I'm sorry I'm going to have to call "bullsh**" on that until you prove it.
Hell it would take 10 minutes to patch up some HOLES, maybe just holes. Cannon hits, no. MG hits, maybe. That's not counting having to get INSIDE the panel and pounding the dents smooth, and that's not to mention the patches on top would add a lot of drag on that particular part. I know the Brits had a "make do" attitude. They were desperate. If a plane had some holes they'd send it back up if a raid was inbound. If it was worse than that they'd spend a hell of a lot more time making sure it was functioning and flightworthy, otherwise they'd lose a pilot next flight. They had plenty of planes, they were short on pilots. I know for a fact they cared about the people more than the machines, and that means they took repairs seriously.
But people who have a couple of HOLES in their wings in AH don't need repairs. They can still fly. I do it all the time. These folks want entire ailerons, flaps, oil coolers, ENGINES, you name it, to be repaired instantly in under 60 seconds. That's BS any way you look at it.