this new ack I am up in my bombers at 20K so much now that I'm not around to kill off the attackers I just keep them from coming back after a couple runs. :D   Although I was chasing down a few flights of 17's with my KI-67's yesterday :).
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Offline lazs2

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« Reply #117 on: November 20, 2006, 09:20:12 AM »
good for you.  Since so many claim to think like you tho... we should expect to see many of the "strat" metrosexuals flying high cap to defend bases and HQ right?

I allways hear "take and defend bases" from the strat types but see precious little "defend".   No high cap ever.

We should feel safe in our furball knowing that the "strat" types are way up there defending the base.

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Offline Pacman75

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« Reply #118 on: November 20, 2006, 09:44:21 AM »
Originally posted by Waffle BAS
I blame Pac-Man.... the video game that started it all.....

Hey i didnt do this i swear:rofl

Offline Atoon

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Race to the reset.
« Reply #119 on: November 20, 2006, 10:28:45 AM »
I'd like to see perks for reset abolished.
 Acquire fighter perks by getting killz, & acquire bomber perks by hitting targets. I guess there could be GV- perks too- for those players scared of heights :D
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