Ok lets see if I can do this in a nice diplomatic way so I don't get a bunch of flames back
First off I have to say perks smerks bahh I never in my years of playing went for the reset perks, I hardly use em other than a tiger here and there.
I play for the reset and I personally try not to run over the country with the lowest #'s but some times end up in that position just so the other big country dosn't win.. Example a few nights ago in 1 of the LW arenas all 3 countries were almost perfecty even. Good fights for bases, we were at a stand still. Then we bish actually got organised and strarted pushing in on the rooks/Nits don't remeber what side. We took several bases and they were hard won bases but once the rooks realised they were geting pounded about half of them loged off and then it was one of those races for reset you were talking about..
On the question of why do the base capture type players stop coming to a defended field and go to another for the capture, I would think this obvious....
Side A attempts to capture field 1 but side B is ready and on the spot defefends and stops the capture.. Now this really becomes just a furball and most of the time it isn't worth trying to get an unarmed C47 to town because there are just to many red guys that would love to kill that goon. For guys that are playing the war game the furball is not productive. So rather than have 10 goons get blown out of the air side A attempts to surprise side B on a different part of the map in hopes that they can take another base befor side B reacts in time to save it.. Hit the NME where they arn't ready for it. Thats war.
The problem arises from the side imbalances. It's not really the meathod that people wage the war but when there are no NME to fight back some people will take advantage of this and other times it is almost impossible to not be on the out #ing side as described in my first example. Untill this problem is some how soved this arguement will go on and on.
About the question of "Why go for the reset when the war just continues?"
I would say with that line of thought, why do we try winning games of any kind?? Baseball, Football, or chess you name it and when the game is won the players reset the pieces and go at it again.. It would be like me saying to the guys that like to furball. Whats the point? You up, fly over, shoot someone down or get shot down and then your RESET back in the tower or you land and your back in the tower free to up a new plane to start all over again. It's just that we are playing for 2 different goals in the same game.
I still would like to see an idea like I posted a while ago that was similar to HT's about having 2 bases on each front captureable but mine took it a step further and added more of a strtigic aspect to that idea while still bringing the fight togeather.
http://www.hitechcreations.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=190612 But even if this is a good Idea and many people liked it I think it we would be waiting for some time for a change like this.
Any way this is my take on things.